Sasabmeg / FOnline-BraveNewWorld

FOClassic and PReloaded project, mostly for tutorials or module code shares.,30344.0.html
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[QoL] Parking lot in public locations #92

Open Sasabmeg opened 3 months ago

Sasabmeg commented 3 months ago


Known bug: If player deletes character, cars prev owned by them may block Car Tracker functionality (engine issue I couldn't workaround in AS) to fix, you need to use the car to override the owner ID.


Change list of files:

DataFiles.cfg - added, this will contain the sound for the Beep-Beep sound when press Ctrl + T Reloaded.cfg - Ctrl + B/T as hotkey dialogs.cfg - Parking lot ticket seller. hub_parkinglot_seller.fodlg Locations.cfg - or you can use worldeditor.exe to add location, but make sure to change entrance script, else it won't show on Join/Town menu hub.fomap - removed car entry spots and added exit grids/entry entires from parkinglot hub_parkinglot.fomap - itempid.h - added misisng car bags _dialogs.fos - for added dialog _maps.fos - added maps car.fos - triggers for car tracker refresh car_h.fos - aux functions car_seller.fos - when car is sold owner is set to buyer client_carTracker.fos - client_keybinds.fos client_keybinds_h.fos - ignore inventory tracker related if your repo doesn't have that module client_main.fos client_messages.fos - command: ~car will refresh car tracker info dialogs.fos -for dialog q I added a format for real minutes, not needed, you can refactor the call to it, to use old one with game time hub_guard.fos - patrols and entrance guards main.fos - mostly calls to refresh car tracker info map_hub.fos - added parking lot scripts to move cars on timer, etc mapdata_h.fos - I added mode to disable car/trunk stealing for maps, you can refactor/skip messages_h.fos - npc_planes.fos - added another walk and wait plane, because other plains didn't calculate wait after walk ended, but when started. npc_planes_h.fos npc_roles_h.fos patrolroutes.fos scripts.cfg - unsafe_client.fos - FOGM.MSG

Ignore these: FOnline.cfg Junktown.fomap and any other maps than hub related brahmin_pens.fos client_inventoryTracker.fos item_bonus.fos mapper_main.fos prep.txt - this fucker should be on ignore on git already prod_fishing.fos worldmap.fos lstLocations.dat, lstMaps.dat - worldeditor related saves, ignore

Compare files link:

Sasabmeg commented 3 months ago

Suggestion from Hidwell@Reloaded to add an NPC that can repair or refuel your vehicle for caps.

Sasabmeg commented 3 months ago

More or less done, surely bugs will surface those will need fix.

Sasabmeg commented 2 weeks ago

Car Wreck where u can find fuel controller is also tracked, should be disabled.

Sasabmeg commented 2 weeks ago
