SarahwXU / HiSup

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HiSup: Accurate polygonal mapping of buildings in satellite imagery with hierarchical supervision

Bowen Xu, Jiakun Xu, Nan Xue† and Gui-Song Xia†

(* indicates equal contributions, and † indicates the corresponding authors)



cd HiSup conda develop . pip install -r requirements.txt

cd hisup/csrc/lib make

For evaluation with boundary IoU, please install boundary IoU API following [the installation instruction](

git clone cd boundary_iou_api pip install -e .

## Quickstart with the pretrained model
You can run the following command to get quickstart.

python scripts/ --dataset crowdai --img [YOUR_IMAGE_PATH]

`--dataset crowdai` means load the model pretrained on AICrowd dataset, if you want to load the model pretrained on Inria dataset, simply change `crowdai` into `inria`.

You can also run our demo using Colab: [![Open In Colab](]( 

## Training & Testing
### Data prepare
- Download the train.tar.gz and val.tar.gz from [AICrowd dataset](
- Download the [Inria dataset]( and put data in the inria/raw files
- Run the from the tools file to get training data in COCO format for Inria dataset. After the generation,
the training data should be in inria/train file.

The structure of the data file should be like: 

/data # AICrowd dataset downloaded from website |-- crowdai |-- train | |-- images | |-- annotation.json | |-- annotation-small.json |-- val | |-- images | |-- annotation.json | |-- annotation-small.json |-- inria |-- raw |-- train | |-- images | |-- gt |-- test | |-- images |-- train | |-- images | |-- annotation.json

### Training
The model with HRNetV2 as backbone are initialized with imagenet pretrained parameters. You could 
download them from and put them in the path of 

Single GPU training

python scripts/ --config-file config-files/crowdai-small_hrnet48.yaml

Multiple GPUs training

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 scripts/ --config-file config-files/crowdai_hrnet48.yaml

### Testing 
After training, a file defined by the "OUTPUT_DIR" in the config file will appear in the catalog, which contains the trained parameters.
For the "crowdai-small_hrnet48.yaml", the trained parameters are like:

/outputs/crowdai_hrnet48 -- config.yml # saved hyper-parameters setting -- log.txt # saved experimental log -- train.log # saved training log -- model_00030.pth # parameters -- last_checkpoint # directory of the parameters' file

We also provide the pretrained models with HRNetV2-W48 as backbone on AICrowd dataset and Inria dataset. 
You can download the [pretrained models](,
and put them in the right directory according to configuration files.

python scripts/ --config-file config-files/crowdai_hrnet48.yaml

### Evaluation
We provide implementation of different metrics for evaluation. 
You can run the following command to evaluate the test results in MS-COCO format.
The [prediction]( in json format corresponding to the validation set of AICrowd dataset is provided.

python tools/ --gt-file [GT_ANNOTATION_FILE] --dt-file [PREDICT_ANNOTATION_FILE] --eval-type boundary_iou

## Citation
If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

@article{XU2023284, author = {Bowen Xu and Jiakun Xu and Nan Xue and Gui-Song Xia}, title = {HiSup: Accurate polygonal mapping of buildings in satellite imagery with hierarchical supervision}, journal = {ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing}, volume = {198}, pages = {284-296}, year = {2023}, issn = {0924-2716}, doi = {}, }

## Acknowledgement
This repo benefits from [hawp](, 
[boundary iou api](,
[polyworld]( We thank the authors for their great work.