Saquith / IBV2016

MIT License
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Simple image processing framework. Tested on Windows (Visual Studio) and OSX (Xamarin Studio).


The framework (Plexi.cs) allows you to easily define image processors that can be applied to a System.Drawing.Bitmap class. There are currently two methods in the Processor class that you can override: Transform and Process.


The Transform method will be called for every color in your input image, the Negative processor will return the negative for every color in your image and after running this processor you will have the negative image. This is useful for simple processors that don't require contextual information to function.

public class Negative : Processor
    public override Color Transform(Color c)
        return Color.FromArgb(255 - c.R, 255 - c.G, 255 - c.B);


The Process method will be called with the image as a two-dimensional array (width * height) of colors. This processor will rotate the input image 90 degrees to the right. You have to return a new Color[,] object (to support resizing operations).

public class RotateRight : Processor
    public override Color[,] Process(Color[,] image)
        int w = image.GetLength(0), h = image.GetLength(1);
        var newImage = new Color[h, w];
        for (var x = 0; x < w; x++)
            for (var y = 0; y < h; y++)
                newImage[y, x] = image[x, h - y - 1];
        return newImage;


To combine multiple Processor instances there is a class called MultiProcessor. It takes an array of Processor instances and simply executes them in order.

Processor processor = new MultiProcessor(new Processor[]
    new Negative(),
    new RotateRight()

var InputImage = Plexi.ReadBitmapFromFile("images/lena_color.jpg");
var OutputImage = processor.Process(InputImage);
Plexi.WriteBitmapToFile(OutputImage, "output.png");


Add your processors to the pipeline by adding your own processors to the MultiProcessor in Form1.cs line 66.

Plexi (command line)

The Plexi project (Program.cs) is a simple command line interface that works with pipes (for Linux/OS X users). It works on images of arbitrary sizes.

The following command will execute a pipeline of the Negative and Rotate processors (defined in Program.cs line 57) on images/lena_color.jpg and save the resulting image as output.png.

mono bin/Debug/Plexi.exe Negative,Rotate < images/lena_color.jpg > output.png

The test script for OS X allows you to quickly execute a pipeline on an image and view the results (this does the same as the command above).

./test images/lena_color.jpg Negative,Rotate