Sasabmeg / FOnline-BraveNewWorld

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[Mapper] Make mapper script to cycle through similar entities (ex: Silver Steel Railing and Rusty Steel Railing) #94

Open Sasabmeg opened 3 months ago

Sasabmeg commented 3 months ago

This should be configurable, but for now, simple script to test if doable at all. It should work on selected object, and either Ctrl or Shift + Mouse Scroll should cycle between similar object of same type, like corners of walls, etc.

Added some new tool, Ctrl + Mouse Scroll to cycle through Vault Wall types: I might do some updates to it later on, this version is useable, BUT:

Sasabmeg commented 2 months ago

Added town Walls, this is how Junktown looks like after Ctrl + A and Ctrl + MWheelDown


Sasabmeg commented 2 months ago

Added ability to fix the position of entities between cycling, use this in the EntitySwapper.cfg file accordingly. Figure 5 shows a 3 number pair as (protoId, hexXAdjust, hexYAdjust), compare entities in mapper, press Ctrl + B to see underlying hex, and fix accordingly. I the below example, the 3 Junk walls needs to be adjusted -1 to hexY, like this: {5120 0 -1, 5250 0 -1, 5121 0 -1}

