Satont / grammy-typeorm-storage

MIT License
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I migrated all my storages to monorepo, check it out:

TypeORM storage adapter for grammY

Storage adapter that can be used to store your session data with TypeORM when using sessions.


npm install @satont/grammy-typeorm-storage typeorm --save


You can check examples folder, or simple use followed code:

Implement the Session entity:

import { Column, createConnection, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
import { ISession } from "@satont/grammy-typeorm-storage";

export class Session implements ISession {
  id: string;

  key: string

  value: string

Create bot and pass adapter as storage:

import { Bot, Context, session, SessionFlavor } from "grammy";
import { TypeormAdapter } from "@satont/grammy-typeorm-storage";
import { createConnection } from 'typeorm';

// that import for example class before
import Session from './session'

// write session types
interface SessionData {
  counter: number;

// create context for grammy instance
type MyContext = Context & SessionFlavor<SessionData>;

// Create bot and register session middleware
async function bootstrap() {
  // create typeorm connection
  await createConnection({
    name: 'default',
    type: 'better-sqlite3',
    database: ':memory:',
    entities: [Session],
    synchronize: true,

  const bot = new Bot<MyContext>("");
      initial: () => ({ counter: 0 }),
      storage: new TypeormAdapter({ repository: getRepository(Session) }),

  // Register your usual middleware, and start the bot
  bot.command("stats", (ctx) =>
    ctx.reply(`Already got ${ctx.session.counter} photos!`)
  bot.on(":photo", (ctx) => ctx.session.counter++);

