Sasabmeg / FOnline-BraveNewWorld

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Sort Container items, to put weap/armor with bonus stats first. (Eybiss) #67

Closed Sasabmeg closed 11 months ago

Sasabmeg commented 11 months ago

Obviously caps should stay on top, followed by armor/weap sorted by rarity, rarest first. Optionally could tie it to some support perk, like Treasure Finder.

Final version:

Added separators between Rare > Regular > Broken weapons and armor.

Behavior in inventory should be:

--- Top --- Caps Rare Weapons and Armors Separator1: Red/Blue/Green Condoms Regular Weapons, Armor and all other stuff Separator2: Gold Locket, Necklace, Black/Red CoC Badge, Fuzzy Painting Broken Weapons and Armors --- Bottom ---

When bartering players own inventory will use Regular > Broken > Rare (with same separators) because I assume that would be sell order...

The 2 support perks allow to sort the rare weapons/armors also by rarity, putting Unique front and Quality last, except when bartering.