Sasabmeg / FOnline-BraveNewWorld

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[CONCEPT] NPC combat bonus/malus variety #73

Open Sasabmeg opened 6 months ago

Sasabmeg commented 6 months ago

The idea is about making NPC combat have more variety, without major changes. One proto of NPC, let's say Centaur could have more variations with same name, where each variation receives one or more bonuses and a malus. For example:


Mean Centaur:

Variety of Maluses:

Variety of the Bonuses:

When generating NPC-s, preferably a script would add bonuses/maluses, if that is not possible, these creatures have to be added in proto types, copying several protos and change values.

Question remains if this will become an enjoyable challenge for players or only annoyance.

Adjust exp gain based on bonus/malus magnitude. (LinuxFO)

LinuxFO commented 5 months ago

Call it special or boss NPC and add both bonuses and maluses. Lets say that one NPC from group in random encounter could be like that. Also I would make that NPC more exp worth or have better equipment if loot is available.

In short I like this idea.

Sasabmeg commented 5 months ago

Forgot about exp, that should be adjusted as well.

Sasabmeg commented 5 months ago

There is a script for World Map encounter that will set 1 of the mobs to be a boss mob with increased skills and loot, see worldmap.fos line 2937: void MakeEncounterBoss(uint npcId, uint groupNum)

Sasabmeg commented 2 days ago

The name of the NPC shall be updated somehow. Must check if it works with new NPC names show feature. If so, the names of the NPC's shall reflect their malus/bonus somehow.