Sanjana-kaushik / ITSC_internship

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ITSC VEaaS (Virtual Event as a Service)

Application Purpose and Context

Due to COVID-19, a lot of organizations have been forced to cancel their in-person events and conferences. We have developed a platform to allow these organizations to take their events virtual, with embedded videos, live streams, and discussion boards.

Your goal will be to create a mini virtual IT expo to showcase your fellow interns’ projects. This site will include embedded videos, information about each “presenter”, and live stream main stage, and a live chat section for each “presenter”

ITSC Guidelines

Technologies Used

System Architecture

This is a static website and only relies on the built front-end code and the Netlify CDN that delivers the static assets.

Use Cases and Examples

Universal Concepts


Through all of these tasks, ensure the site you are building is accessible to persons with disabilities (UC Accessibility Policy)


  1. Clone the Template Repository
  2. Copy the Template Project Board
    • This is something you should keep constantly up-to-date. It is how we will track your progress.
  3. Add the Provided Issues to your Project Board
  4. Install NodeJS 12.19.x on your computer
  5. Install VS Code your computer
  6. Clone the project from GitHub
    • See the resources belong on using Git
  7. Install the project
    • In VS Code, open a terminal window from the top (if one is not already open)
    • Run the command npm install
  8. Start the project
    • In VS Code, open a terminal window from the top (if one is not already open)
    • Run the command npm start

Milestone 1

  1. Create the event home page including:
    • An embedded YouTube live stream
    • A schedule of events
  2. Create a page for each project type (DevOps, OCAT, VEaaS, etc) to list the projects for each one
  3. Create a template page to display each project
    • Page should include a video embed, some text data about the project, and the name of the person who made the project
    • This should be a template page that receives JSON data to populate the specific project information, but you might have a different template page for each project type
  4. Publish the site to Netlify

Milestone 2 (Stretch tasks if time allows)

  1. Integrate a live chat for each project page
    • Recommend using Disqus
    • There is a React wrapper for Disqus that makes it very easy to implement called Disqus-React
  2. Add a countdown timer to the home page and prevent users from accessing the project pages until the countdown is complete
  3. Change the embedded video/stream on the home page to show a static video before the countdown and the live stream after the countdown
