SaurabhModi26 / HealthManager

Health Manager Project using Basic file IO concepts
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Health Manager

Skills Used : Use of File IO Basics and use of functions and making program such that it don't get terminated by solving corner cases.

Health Manager program is the project wherein you can log and retrieve following :

  1. Exercises done by user.
  2. Food Items Eaten by user.
  3. To display time of activity(Taken Automatically From System Clock).

Note : This Program makes :

  1. "username_ex.txt" file for storing Exercises of the user.
  2. "username_food.txt" file for storing food items of the user.
  3. Time and Date are taken from System clock(Please Sync System Clock to internet before using Health Manager).

Regarding Scope of Program :

  1. There is no Database for this program so cannot find user history.
  2. No Validation is done Existing User.
  3. If username is not found in Existing User Column then a new record is being created by that username to continue.