SavageSoftware / portainer-backup

Portainer Backup Utility
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Portainer Backup

(Developed with ♥ by SavageSoftware, LLC.)


A utility for scripting or scheduling Portainer backups. This utility can backup the entire Portainer database, optionally protect the archive file with a password and can additionally backup the docker-compose files for stacks created in the Portainer web interface.


Resources URL
DockerHub Image
NPM Package Registry

Table of Contents


NodeJS & NPM

Command to install portainer-backup using node's NPM command:

npm install --global portainer-backup   

Command to launch portainer-backup after installing with NPM to perform a backup of your portainer server:

portainer-backup \
  backup \
  --url "http://portainer:9000" \
  --directory $PWD/backup  


Command to install & launch portainer-backup using node's NPX command to perform a backup of your portainer server:

npx portainer-backup \
  backup \
  --url "http://portainer:9000" \
  --directory $PWD/backup  


Command to launch portainer-backup using a Docker container to perform a backup of your portainer server:

docker run -it --rm \
  --name portainer-backup \
  --volume $PWD/backup:/backup \
  --env PORTAINER_BACKUP_URL="http://portainer:9000" \
  savagesoftware/portainer-backup:latest \

Supported Docker platforms:


Portainer-backup requires the following prerequisites:

Prerequisite Version Link
NodeJS v16 (LTS)
Portainer v2.11.0 (and newer)
Portainer Access Token N/A

node-current portainer

This utility has only been tested on Portainer v2.11.0 and later.

NOTE: If attempting to use with an older version of Portainer this utility will exit with an error message. While it is untested, you can use the --ignore-version option to bypass the version validation/enforcement.

You will need to obtain a Portiner Access Token from your Portainer server from an adminstrative user account.


Command to install portainer-backup using node's NPM command:

npm install --global portainer-backup   


Supported Commands & Operations

This utility requires a single command to execute one of the built in operations.

Command Description
backup Backup portainer data archive
schedule Run scheduled portainer backups
stacks Backup portainer stacks
test Test backup (no files are saved)
info Get portainer server info
restore Restore portainer data

NOTE: The restore command is not currently implemented due to issues with the Portainer API.


The backup operation will perform a single backup of the Portainer data from the specified server. This backup file will be TAR.GZ archive and can optionally be protected with a password (--password). The process will terminate immedately after the backup operation is complete.

The following command will perform a backup of the Portainer data.

portainer-backup \
  backup \
  --url "http://portainer:9000" \
  --directory $PWD/backup \

The following docker command will perform a backup of the Portainer data.

docker run -it --rm \
  --name portainer-backup \
  --volume $PWD/backup:/backup \
  --env TZ="America/New_York" \
  --env PORTAINER_BACKUP_URL="http://portainer:9000" \
  savagesoftware/portainer-backup:latest \


The test operation will perform a single backup of the Portainer data from the specified server. With the test operation, no data will be saved on the filesystem. The test operation is the same as using the --dryrun option. The process will terminate immedately after the test operation is complete.

The following command will perform a test of the Portainer data.

portainer-backup \
  test \
  --url "http://portainer:9000" \
  --directory $PWD/backup

The following docker command will perform a test of the Portainer data.

docker run -it --rm \
  --name portainer-backup \
  --volume $PWD/backup:/backup \
  --env TZ="America/New_York" \
  --env PORTAINER_BACKUP_URL="http://portainer:9000" \
  savagesoftware/portainer-backup:latest \


The schedule operation will perform continious scheduled backups of the Portainer data from the specified server. The --schedule option or PORTAINER_BACKUP_SCHEDULE environment variable takes a cron-like string expression to define the backup schedule. The process will run continiously unless a validation step fails immediately after startup.

The following command will perform a test of the Portainer data.

portainer-backup \
  schedule \
  --url "http://portainer:9000" \
  --directory $PWD/backup \
  --overwrite \
  --schedule "0 0 0 * * *"

The following docker command will perform a schedule of the Portainer data.

docker run -it --rm \
  --name portainer-backup \
  --volume $PWD/backup:/backup \
  --env TZ="America/New_York" \
  --env PORTAINER_BACKUP_URL="http://portainer:9000" \
  --env PORTAINER_BACKUP_SCHEDULE="0 0 0 * * *" \
  savagesoftware/portainer-backup:latest \


The info operation will perform an information request to the specified Portainer server. The process will terminate immedately after the info operation is complete.

The following command will perform a info from the Portainer server.

portainer-backup info --url "http://portainer:9000"

The following docker command will perform a info request from the Portainer data.

docker run -it --rm \
  --name portainer-backup \
  --env PORTAINER_BACKUP_URL="http://portainer:9000" \
  savagesoftware/portainer-backup:latest \


The stacks operation will perform a single backup of the Portainer stacks docker-compose data from the specified server. This operation does not backup the Portainer database/data files, only the stacks. Alternatively you can include stacks backups in the backup operation using the --stacks option. The process will terminate immedately after the stacks operation is complete.

The following command will perform a stacks of the Portainer data.

portainer-backup \
  backup \
  --url "http://portainer:9000" \
  --directory $PWD/backup \

The following docker command will perform a stacks of the Portainer data.

docker run -it --rm \
  --name portainer-backup \
  --volume $PWD/backup:/backup \
  --env TZ="America/New_York" \
  --env PORTAINER_BACKUP_URL="http://portainer:9000" \
  savagesoftware/portainer-backup:latest \


The restore operation is not implemented at this time. We encountered trouble getting the Portainer restore API ( to work properly and are investigating this issue further.

Return Value

Portainer-backup will return a numeric value after the process exits.

Value Description
0 Utility executed command successfully
1 Utility encountered an error and failed

Command Line Options & Environment Variables

Portainer-backup supports both command line arguments and environment variables for all configuration options.

Option Environment Variable Type Description
-t, --token PORTAINER_BACKUP_TOKEN string Portainer access token
-u, --url PORTAINER_BACKUP_URL string Portainer base url
-Z, --ignore-version PORTAINER_BACKUP_IGNORE_VERSION true|false Bypass portainer version check/enforcement
-d, --directory, --dir PORTAINER_BACKUP_DIRECTORY string Backup directory/path
-f, --filename PORTAINER_BACKUP_FILENAME string Backup filename
-p, --password, --pw PORTAINER_BACKUP_PASSWORD string Backup archive password
-M, --mkdir, --make-directory PORTAINER_BACKUP_MKDIR true|false Create backup directory path
-o, --overwrite PORTAINER_BACKUP_OVERWRITE true|false Overwrite existing files
-s, --schedule, --sch PORTAINER_BACKUP_SCHEDULE string Cron expression for scheduled backups
-i, --include-stacks, --stacks PORTAINER_BACKUP_STACKS true|false Include stack files in backup
-q, --quiet PORTAINER_BACKUP_QUIET true|false Do not display any console output
-D, --dryrun PORTAINER_BACKUP_DRYRUN true|false Execute command task without persisting any data
-X, --debug PORTAINER_BACKUP_DEBUG true|false Print stack trace for any errors encountered
-J, --json PORTAINER_BACKUP_JSON true|false Print formatted/strucutred JSON data
-c, --concise PORTAINER_BACKUP_CONCISE true|false Print concise/limited output
-v, --version (N/A) Show utility version number
-h, --help (N/A) Show help

NOTE: If both an environment variable and a command line option are configured for the same option, the command line option will take priority.

Schedule Expression

Portainer-backup accepts a cron-like expression via the --schedule option or PORTAINER_BACKUP_SCHEDULE environment variable

NOTE: Additional details on the supported cron syntax can be found here:

Syntax Format:

    ┌──────────────────────── second (optional)
    │   ┌──────────────────── minute
    │   │   ┌──────────────── hour
    │   │   │   ┌──────────── day of month
    │   │   │   │   ┌──────── month
    │   │   │   │   │   ┌──── day of week
    │   │   │   │   │   │
    │   │   │   │   │   │
    *   *   *   *   *   *


    0   0   0   *   *   *   Daily at 12:00am
    0   0   5   1   *   *   1st day of month @ 5:00am
    0 */15  0   *   *   *   Every 15 minutes

Allowed field values

field value
second 0-59
minute 0-59
hour 0-23
day of month 1-31
month 1-12 (or names)
day of week 0-7 (or names, 0 or 7 are sunday)

Using multiples values

Expression Description
0 0 4,8,12 * * * Runs at 4p, 8p and 12p

Using ranges

Expression Description
0 0 1-5 * * * Runs hourly from 1 to 5

Using step values

Step values can be used in conjunction with ranges, following a range with '/' and a number. e.g: 1-10/2 that is the same as 2,4,6,8,10. Steps are also permitted after an asterisk, so if you want to say “every two minutes”, just use */2.

Expression Description
0 0 */2 * * * Runs every 2 hours

Using names

For month and week day you also may use names or short names. e.g:

Expression Description
* * * * January,September Sunday Runs on Sundays of January and September
* * * * Jan,Sep Sun Runs on Sundays of January and September

Filename & Directory Date/Time Substituions

Portainer-backup supports a substituion syntax for dynamically assigning date and time elements to the directory and filename options.

Command Line Option Environment Variable
-d, --directory, --dir PORTAINER_BACKUP_DIRECTORY

All substitution presets and/or tokens are included in between double curly braces: {{ PRESET|TOKEN }}


  --filename "portainer-backup-{{DATE}}.tar.gz"

Portainer-backup uses the Luxon library for parting date and time syntax. Please see for more information.

All date and times are rendered in the local date/time of the system running the portainer-backup utility. Alternatively you can incude the UTC_ prefix in front of any of the tokens below to use UTC time instead.

Filenames are also processed through a sanitize funtion whick will strip characters that are not supported in filename. The : character is replaced with _ and the / character is replaced with -.

Supported Presets

The folllowing substition presets are defined by and supported in portainer-backup:

Token Format Example (US)
DATETIME yyyy-MM-dd'T'HHmmss 2022-03-05T231356
TIMESTAMP yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss.SSSZZZ 20220305T184827.445-0500
DATE yyyy-MM-dd 2022-03-05
TIME HHmmss 231356
ISO8601 yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh_mm_ss.SSSZZ 2017-04-20T11_32_00.000-04_00
ISO yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh_mm_ss.SSSZZ 2017-04-20T11_32_00.000-04_00
ISO_BASIC yyyyMMdd'T'hhmmss.SSSZZZ 20220305T191048.871-05_00
ISO_NO_OFFSET yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh_mm_ss.SSS 2022-03-05T19_12_43.296
ISO_DATE yyyy-MM-dd 2017-04-20
ISO_WEEKDATE yyyy-'W'kk-c 2017-W17-7
ISO_TIME hh_mm_ss.SSSZZZ 11_32_00.000-04_00
RFC2822 ccc, dd LLL yyyy HH_mm_ss ZZZ Thu, 20 Apr 2017 11_32_00 -0400
HTTP ccc, dd LLL yyyy HH_mm_ss ZZZZ Thu, 20 Apr 2017 03_32_00 GMT
MILLIS x 1492702320000
SECONDS X 1492702320.000
UNIX X 1492702320.000
EPOCH X 1492702320.000

The folllowing substition presets are provided my the Luxon library and are supported in portainer-backup: (See the following Luxon docs for more information:

(The following presets are using the October 14, 1983 at 13:30:23 as an example.)

Name Description Example in en_US Example in fr
DATE_SHORT short date 10/14/1983 14/10/1983
DATE_MED abbreviated date Oct 14, 1983 14 oct. 1983
DATE_MED_WITH_WEEKDAY abbreviated date with abbreviated weekday Fri, Oct 14, 1983 ven. 14 oct. 1983
DATE_FULL full date October 14, 1983 14 octobre 1983
DATE_HUGE full date with weekday Friday, October 14, 1983 vendredi 14 octobre 1983
TIME_SIMPLE time 1:30 PM 13:30
TIME_WITH_SECONDS time with seconds 1:30:23 PM 13:30:23
TIME_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET time with seconds and abbreviated named offset 1:30:23 PM EDT 13:30:23 UTC−4
TIME_WITH_LONG_OFFSET time with seconds and full named offset 1:30:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time 13:30:23 heure d’été de l’Est
TIME_24_SIMPLE 24-hour time 13:30 13:30
TIME_24_WITH_SECONDS 24-hour time with seconds 13:30:23 13:30:23
TIME_24_WITH_SHORT_OFFSET 24-hour time with seconds and abbreviated named offset 13:30:23 EDT 13:30:23 UTC−4
TIME_24_WITH_LONG_OFFSET 24-hour time with seconds and full named offset 13:30:23 Eastern Daylight Time 13:30:23 heure d’été de l’Est
DATETIME_SHORT short date & time 10/14/1983, 1:30 PM 14/10/1983 à 13:30
DATETIME_MED abbreviated date & time Oct 14, 1983, 1:30 PM 14 oct. 1983 à 13:30
DATETIME_FULL full date and time with abbreviated named offset October 14, 1983, 1:30 PM EDT 14 octobre 1983 à 13:30 UTC−4
DATETIME_HUGE full date and time with weekday and full named offset Friday, October 14, 1983, 1:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time vendredi 14 octobre 1983 à 13:30 heure d’été de l’Est
DATETIME_SHORT_WITH_SECONDS short date & time with seconds 10/14/1983, 1:30:23 PM 14/10/1983 à 13:30:23
DATETIME_MED_WITH_SECONDS abbreviated date & time with seconds Oct 14, 1983, 1:30:23 PM 14 oct. 1983 à 13:30:23
DATETIME_FULL_WITH_SECONDS full date and time with abbreviated named offset with seconds October 14, 1983, 1:30:23 PM EDT 14 octobre 1983 à 13:30:23 UTC−4
DATETIME_HUGE_WITH_SECONDS full date and time with weekday and full named offset with seconds Friday, October 14, 1983, 1:30:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time vendredi 14 octobre 1983 à 13:30:23 heure d’été de l’Est

Supported Tokens

If one of the substitution presets does not meet your needs, you can build your own date/time string using the supported tokens listed below. (See the following Luxon docs for more information:


  --filename "portainer-backup-{{yyyy-MM-dd}}.tar.gz"

(Examples below given for 2014-08-06T13:07:04.054 considered as a local time in America/New_York.)

Standalone token Format token Description Example
S millisecond, no padding 54
SSS millisecond, padded to 3 054
u fractional seconds, functionally identical to SSS 054
uu fractional seconds, between 0 and 99, padded to 2 05
uuu fractional seconds, between 0 and 9 0
s second, no padding 4
ss second, padded to 2 padding 04
m minute, no padding 7
mm minute, padded to 2 07
h hour in 12-hour time, no padding 1
hh hour in 12-hour time, padded to 2 01
H hour in 24-hour time, no padding 9
HH hour in 24-hour time, padded to 2 13
Z narrow offset +5
ZZ short offset +05:00
ZZZ techie offset +0500
ZZZZ abbreviated named offset EST
ZZZZZ unabbreviated named offset Eastern Standard Time
z IANA zone America/New_York
a meridiem AM
d day of the month, no padding 6
dd day of the month, padded to 2 06
c E day of the week, as number from 1-7 (Monday is 1, Sunday is 7) 3
ccc EEE day of the week, as an abbreviate localized string Wed
cccc EEEE day of the week, as an unabbreviated localized string Wednesday
ccccc EEEEE day of the week, as a single localized letter W
L M month as an unpadded number 8
LL MM month as a padded number 08
LLL MMM month as an abbreviated localized string Aug
LLLL MMMM month as an unabbreviated localized string August
LLLLL MMMMM month as a single localized letter A
y year, unpadded 2014
yy two-digit year 14
yyyy four- to six- digit year, pads to 4 2014
G abbreviated localized era AD
GG unabbreviated localized era Anno Domini
GGGGG one-letter localized era A
kk ISO week year, unpadded 14
kkkk ISO week year, padded to 4 2014
W ISO week number, unpadded 32
WW ISO week number, padded to 2 32
o ordinal (day of year), unpadded 218
ooo ordinal (day of year), padded to 3 218
q quarter, no padding 3
qq quarter, padded to 2 03
D localized numeric date 9/4/2017
DD localized date with abbreviated month Aug 6, 2014
DDD localized date with full month August 6, 2014
DDDD localized date with full month and weekday Wednesday, August 6, 2014
t localized time 9:07 AM
tt localized time with seconds 1:07:04 PM
ttt localized time with seconds and abbreviated offset 1:07:04 PM EDT
tttt localized time with seconds and full offset 1:07:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time
T localized 24-hour time 13:07
TT localized 24-hour time with seconds 13:07:04
TTT localized 24-hour time with seconds and abbreviated offset 13:07:04 EDT
TTTT localized 24-hour time with seconds and full offset 13:07:04 Eastern Daylight Time
f short localized date and time 8/6/2014, 1:07 PM
ff less short localized date and time Aug 6, 2014, 1:07 PM
fff verbose localized date and time August 6, 2014, 1:07 PM EDT
ffff extra verbose localized date and time Wednesday, August 6, 2014, 1:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
F short localized date and time with seconds 8/6/2014, 1:07:04 PM
FF less short localized date and time with seconds Aug 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM
FFF verbose localized date and time with seconds August 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM EDT
FFFF extra verbose localized date and time with seconds Wednesday, August 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time
X unix timestamp in seconds 1407287224
x unix timestamp in milliseconds 1407287224054

Command Line Help

Use the help command or --help option to see a listing of command line options directly via the CLI.

  ___         _        _                ___          _             
 | _ \___ _ _| |_ __ _(_)_ _  ___ _ _  | _ ) __ _ __| |___  _ _ __ 
 |  _/ _ \ '_|  _/ _` | | ' \/ -_) '_| | _ \/ _` / _| / / || | '_ \
 |_| \___/_|  \__\__,_|_|_||_\___|_|   |___/\__,_\__|_\_\\_,_| .__/
│   Made with ♥ by SavageSoftware, LLC © 2022    (Version 0.0.6)   │

Usage: <command> [(options...)]

  portainer-backup backup              Backup portainer data
  portainer-backup schedule            Run scheduled portainer backups
  portainer-backup stacks              Backup portainer stacks
  portainer-backup info                Get portainer server info
  portainer-backup test                Test backup data & stacks (backup --dryru
                                       n --stacks)
  portainer-backup restore <filename>  Restore portainer data
  portainer-backup help                Show help
  portainer-backup version             Show version

Portainer Options:
  -t, --token           Portainer access token
          [string]                                                 [default: ""]
  -u, --url             Portainer base url
                                     [string] [default: "http://portainer:9000"]
  -Z, --ignore-version  Bypass portainer version check/enforcement
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

Backup Options:  (applies only to 'backup' command)
  -d, --directory, --dir          Backup directory/path
                                                   [string] [default: "/backup"]
  -f, --filename                  Backup filename
                                   [string] [default: "portainer-backup.tar.gz"]
  -p, --password, --pwd           Backup archive password [string] [default: ""]
  -o, --overwrite                 Overwrite existing files
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  -M, --mkdir, --make-directory  Create backup directory path if needed
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  -s, --schedule, --sch           Cron expression for scheduled backups
                                             [string] [default: "0 0 0 * * * *"]
  -i, --include-stacks, --stacks  Include stack files in backup
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

Stacks Options:  (applies only to 'stacks' command)
  -d, --directory, --dir  Backup directory/path    [string] [default: "/backup"]
  -o, --overwrite         Overwrite existing files    [boolean] [default: false]
  -M, --mkdir, --make-directory  Create backup directory path if needed
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
Restore Options:  (applies only to 'restore' command)
  -p, --password, --pwd  Backup archive password          [string] [default: ""]

  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]
  -q, --quiet    Do not display any console output    [boolean] [default: false]
  -D, --dryrun   Execute command task without persisting any data.
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  -X, --debug    Print details stack trace for any errors encountered
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]
  -J, --json     Print formatted/strucutred JSON data [boolean] [default: false]
  -c, --concise  Print concise/limited output         [boolean] [default: false]
  -v, --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]

Command Examples:
  info     --url

  backup   --url
           --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  stacks   --url
           --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  restore  --url
           --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  schedule --url
           --token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
           --schedule "0 0 0 * * *"

Schedule Expression Examples: (cron syntax)

    ┌──────────────────────── second (optional)
    │   ┌──────────────────── minute
    │   │   ┌──────────────── hour
    │   │   │   ┌──────────── day of month
    │   │   │   │   ┌──────── month
    │   │   │   │   │   ┌──── day of week
    │   │   │   │   │   │
    │   │   │   │   │   │
    *   *   *   *   *   *

    0   0   0   *   *   *   Daily at 12:00am
    0   0   5   1   *   *   1st day of month @ 5:00am
    0 */15  0   *   *   *   Every 15 minutes

    Additional Examples @

Docker Compose

Alternatively you can use a docker-compose.yml file to launch your portainer-backup container. Below is a sample docker-compose.yml file you can use to get started:

version: '3.8'
    container_name: portainer-backup
    image: savagesoftware/portainer-backup:latest
    hostname: portainer-backup
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: schedule
      TZ: America/New_York
      PORTAINER_BACKUP_URL: "http://portainer:9000"
      PORTAINER_BACKUP_SCHEDULE: "0 0 0 * * *"
      PORTAINER_BACKUP_FILENAME: "portainer-backup.tar.gz"
      - /var/backup:/backup

Just run the docker-compose up -d command in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml file to launch the container instance.

Supported Docker platforms: