Sarah-C / RIF6_Projector_RemoteControl

The mini Rif-6 projectors remote control commands.
MIT License
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RIF6 - Projector: remote control commands.

This is the mini Rif-6 projector's remote control commands.

Grabbed using an M5Stack-Core2 with the IR Unit, and IRremoteESP8266.



Actual timings from the transmitter:


RIF6 Remote control.

IRrecvDump is now running and waiting for IR input on Pin 36
Library : v2.7.19
Protocol : NEC

Key : Power
Code : 0xFFA25D (32 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[67] = {9024, 4506, 570, 582, 542, 582, 518, 606, 518, 606, 518, 606, 518, 606, 518, 606, 518, 610, 518, 1698, 548, 1698, 546, 1700, 546, 1700, 546, 1698, 546, 1700, 546, 1696, 548, 1702, 570, 1674, 546, 610, 516, 1698, 546, 606, 542, 582, 542, 582, 544, 1674, 546, 610, 520, 606, 542, 1674, 570, 582, 542, 1676, 546, 1698, 570, 1674, 572, 582, 520, 1698, 546}; // NEC FFA25D
uint32_t address = 0x0;
uint32_t command = 0x45;
uint64_t data = 0xFFA25D;

Key : Mute
Code : 0xFF4AB5 (32 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[67] = {9044, 4484, 572, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 542, 582, 544, 580, 520, 604, 542, 586, 544, 1674, 570, 1674, 570, 1676, 570, 1674, 572, 1672, 570, 1674, 546, 1700, 568, 1678, 570, 582, 542, 1672, 572, 580, 542, 580, 542, 1674, 566, 582, 542, 1672, 570, 584, 538, 1674, 564, 580, 534, 1674, 556, 1674, 556, 580, 530, 1672, 558, 582, 524, 1676, 552}; // NEC FF4AB5
uint32_t address = 0x0;
uint32_t command = 0x52;
uint64_t data = 0xFF4AB5;

Key : Rewind
Code : 0xFF30CF (32 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[67] = {9040, 4480, 572, 578, 544, 580, 542, 580, 542, 582, 542, 580, 544, 580, 544, 578, 544, 584, 544, 1674, 570, 1672, 572, 1670, 572, 1670, 572, 1672, 570, 1670, 572, 1670, 574, 1674, 572, 578, 544, 580, 544, 1672, 572, 1670, 570, 580, 542, 580, 544, 580, 544, 582, 544, 1672, 570, 1670, 572, 578, 544, 580, 544, 1670, 572, 1672, 572, 1670, 572, 1670, 572}; // NEC FF30CF
uint32_t address = 0x0;
uint32_t command = 0xC;
uint64_t data = 0xFF30CF;

Key : Fast forward
Code : 0xFF7A85 (32 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[67] = {9040, 4482, 570, 582, 542, 580, 544, 556, 568, 556, 568, 580, 544, 580, 542, 582, 542, 584, 542, 1674, 570, 1674, 568, 1674, 572, 1672, 570, 1672, 572, 1674, 570, 1672, 572, 1676, 570, 582, 542, 1674, 570, 1674, 546, 1696, 570, 1672, 570, 582, 542, 1672, 572, 584, 542, 1674, 572, 578, 544, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 518, 1698, 570, 580, 542, 1672, 546}; // NEC FF7A85
uint32_t address = 0x0;
uint32_t command = 0x5E;
uint64_t data = 0xFF7A85;

Key : Up arrow
Code : 0xFF52AD (32 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[67] = {9022, 4476, 572, 578, 544, 578, 544, 578, 544, 578, 542, 580, 542, 580, 542, 578, 544, 582, 544, 1670, 570, 1672, 570, 1668, 570, 1670, 572, 1670, 572, 1670, 570, 1670, 572, 1672, 570, 578, 544, 1668, 572, 578, 542, 1668, 572, 578, 544, 578, 544, 1666, 574, 582, 544, 1668, 572, 578, 542, 1668, 572, 578, 546, 1668, 570, 1668, 574, 576, 546, 1668, 570}; // NEC FF52AD
uint32_t address = 0x0;
uint32_t command = 0x4A;
uint64_t data = 0xFF52AD;

Key : Left arrow
Code : 0xFFE01F (32 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[67] = {9040, 4484, 570, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 542, 584, 544, 1672, 572, 1672, 570, 1674, 572, 1672, 572, 1672, 572, 1672, 570, 1672, 572, 1676, 570, 1674, 570, 1674, 570, 1672, 572, 580, 544, 580, 544, 578, 546, 578, 544, 584, 544, 580, 546, 578, 544, 580, 544, 1672, 570, 1672, 572, 1670, 572, 1672, 572, 1672, 572}; // NEC FFE01F
uint32_t address = 0x0;
uint32_t command = 0x7;
uint64_t data = 0xFFE01F;

Key : Play / Pause
Code : 0xFF18E7 (32 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[67] = {9042, 4484, 548, 604, 544, 582, 544, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 544, 584, 544, 1676, 570, 1672, 570, 1674, 572, 1672, 570, 1676, 572, 1672, 570, 1674, 572, 1676, 572, 580, 544, 580, 546, 578, 544, 1672, 572, 1672, 570, 582, 544, 580, 544, 584, 544, 1672, 572, 1672, 574, 1672, 572, 580, 544, 580, 544, 1672, 572, 1672, 572, 1672, 570}; // NEC FF18E7
uint32_t address = 0x0;
uint32_t command = 0x18;
uint64_t data = 0xFF18E7;

Key : Right arrow
Code : 0xFF906F (32 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[67] = {9044, 4476, 578, 574, 548, 576, 548, 576, 546, 578, 546, 576, 548, 550, 572, 574, 548, 580, 548, 1668, 574, 1668, 576, 1666, 574, 1670, 576, 1666, 576, 1666, 576, 1666, 576, 1670, 576, 1666, 576, 574, 548, 574, 548, 1668, 576, 574, 548, 574, 548, 576, 548, 578, 548, 576, 548, 1668, 576, 1666, 574, 576, 546, 1666, 576, 1666, 574, 1668, 576, 1666, 574}; // NEC FF906F
uint32_t address = 0x0;
uint32_t command = 0x9;
uint64_t data = 0xFF906F;

Key : Down arrow
Code : 0xFF42BD (32 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[67] = {9042, 4486, 558, 580, 532, 580, 534, 580, 536, 582, 536, 580, 532, 580, 530, 582, 540, 584, 546, 1672, 572, 1674, 574, 1672, 574, 1672, 572, 1672, 572, 1672, 574, 1670, 574, 1676, 574, 578, 546, 1672, 572, 578, 546, 580, 546, 578, 546, 580, 546, 1670, 576, 582, 546, 1672, 572, 580, 544, 1672, 572, 1674, 572, 1674, 572, 1672, 572, 580, 546, 1670, 572}; // NEC FF42BD
uint32_t address = 0x0;
uint32_t command = 0x42;
uint64_t data = 0xFF42BD;

Key : Settings
Code : 0xFFA857 (32 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[67] = {9054, 4484, 572, 580, 544, 580, 546, 580, 546, 580, 544, 582, 544, 580, 546, 580, 544, 584, 546, 1674, 572, 1672, 572, 1674, 572, 1674, 572, 1674, 572, 1674, 572, 1674, 572, 1678, 570, 1674, 572, 580, 544, 1674, 570, 558, 570, 1672, 572, 580, 544, 580, 546, 584, 546, 580, 546, 1672, 574, 580, 546, 1672, 572, 580, 546, 1674, 574, 1672, 572, 1674, 574}; // NEC FFA857
uint32_t address = 0x0;
uint32_t command = 0x15;
uint64_t data = 0xFFA857;

Key : Back
Code : 0xFFE21D (32 Bits)
uint16_t rawData[67] = {9050, 4484, 574, 578, 544, 580, 546, 580, 542, 582, 546, 580, 546, 554, 572, 578, 546, 584, 546, 1674, 572, 1674, 574, 1674, 572, 1674, 572, 1674, 572, 1674, 572, 1674, 572, 1676, 572, 1674, 572, 1672, 574, 1672, 572, 580, 546, 554, 570, 554, 572, 1672, 572, 584, 544, 580, 544, 580, 544, 580, 546, 1674, 574, 1672, 572, 1672, 574, 580, 546, 1672, 574}; // NEC FFE21D
uint32_t address = 0x0;
uint32_t command = 0x47;
uint64_t data = 0xFFE21D;