Sandbird / Dayz.Epoch.3d.Editor.Live.Mission-with-Database

For fast debugging of scripts, without running a server. All done in the 3d editor (Alt+E), now with Database interactions.
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Dayz.Epoch.3d.Editor.Live.Mission with Database interaction


A custom mission file for the purpose of testing/writing scripts for DayZ Epoch without the need of a server. It emulates the dayz_server and dayz_mission files, so you can write scripts using the 3d editor. No need to use a dayz_server for debugging anymore. We all know how time consuming that is.




  1. Click Download on the right sidebar, and extract the rar file.
  2. Copy the mission file in your \My Documents\ArmA 2\missions\ folder
  3. Copy everything inside "Arma2OA root folder" into your root Arma2OA folder (the same folder where @Dayz_Epoch, MPMissions are)
  4. The real_date.dll...(Thanks to killzonekid) is used to get your machine's date/time to be used for live day/night cycles inside the game ( can set a fixed day if you want...details bellow)
  5. Open ArmaOA\Arma2NETMySQLPlugin\Databases.txt and add your test database data there. Example:

dayz_epoch is the name of the database is your local computer

3306 your mysql port

dayz is your database username

mydbpass is your database password

6. Make a folder called ***Arma2NETMySQL*** inside C:\Users\YOURWINPROFILE\AppData\Local\
7. Inside that folder copy your modified ***Databases.txt*** you edited above (keep it also there dont move it) and also make a new folder called logs
8. Copy the ****** file (included in the .zip) in your Arma2 OA root directory and execute it
9. When the game launches, press Alt+E, select Chernarus, then Load and select mission ******
10. Open ***\My Documents\ArmA 2\missions\\init.sqf*** and at the top of the file...put your database name. The one you put in Databases.txt
DB_NAME = "dayz_epoch";
  1. Start editing your files located in \My Documents\ArmA 2\missions\ with your customizations.
  2. If you want to use my default fn_selfactions.sqf...i wrote some functions in it that will unlock vehicles, give plotpole IDs etc...All you need to do to activate them is put your fake/or real UID (depending on which initialization you prefer), in the superadmins.sqf.

Initialize player and customizing the mission

Default setup vs Database setup

There are 2 ways of initializing your player.

  1. A default 3d editor player with a basic loadout (like the one you set in your init.sqf) [The mission is set with this selection by default]
  2. A live database player based on his UID in the character_data table (coordinates, medical states, inventory etc)

Default setup

The 1st way is the easiest thing you could start with. This setup DOES NOT initialize the character based on a database entry. Instead it uses some premade stats that you set. The loadout of the player is set in the init.sqf. But everything else should work fine with the traders, salvaging, etc...Basically anything that doesnt require a legit UID. Just open the dayz_code\init\setupChar.sqf and at the bottom of the file change the values to your liking. Make sure in the init.sqf, DefaultTruePreMadeFalse is set to true; and also from there you can change the Default loadout of the player.

Database setup (Arma2Net)

The 2nd option is a bit more complicated. I left the PlayerUID in the debug IF you see that it is set to 0 then you know something went wrong...Just reload the mission file and you should be fine. To setup your character with the second method open dayz_code\init\variables.sqf. On line 8 is where the magic happens.

player setIdentity "My_Player";    //check description.ext file....There is no other way to get the name of the player in the editor.
player setVariable ["playerUID", "22222222", true];    // <<<<<<<<<< Change this to your playerUID (your real database UID)

The description.ext has your character's name in it. If you ever need to check player will get it from there.

    class My_Player

This 2nd option NEEDS your real playerUID, otherwise all hell will break lose. IF you want you can use another player's UID..The mission will initialize with his details then. As long as that playerUID exists on the character_data table...and the player is will start the mission with that player. Everything is database no need to do anything else. The mission will start with all your stats, inventory, conditions and spawn you where your world coordinates are.

Important info

Init.sqf values [Important !]

  1. DB_NAME = "dayz_epoch"; // At the top of the init.sqf....set your database name there as well.
  2. DefaultTruePreMadeFalse = true; // false: Read player's data from the database (based on UID), true: the normal player the editor has
  3. StaticDayOrDynamic = true; // A static date is set at the bottom of \dayz_server\init\server_function.sqf. Set this to false if you want real time/date inside the mission.
  4. DZEdebug = false; // Set to true if you want a more detailed log file

Related to coding

If your code has BIS_fnc functions in it then check the folder dayz_code\system\functions for the function and include it in the compiles.sqf. I am sure there is a way to parse the folder and add a BIS_ infront of all the files, like epoch does it...but i didnt want to waste time and ran into problems,so manually adding the files is fine by me.

Related to mission file included

You'll notice when you start the mission there are 2 bots standing there. If you double click the soldier you'll see that he initiates this script scripts\BotInit.sqf. I left that in purpose in case you want to do some scripting that requires 'another player', and you want to initialize the fake player like that. The other bot can be deleted. I just left it there because i was testing a Tag Friendly script, and needed a 3rd 'player' that has me as a friend. (i got no friends lol).

In most of my scripts i use the playerUID to validate checks between owner and objects. Some default Epoch files use the characterID...meaning if you lose ownership. Thats why i changed most of the stuff to playerUID instead...If for some reason you are using scripts that check CharacterID instead of playerUID, i would suggest you change that, because some things (with the 2nd method) might not work...due to the fact that my files are checking playerUID for validation. Worst case scenario if you cant edit the files....just use the same CharacterID and its always the same [:)]

Example on how to use the superadmins.sqf (for actions restricted to admins only, just add your fake UID in the array) (In your fn_self_actions.sqf)

//_adminList = call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "superadmins.sqf";  // This line is already at the top of the file.

 _cursorTarget = cursorTarget;
 _typeOfCursorTarget = typeOf _cursorTarget;
 _ownerID = _cursorTarget getVariable ["CharacterID","0"];
 _playerUID = player getVariable ["playerUID", 0];

     // Example on how to use _adminList
  if((typeOf(cursortarget) == "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ") and _ownerID != "0" and (player distance _cursorTarget < 2)) then {
  if (_playerUID in _adminList) then {
     cutText [format["Plot Pole Owner PUID is: %1",_playerUID], "PLAIN DOWN"];


Final Notes

These are heavily modified files...Dont overwrite them with your own files. Add to them instead of replacing them.

These files took me alot of time to make. It wasnt easy, and i am sure you'll find bugs or some things could have been writen a better way. The whole purpose of this project was to not waste any more time trying to code on this god forsaken Arma engine. I cant believe that there isnt an option to write 'on the fly'. With a proper debugger... Sure there are little tricks and hacks you can add to diag_log variables, but to write an actual script that requires interaction with the environment or beta testing custom script ??? Forget it. I've included the Deploy bike and Self bloodbag scripts in the pack...just to see how easy it is to add/run/debug them. (Check the youtube video).

And a personal note....You will NEVER find an easier way to code stuff for Dayz....period. I've been begging both at the Epoch forum and on Opendayz for a Guru to point me to the right direction for fast coding/debugging code in Dayz and i got nothing. This is the fastest way to write code and see it in action.

Hope this code will help you write code faster and easier :)