SaxyPandaBear / TwitchSongRequests

An unofficial Twitch integration that uses channel point redemption events to trigger enqueuing song requests in a connected Spotify player.
MIT License
14 stars 5 forks source link
spotify twitch


Integrate Twitch channel point rewards directly with a user's Spotify player. Configure a channel point reward to accept a Spotify song URL, and enqueue the song in the user's current playing session.

GitHub Workflow Status Onboarded Total number of songs queued Queued last 30 days


This project was inspired by Kaije, because their Twitch channel has a channel point reward for requesting a song on Spotify. On that fateful day, I requested multiple songs in quick succession, and they told me to hold off on requesting songs because they have to stop working on art in order to manually copy the Spotify URIs I was sending, in order to queue the songs in their Spotify player. Between jobs, I coded up an initial proof of concept and the rest is history.

For Users

Update 2023-05-19

Signing up now automatically creates a custom reward with a default cost and title. This can be updated manually to fit your own needs. No more need to use a keyword in the reward title! Thanks @rosethornttv for the feedback!

How do I sign up?

  1. Navigate to the site:
  2. Authorize the service with Twitch
  3. Authorize the service with Spotify
  4. If it worked, you should see a Subscribe and Revoke Access button
  5. Click Subscribe. If successful, you should see the UI update accordingly
  6. Submit an onboarding request on this GitHub project, and I will manually allowlist your Spotify account to let you access the service (this is a limitation on Spotify, not on me)
  7. After you are onboarded, go to your Creator Dashboard > Viewer Rewards > Channel Points > Manage Rewards & Challenges
  8. Scroll down to find Spotify Song Request in the Custom Rewards section and enable the reward - you can edit the amount of channel points, too.
  9. That's all! Start submitting Spotify URLs with the channel point reward!

From Spotify

We appreciate your interest and efforts in using Spotify's open platform to innovate and build interesting integrations. However, after reviewing we found that your app does not comply with our terms and conditions for the following reasons:

The product or service is integrated with streams or content from another service. The application is integrated with other services (e.g. Twitch) in a way that is prohibited according to section III in our Developer Policy .

As much as I would love to make this more broadly accessible, looks like it goes against their ToS. This means that there will be limited access to the service, since I have to manually allowlist users. If you really want to use it, please sign up via the above steps.

What happens after all 25 slots are taken?

I am working on figuring out how to audit usage of my service, so that I can give priority to streamers that would actually use it. Even if the service is at capacity, please still go through all of the onboarding steps. I will evaluate onboarding newer users first-in-first-out, so getting in line early is to your own benefit!

How do I use it?

  1. Open Spotify on your computer
  2. Navigate to your Twitch channel
  3. Start playing music on Spotify (the service needs an "active" player to work)
  4. Find your favorite song on Spotify, copy the URI - (Now supports searching songs with keywords! #218)
  5. Navigate to the Twitch channel, and find the song request reward (the default title is Spotify Song Request)
  6. Submit the Spotify URI as part of the reward redemption, e.g.:
  7. If your Spotify player has queued the song, you're good!
  8. If your player did not queue the song, make sure you copied the URL correctly, and use the right Channel Point reward
  9. If you are pretty sure you didn't mess anything up, make an issue here
  10. If you want to allow your viewers to submit song requests for explicit songs, you have to opt in to this by updating your preferences
  11. If you want to limit the length of the songs chatters can submit, specify the max song length in seconds in your preferences. Any value less than or equal to zero means any song length is allowed
  12. If you want to display your song queue (current playing, and next two songs) on your stream, use the link shown on the page for the OBS browser source. Feel free to override the CSS with your own custom CSS to make it your own. The page auto refreshes every 10 seconds.



Who can use it?

In order to use custom channel point rewards, you must be an affiliate or partner streamer.

The Spotify account used must have Spotify Premium. If it turns out you do not have Spotify Premium and you are onboarded but fail to queue songs because of that, I will take the liberty of removing you from the allowed users in order to give a chance to other users who want to use the service.

How do I stop using it?

  1. Navigate to the site:
  2. If you are fully authenticated, you should see a Revoke Access button
  3. Click it. This will revoke access to Twitch, which means the application won't receive new channel point redemptions
  4. Navigate to your Spotify account to revoke access for the service. This can't be done by the service, because they don't expose an API for it. See here for why.
  5. You're done!

This was working but isn't anymore. What happened?

In order to better accommodate people who want to use this project, I am going to start actively revoking access to streamers that have not used it in 30 days. Personally, I think it sucks, but it's the only way to fairly keep up with demand considering I am only allowed to serve 25 users. I will keep track of Twitch users that I revoke access to via the CHANGELOG file.

How does it work?

The TwitchSongRequests service will authorize to your Twitch account so that the service can listen for channel point redemption events from your channel. Once the service receives an event, it will process that event in order to queue the given Spotify song into your connected Spotify player.

The service requires access to read Twitch channel point redemptions, and also needs access to modify a user's Spotify playback state. The Twitch access is needed in order to allow the service to subscribe to the events, and the Spotify access is required to queue the song in a user's active player.

The site uses cookies to track whether a user is authenticated or not.

Why not YouTube?

Well, the YouTube API doesn't let you queue videos outside of an iframe player, which means I would need to embed the player inside my website. Which, I'm not necessariliy opposed to doing, but that wasn't the original point of this.

If you want this feature, react and comment on this issue

Support the Project

I'm paying to host this service completely out of pocket. If you would like to help pitch in for the cost of hosting (it's not that much right now), please let me know and I'll set up a way to contribute in that way.

For Developers

Running the project

Run the project locally:

go run main.go
# or
go build .

Required variables

Name Purpose
PORT Override default port for the HTTP server
DATABASE_URL PostgresDB URL to connect to
SITE_REDIRECT_URL URL for the base path for the main site (can be derived)
TWITCH_SECRET Passphrase to verify subscription requests for Twitch EventSub
TWITCH_CLIENT_ID Twitch app OAuth client ID
TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET Twitch app OAuth client secret
TWITCH_STATE Twitch app OAuth state key
TWITCH_REDIRECT_URL Twitch OAuth redirect URL (can be derived)
MOCK_SERVER_URL Arbitrary mock URL for local testing with Twitch CLI mock server
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID Spotify app OAuth client ID
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET Spotify app OAuth client secret
SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URL Spotify OAuth redirect URL (can be derived)
SPOTIFY_STATE Spotify app OAuth state key
ONBOARDED_USERS Number of onboarded users to display stats for
ALLOWED_USERS Number of users that are allowed to be onboarded


Unit testing

go test ./... -cover -v -timeout 10s -short

Integration testing

Integration testing for Postgres queries is done via GitHub actions. Take a look at the .github/workflows/ci.yml file for how they are run.

Technically they can be run locally by standing up a Postgres db and injecting the same test data into a local instance.


This project uses golangci-lint in GitHub Actions, so it will fail builds on linting.

Run locally by installing the CLI tool and running:

golangci-lint run

from the root of the project.

Set up Twitch CLI

Use the Twitch CLI for local development.

Set up an EventSub subscription for testing end-to-end

Note: the Twitch CLI mock server does not support EventSub, so it can not be used for local testing of creating subscriptions. We must use the real API

Authenticate with the Twitch CLI:

twitch token

Then, use the app access token from the above command to authentication.

Get your own user payload, and note the user ID from the response.

twitch api get /users -q login=YourTwitchUsername

The response will look something like this:

  "data": [
      "broadcaster_type": "affiliate",
      "created_at": "2015-11-03T23:03:04Z",
      "description": "A description about the user",
      "display_name": "SaxyPandaBear",
      "id": "1234567890",
      "login": "saxypandabear",
      "offline_image_url": "https://some-image1.png",
      "profile_image_url": "https://some-image2.png",
      "type": "",
      "view_count": 1337

Jot down the id in the JSON response body

Subscribe to the channel point reward redemption event, replacing the USER_ID, TOKEN, CLIENT_ID, CALLBACK_URL, and SUB_SECRET with your own values.

curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \
-H 'Client-Id: $CLIENT_ID' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"type": "channel.channel_points_custom_reward_redemption.add", "version": "1", "condition": {"broadcaster_user_id": "$USER_ID"}, "transport": {"method": "webhook", "callback":"$CALLBACK_URL", "secret": "$SUB_SECRET"}}'

Make a note of the id value from the response.

Verify that the subscription was made successfully:

twitch api get /eventsub/subscriptions -q user_id=$USER_ID

The response will look like:

  "data": [
      "condition": {
        "broadcaster_user_id": "1234567890",
        "reward_id": ""
      "cost": 0,
      "created_at": "2023-01-29T04:23:21.008351071Z",
      "id": "abc-123-def-456",
      "status": "webhook_callback_verification_pending",
      "transport": {
        "callback": "https://this-service/endpoint",
        "method": "webhook"
      "type": "channel.channel_points_custom_reward_redemption.add",
      "version": "1"
  "pagination": {
    "cursor": ""
  "total": 1

Run local API server to handle callback

Start the server locally

go run main.go

Make sure that the server is up

curl localhost:8080/

Create and send a test webhook payload to the local server

twitch event trigger add-redemption -s $SUB_SECRET -F http://localhost:8080/callback

Check the server logs to confirm that the event was received and processed.

2022/09/05 10:49:46 verified signature for subscription
2022/09/05 10:49:46 52f644c8-33da-4a30-bc81-beccb4cb678a Test Reward from CLI


After testing, clean up the EventSub subscription:

twitch api get /eventsub/subscriptions

# jot down the relevant EventSub subscription ID

curl -X DELETE$SUB_ID -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Client-Id: $CLIENT_ID'


This service is deployed directly to Railway, via the supplied Dockerfile at the root of the repo.