Step 3: Create a CodeBuild Project
IAM Role for CodeBuild Create an IAM role "codebuild-role" with a policy allowing CodeBuild service to assume this role. Attaches the 'AWSCodeBuildDeveloperAccess' policy to this role, granting necessary permissions for CodeBuild operations
CodeBuild project
Defines a CodeBuild project "ApplicationBuildProject" with specified configurations:
service_role: Specifies the IAM role that CodeBuild will use.
artifacts: Configures build artifacts to be stored in the S3 bucket created earlier.
environment: Defines the build environment, including compute type, image, and environment variables.
source: Specifies the source repository for the build, which is the CodeCommit repository created earlier.
Step 4: Create a CodeDeploy Application and Deployment Group
IAM Role for CodeDeploy Creates an IAM role for CodeDeploy with a trust policy allowing CodeDeploy service to assume this role. Attaches the 'AWSCodeDeployRole' policy to this role, granting necessary permissions for CodeDeploy operations.
CodeDeploy Application and Deployment Group Defines a CodeDeploy application named "ApplicationDeployApp" and a deployment group named "ApplicationDeploymentGroup" with specified configurations: service_role_arn: Specifies the IAM role that CodeDeploy will use. deployment_config_name: Sets the deployment configuration. auto_rollback_configuration: Enables automatic rollback on deployment failure. ec2_tag_set: Specifies EC2 instances by tags where the application will be deployed.
Step 5: Create a CodePipeline
IAM Role for CodePipeline Creates an IAM role for CodePipeline with a trust policy allowing CodePipeline service to assume this role. Attaches a policy with necessary permissions for CodePipeline operations, including interacting with various AWS services involved in the CI/CD process.
Defines a CodePipeline named "ApplicationPipeline" with specified configurations:
role_arn: Specifies the IAM role that CodePipeline will use.
artifact_store: Configures the S3 bucket created earlier to store pipeline artifacts.
stages: Defines pipeline stages, each containing actions to perform specific tasks such as source code retrieval, build, and deployment.
Source Stage: Retrieves source code from the CodeCommit repository.
Build Stage: Builds the application using CodeBuild.
Deploy Stage: Deploys the application using CodeDeploy.