Sasabmeg / FOnline-BraveNewWorld

FOClassic and PReloaded project, mostly for tutorials or module code shares.,30344.0.html
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Town Billboard - Quests/Jobs/Shops #34

Closed Sasabmeg closed 1 year ago

Sasabmeg commented 1 year ago

Just like in F1/2 once player enters a town, they can check the town billboard for available jobs/quests/shops or other info about town. This should be added to every major town and should contain most start level quests. Quests in pip-boy should be updated, use formula [qvar]001 for info/gosip, [qvar]010+ quest taken, and so on.

Sasabmeg commented 1 year ago

Looks like I already did some work on this, at least in Hub. Script for billboard (running dialog from scenery use) are in billboards.fos To be completed for most towns.