Sasabmeg / FOnline-BraveNewWorld

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REWORK: Diversify Armor types light/medium/heavy #17

Open Sasabmeg opened 1 year ago

Sasabmeg commented 1 year ago

Latest update for design:

As described in the BNW concepts discussion, armor types should change from Single Player like vertical advancement, to more variety in use, build etc. There should three basic types of armor, Leather (or light) Armor, Combat (or medium) Armor and Metal (or heavy) Armor.

Power Armor and Enclave Armor shall have no drawback, +Stonewall Perk, +Iron Limbs Perk, +2 ST, or other of the usual benefits, but very rare.

In addition, the armor type worn would limit the players ability to run fast, similar to solutions where running speed is increased when melee/unarmed weapon equipped, this could be affected by armor type as well in small amounts.

LinuxFO commented 5 months ago

I understand it is only random suggestion, sketch or something like that but I dont like the provided stats/changes especially for Heavy Armor: imo 3 big drawbacks ( -2 AP, -2 AG, -50 Sneak) vs 1 small positive (+Stonewall Perk) compared to how important APs and AG are.

TBH changin armors or weapons are always hard way to do it good and balanced way.

Sasabmeg commented 5 months ago

Guess an explanation of the idea is required...

I understand it is only random suggestion, sketch or something like that but I dont like the provided stats/changes especially for Heavy Armor: imo 3 big drawbacks ( -2 AP, -2 AG, -50 Sneak) vs 1 small positive (+Stonewall Perk) compared to how important APs and AG are.

Heavy Armor as in current suggestion 2 positives (+1 the protection bonuses) Item weight is not an issue, but protections are a big deal imo. Let's say if Metal has +10% DR and +3 DT compared to Combat Armor, and also those suggested 3 big drawbacks which one would you wear? Would it be always the same? Different per build? Situation? Team? Etc. Currently it's almost always Combat Armor, this is what I think it's the problem.

TBH changing armors or weapons are always hard way to do it good and balanced way.

Magnitude of drawbacks and advantages to be refined ofc, the main idea here is to move from linear progression of armor/weapon choices to wider in variety / situation. The question is, if you leave Power/Tesla Armors out of the equation, how would you change Leather, Combat and Metal armors in a way that player usage would vary from about:

In general this change must feel good for a new player and feel very bad/frustrating to a veteran FOnline player, due to history and getting used to no variety, but same min-max on same server. If a player has trouble deciding that might just be a sign of good design.