Sasabmeg / FOnline-BraveNewWorld

FOClassic and PReloaded project, mostly for tutorials or module code shares.,30344.0.html
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Ares Missile Silo Rework - Add feature to be able to craft MFC AP ammo #124

Open Sasabmeg opened 3 days ago

Sasabmeg commented 3 days ago

Note: there was an idea in 2238 for Mariposa for normal MFC like this, there still might be some code somewhere but I might have cut it out already...

Sasabmeg commented 3 days ago

Mariposa still has the MFC machine, not useful for anything due to MFC being abundant:

MapObjType 2 ProtoId 3167 MapX 94 MapY 67 ScriptName workbench FuncName s_Mfc_Machine Scenery_CanUse 1

[Proto] ProtoId=3167 Type=11 PicMap=art\scenery\geckm07.frm PicInv=art\inven\geckm07.frm Flags=33554432 DisableEgg=1 SoundId=48 Material=1