SarahRoseLives / OP25MCH

A Mobile Control Head for OP25
MIT License
24 stars 0 forks source link

Remote Control Head

An Android app that turns OP25 into a full blown mobile scanner.

The History

This is easiy my biggest and most ambitiously complicated project I've ever worked on. The original application was written in TKinter with python and supported night mode, scanning select talkgroups in a simple mannor, automatic gps switching, radio reference importing and so much more.

It did this by running a server that manipulates the OP25 instance and it's configuration files. However this application didn't translate well to Android. You can find it here:

Then I tried to port it over to Kivy and get it working on Android, it managed to get as far as a log and a basic display. It wasn't all that mobile friendly imo. You can find it here:

As I learn more about Kivy I've been wanting to re-write the application and re-implement all the best features of the original.

How To Use It

  1. Setup your raspberry pi, we're testing on Raspbian Lite Bookworm (Latest as of 5/27/2024)
  2. Download and run (Backup Your Stuff! Seriously)
chmod +x

Run Options 2 and 3. Only 1 if you need to update pi firmware.

Current Freatures Implemented

Future Features


Support Me and Development

I'm putting a lot of time into this application, any support would be greatly appreciated.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.