Sasabmeg / FOnline-BraveNewWorld

FOClassic and PReloaded project, mostly for tutorials or module code shares.,30344.0.html
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 4 forks source link

FOClassic + PReloaded + Brave New World update

FOClassic PReloaded Brave New World update
Description Based on Fallout Online engine which became open source a few years ago. Most used revision was taken and improved by Rotators. A simplified version of Reloaded Season 3 as an example to use as test or integrate FOclassic into existing repos. New features for the previous two, code fixes or improvements both to engine and scripts.
Aim The purpose of this was to determined before FOnline becoming open source, probably to help existing servers with bug fixes, patches. For testing and ease of access to a working FOclassic engine/server/client bundle. Further updates and fixes in an independent way, the aim was to publish separate tags with easy diffs as usable parts.
License GPL3 IDK If you use these patches together with the other two, then those licenses take priority (GPL3), otherwise do what you want with it. (MIT)


FOClassic and PReloaded project, mostly for tutorials or module code shares.

Idea and goal of this project:

So for these reasons, changes must be cleanly written and well documented, possibly both in code, discussions, wiki or issues. Every change should be commited to an issue and big updates if any, should be linked to more issues if it was not possible to segregate.

Since I only work from time to time on this project, not sure if anyone would suggest pull request, I could respond in an acceptable timeframe, so for now be free to fork it or contact me on discord ( ) for more info.


Well, in case you are new to git and have trouble getting all parts together, here are some snapshots:

2023-06-01 Spearfishing test: use latest below
2024-03-25 Car Tracker and Hub Parkinglot test: use laterst below
2024-05-22 Tragic the Garnering Collectible test:

You can use Username: qwer3 Password: asdf to test Tragic. Admin access is as usual: ~getaccess admin admin
Working versions or ones that need testing may be added later, periodaically, but should not count on them.

2024-06-03 NPC names and quest colors, ~find command, Status and Misc text (XP, Shocked), plasma/fire/electric damage effects -

Jinexd Jack interface: (download from Dropbox if there is fresh version, so my LFS quota doesn't drop)
2024-05-30 Jinxed Jack interface, added pickup/container filter buttons: