SanityLinux / Base

Sanity, Stability, Simplicity. Oldschool Linux for oldschool hackers, based on UNIX principles and BSD sensibilities
72 stars 6 forks source link

News - 01/2018

Pür Linux is now Sanity Linux! This name change comes as I resume work on the disstro, and got tired of people calling it "Purr Linux? Like a cat?"

News - 06/2017

The distro is looking for contributors! Got the chops to bring a Linux distro to life? There's too much work for me to do alone in a reasonable amount of time. Come waste hours of your life with me and delve into voluntary alcoholism while contributing to a FOSS project that'll let you brag at the hackerspace!

Sanity Linux

Sanity Linux is a Linux distribution focused on Stability, Security, and Simplicity. No wonky distro-specific changes, no unneeded packages in base, and best of all (in our opinion), no systemd (though we're big proponents of freedom, and do not explicity make system changes designed to render it impossible for you to install systemd if you so choose. We have no intention of providing a package for it, however.)

About Sanity

Sanity Linux consists of a base system comprised of upstream pure code (GNU utils you'd expect on a Linux system, the latest vanilla Linux kernel upon packaging), and the Linux port of pkgsrc from NetBSD for ports.

Sanity Linux is not a fork, nor respin of any pre-existing Linux Distribution. The only relation to any other distro is that right now, we use an Arch Linux box for building the environment that gets tar'd.

Unlike other Linux distributions, Sanity Linux uses a Base/Ports paradigm, similar to FreeBSD, wherein the base operating system is updated and maintained separately from user-installed packages. This means you can update them independently, and package updates won't bork your OS.

Sanity Linux will be distributed in a quarterly release schedule.

Installation will be as simple as untarring and running, or running setup from a Pür installation disk, similar to Slackware's installation process.

All configurations are done via plaintext files, or shell scripts.

Shells included are csh, ksh, and dash.

We are also the very FIRST Linux Distribution with plans to ship NTPsec rather than classic NTP or OpenNTP by default!

The Sanity Linux Team

Benefits of Sanity



We are looking at various init systems right now, as init is the last egg to crack before we're ready to start looking at pre-releases and tuning what packages we include in BASE. While we do not plan to make it technologically impossible to use systemd on Pür, there will be absolutely no support for such a configuration. Our current plans are to use an rc-like system, to better integrate with pkgsrc's rc scripts, however the project is open to suggestions from the community.

Other Stuff

While we would like to include Clang/LLVM, due to the Linux kernel being reliant on GCC-specific tweaks right now, we will be including GCC in base, with Clang available via pkgsrc. Plans will be made to transition to Clang in base as soon as is feasible.

Project Roadmap

Development Branches

Similar to FreeBSD, we currently maintain multiple branches.

Due to the release schedule, Security Updates will only be supplied for a version until the next major version release. This means each major version has a 3 month lifecycle until EOL. You will not receive any help for running an EOL version.

Installation notes

Please be aware of the following caveats:

As we are using pkgsrc for installed packages, Sanity Linux will be placing all installed packages inside the /usr/local directory, similar to FreeBSD. /bin, /sbin, /etc, /usr/bin, and /usr/sbin will only be used for Base utilities. As such, some scripts (primarily python and perl scripts where other distros have the interpreters in /usr/bin) you download may require tweaking (We always suggest using the #!/usr/bin/env $shell shebang over hardcoded paths) to work on Sanity Linux.


Please clone the branch of your choice and get to work! Branch it in your fork with the following naming conventions: $HEADBRANCH/${Feature/Bugfix/Versioning}/$Brief-Description. Example: CURRENT/Versioning/Update-GCC-5 Open a pull request when you're ready from that branch against $HEADBRANCH and someone from the team will review it as soon as we can! If you have a commit-bit from us, please follow the same rules, however you can usually merge your own PRs. Please tag @RainbowHackerHorse for review if it's not urgent.


Q: But I liked the old name!

A: So did I. I got tired of people whining about it, and Sanity Linux makes a little more sense anyway. We're an island of sanity in all the crazy stuff going on in Linux-land lately.

Q: So does pkgsrc update the whole system?

A: Nope! Sanity Linux breaks the traditional Linux paradigm of EVERYTHING IS A PACKAGE. I'm a FreeBSD contributor, and I really enjoy the separation between the Base system and 3rd party packages. While Sanity Linux won't be developed in a single source tree like FreeBSD (No desire nor need to fork much) there's still going to be separation between the Base OS (Sanity Linux) and Ports (using pkgsrc)

Q: How are we sure no one tampered with anything?

A: Well, as far as the distro itself, you have to trust us. Thing is, you do that with Ubuntu/CentOS/Slackware/Gentoo already anyway. And like them, everything we're doing is open and available, even our build system, so you can reproduce everything. As far as releases go, each release, as well as the source tarballs, will be signed via a minimum of two senior developers from the project, and checksummed.

Q: I wanna send you a message. Wat Do.

A: Email

My PGP key is 0x5F94763A

You can also just hit me up on Twitter.

You can also follow or email


A: #purlinux on Come say hi!

Q: Primary Project Master repo?

A: On Github, the primary master repo is at

The original repo was located at now

Other people may have their own forks.

Q: How do I build the distro?

A: Clone the branch you want to fiddle with and run