Sasabmeg / FOnline-BraveNewWorld

FOClassic and PReloaded project, mostly for tutorials or module code shares.,30344.0.html
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[BUG] Mass spam radio message on ground overload server. #88

Closed Sasabmeg closed 2 months ago

Sasabmeg commented 4 months ago

To be tested if mass crafted radios and dropped on ground will overload server?

Change GM command when radios are given, to enable receive and broadcast on default channel 0, to world for easier testing.

Sasabmeg commented 4 months ago

To test if mass radios crash server:

~getaccess admin admin

// Spawn 21k radios in total around user on ground, each reception turned on for testing `massspawn 100 1 -r 100

// Spawn one huge stack of radios on player location `massspawn 100 20000 -r 0

My local tests showed, that server doesn't even flinch, while the clients may lag/freeze or crash with high numbers.