Sasabmeg / FOnline-BraveNewWorld

FOClassic and PReloaded project, mostly for tutorials or module code shares.,30344.0.html
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New Active actions: Dodge and Duck #27

Open Sasabmeg opened 1 year ago

Sasabmeg commented 1 year ago

Players may perform new actions:

- Dive (to the ground): - Animation when character is shot down and facing downwards to the ground. - For 0.5 seconds after Dive, they gain a buff that will make single and burst shot miss 90% percent per bullet. - For 0.8 seconds after Dive, they gain a buff that will make explosives do reduced damage by 10% percent and no knockback. - Cost 4 AP and CD 30 seconds.

Expected usage in PVP:

Optionally: Every character that tries to pick up items gains the Duck effect.

Dodge and Duck don't work against explosives.