SasaKaranovic / OpenFan-Micro

OpenFAN Micro is open-source open-hardware DIY fan controller for 5V and 12V fans with built in Web GUI and Web API
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fancontrol openhardware opensource

DIY OpenFAN Micro

What is this project about?

DIY OpenFAN Micro

Above video shows the finished OpenFAN Micro, how it works and the motivation behind some of design decisions.

Some of the main features of the OpenFAN Micro are:

Can I buy OpenFAN Micro

Yes you can. It's available on the web shop.

Can I build my own?

Yes you can. The above video explains the idea and how hardware and firmware works. It's recommended that you watch that first.

Hardware, Firmware and Software build instructions and source files are available in this repository.

Where can I find more documentation

Project documentation and quick-start guide is available on

What platforms are supported?

OpenFAN Micro is designed to be platform agnostic. This means you can use it on Windows, Linux and Mac. You can control it manually via built in Web UI. Or automate control using built in Web API and you automation/scripting of choice.

Useful links

Blog page:

YouTube video:

Sasa Karanovic

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