SaneMethod / jquery-ajax-localstorage-cache

Ajax Cache backed by localStorage for jQuery
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jquery-ajax-localstorage-cache - abbreviated Jalc from here on, because the full name is a mouthful.

Jalc is a plugin built for jQuery (>= 1.5.1 for 1.x.x, and >=3.0.0 for 2.x.x) and any object implementing the storage interface, such as localStorage, providing a client-side cache for AJAX responses intended to save bandwith and time.

Versions tagged 1.x.x support jQuery 1.5.1+ up to jQuery version 3.0.0. Version 1.x.x is no longer receiving any updates, except bug fixes as needed.

Versions tagged 2.x.x support jQuery 3.0.0+.

Looking for a version that supports binary data (Blobs, ArrayBuffers)? Check out Jalic.

Looking for a version that offers caching for the new Fetch API? Check out fetchCache.


You can download and install this plugin using bower:

bower install jalc

You can also download the minified distribution version and install manually in your application: jalc.min.js.



    url: '/post',
    localCache: true,        // Required. Either a boolean, in which case localStorage will be used, or
                             // an object that implements the Storage interface.

    cacheTTL: 1,           // Optional. In hours. Can be used with float to indicate part of an hour, e.g. 0.5.
    cacheKey: 'post',      // optional.
    isCacheValid: function () {  // optional.
        return true;
    isResponseValid: function (data, status, jqXHR) {  // optional.
        return data.code === '0';
    thenResponse: function (data, status, jqXHR) { // optional, only in versions 2.x.x+
        // Alter data in whatever way you want it altered before it gets cached.
        data.code = 101;
        return data;
}).done(function (response) {
    // The response is available here.

On your AJAX request you get 6 new parameters :



This project is distributed under Apache 2 License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.