SanniM3 / video_summarisation_git

GIT with scene change based frame sampling
MIT License
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Additional Setup for UoE Team \& convenience scripts

The following are additional setup steps that are needed to get this working. You should still follow all the directions in the official "Introduction" below this.


  1. Install additional requirements
    pip install -r requirements_2.txt
  2. Download pretrained model
  3. Install java
    sudo apt install default-jdk
  4. GIT model setup
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python build develop

    General Workflow:

1. Download Data

Calling ./ will do this for you and setup the following directory structure

|-- category.txt ...................... # video category name to id mapping file
|-- train_val/ ........................ # dir for training & validation sets
|   |-- train_val_videodatainfo.json .. # annotation file
|   |-- pyscenedetect_frames/ ......... # dir for pyscenedetect sampled frames
|   |-- random_frames/ ................ # auto-generated: dir for randonmly sampled frames
|   |-- transnet_frames/ .............. # auto-generated: dir for transnet sampled frames
|   `-- videos/ ....................... # parent dir for videos (each video should have its own folder inside this dir)
`-- test/ ............................. # dir for test set (structure same as train_val)                             
    |-- test_videodatainfo.json ....... # annotation file
    `-- [...] 

2. Sample Frames

You can download presampled frames here

Download and unzip them in /data/train_val or /data/train as appropriate.

Or generate them yourself with a script (will approx 40hrs w/ a k80, or 6hrs+ with a A100)

./ train # sample frames for training data
./ test # same for test

Or do it piecemeal by hand:

open / to get an idea of the commands to run for each sampling method.

Alternatively, you can look at the actual samplers in /sampling_scripts

3. Create training csv

# for random frames
python command_builder/ -d data/train_val/random_frames/ -c data/train_val/train_val_videodatainfo.json

# or for transnet frames
python command_builder/ -d data/train_val/transnet_frames/ -c data/train_val/train_val_videodatainfo.json

# or for pyscenedetect frames
python command_builder/ -d data/train_val/pyscenedetect_frames/ -c data/train_val/train_val_videodatainfo.json

4. Finetune Model or Download Already Finetuned Models

Download one already finetuned

GCloud bucket (faster but costs $$)

finetune your own

Do this for ONE selected sampling method using the following.

Alternatively you can call ./ which should have everything you need, and will be representative of the last data you called the training command builder on

python -m generativeimage2text.finetune -p '{
    "type": "train",
    "model_name": "GIT_BASE",
    "model_path": "",
    "batch_size": 3,
    "epochs": 20,
    "train_csv": "data/train_val/{FRAME DIRECTORY HERE}/processed_data_train.csv", # Be sure to swap out {FRAME DIRECTORY HERE} for the directory where your frames are
    "validation_csv": "data/train_val/{FRAME DIRECTORY HERE}/processed_data_validate.csv",
    "validation_annotations_json": "data/train_val/train_val_videodatainfo.json" #path to annotations file

5. Run Inference

on test set:

python -m generativeimage2text.vc_inference -p "{'type': 'multi_video_inference', 'videos_csv': '', 'annotations_json_path': '', 'model_path':'./', 'model_name':'GIT_BASE', 'predictions_file':None}"

on multiple models

python -m generativeimage2text.vc_inference -p "{'type': 'multi_video_inference_dir', 'videos_csv': '', 'annotations_json_path': '', 'model_dir':'./model_transnet', 'model_name':'GIT_BASE'}"

Inference Results

Resources Created:


below this point is the original readme


This repo presents some example codes to reproduce some results in GIT: A Generative Image-to-text Transformer for Vision and Language.




The repo shows the key code path of constructing the network input with transformations and forward/backward. The code can be plugged into any trainer easily. Here is the example for the base model.


Class ID to unique readable names


Please consider to cite the following reference if it helps.

  title={GIT: A Generative Image-to-text Transformer for Vision and Language},
  author={Wang, Jianfeng and Yang, Zhengyuan and Hu, Xiaowei and Li, Linjie and Lin, Kevin and Gan, Zhe and Liu, Zicheng and Liu, Ce and Wang, Lijuan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.14100},


Part of the code is based on transformers, clip, maskrcnn-benchmark, oscar, virtex.


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