There are at least a couple ways to run MCGJ in development, though all of them require you to have access to the digital resources of the Recurse Center.
in a console, set the virtualenv location in the Web tab.env
, put your Spotipy environment vars in thereMCGJ/mcgj/
and add DATABASE = "mcgj.db"
set to whatever random string you'd like (this is for the session cookie). If you're using a reverse proxy, also add ENABLE_PROXYFIX = True
to keep generated URLs from changing back to PythonAnywherecat MCGJ/mcgj/init-db.sql | sqlite3 mcgj.db
path = '/home/<your_username>/MCGJ/'
if path not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, path)
from mcgj import create_app application = create_app()
- Hit the reload button in the Web tab
That should be it? Check your error log if you run into trouble.
## Setting up MCGJ for local dev
As an alternate to running a dev env on PythonAnywhere, you can run it locally with the following
- Create a virtualenv in the top-level directory of the mcgj repo: `python3 -m venv venv`
- Activate the virtualenv and install the requirements: `source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt`
- Create a `.env` file at the top-level directory of the mcgj repo with the following contents:
``` text
# oauth vars from the Recurse Center
# enable hot reload of the flask app and in-browser debugger
with appropriate real values; don't check this file in (it's already gitignored).
.python -m flask run
at the top-level directory of the repo; MCGJ should now be running!You should be able to browse to and login with your RC creds, just like the prod MCGJ.
MCGJ is an app for running collaborative listening sessions. The session's driver will manage the tracks in MCGJ and also share their audio to the group over Zoom. Each person participating can queue up as many tracks as they'd like, but the driver makes sure everyone gets one turn per round. Once everyone has gone, start a new round and keep going until everyone gets sleepy and wants to go to bed.
At the end of the session, all of the tracks can be exported to a Spotify playlist, see the README in bin/
Some cool features:
There's a link to download the live database from the sessions list page ( If you download it to your home directory and have a reasonable shell, you can add the following shell function to your rc file to easily query the database for tracks by title or artist:
mcgq () {
_arg="$(echo $@)"
sqlite3 ~/mcgj-latest.db "SELECT t.title, t.artist, t.cue_date,
FROM tracks t
LEFT JOIN users ON = t.user_id
WHERE artist LIKE \"%$_arg%\" OR title LIKE \"%$_arg%\";"
Then you can use it like:
$ mcgq tori amos
Space Dog|Tori Amos|2022-01-12 02:43:39.417409|Person A
Father Lucifer|Tori Amos|2022-01-12 02:21:33.176572|Person B
God|Tori Amos|2022-04-13 02:31:48.398137|Person C
$ mcgq baltihors
Baltihorse|Dan Deacon|2022-03-23 02:40:15.538578|Joe