SankarKarthi / CHURN

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Churn Prediction


Have implemented FastAPI in this project but due to some unfinished EDA I couldn't record the FastAPI user interface. Hence I have recorded it using StreamLit. Still you can find the screenshot of the FastAPI output below.,, and random_forest_classifie.pkl are part of FastAPI


Churn Prediction is a Streamlit-based application designed to facilitate data analysis and machine learning tasks. It provides a user-friendly interface for data preprocessing, feature extraction, and model training, along with explanations of Random Forest's robustness.


  1. Home Page: Introduction to the application, with contact details and a motivational quote on data analysis.
  2. Data PreProcessing:
    • Upload CSV files.
    • View data, check for null values, and fill missing values.
    • Detect and remove outliers.
    • Download the cleaned dataset.
    • View descriptive statistics and heatmaps of correlations.
  3. Regression and Prediction:
    • Train Random Forest Classifier or Regressor models.
    • Save the trained model.
    • Predict outcomes based on user-provided input values.
  4. Feature Extraction:
    • Delete unwanted columns.
    • Analyze feature importance using Random Forest.
  5. Explanation:
    • Provides a detailed explanation of Random Forest's robustness to overfitting, outliers, and categorical values.


To run this app locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-directory>
  2. Install the required packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the Streamlit app:

    streamlit run
  4. Run the FastAPI

    uvicorn main:app --reload

    Replace with the name of your main Streamlit script if different.

  5. Run the FastAPI

    uvicorn main:app --reload

    alt text alt text


The requirements.txt file includes the necessary Python packages:


  1. Home Page: Provides an introduction and contact information.
  2. Data PreProcessing:
    • Upload a CSV file to preprocess.
    • The app checks for and fills null values, removes outliers, and allows downloading the cleaned data.
  3. Regression and Prediction:
    • Choose between a Random Forest Classifier and Regressor.
    • Select independent variables and a dependent variable for training.
    • Enter values to predict outcomes using the trained model.
  4. Feature Extraction:
    • Select columns to delete.
    • Analyze feature importance based on the selected target feature.
  5. Explanation:
    • View a detailed explanation of why Random Forest models are robust to various data issues.


For any inquiries or issues, please contact: