Lecture | HTML | Tasks | |
Lecture 1: Introduction | HTML | HTML .Rmd | |
Lectures 2/3: Tidying, Visualising and Summarising Data | HTML | HTML .Rmd | |
Lecture 4: Simple Linear Regression | HTML | HTML .Rmd | |
Lecture 5: Introduction to Causality | HTML | HTML .Rmd | |
Lecture 6: Multiple Linear Regression | HTML | HTML .Rmd | |
Lecture 7: Linear Regression Extensions | HTML | HTML .Rmd | |
Lecture 8: Sampling | HTML | HTML .Rmd | |
Lecture 9: Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing | HTML | [HTML]() [.Rmd]() | |
Lecture 10: Regression Inference | HTML | HTML .Rmd | |
Lecture 11: Regression Discontinuity | HTML | [HTML]() [.Rmd]() | |
Lecture 12: Recap (coming soon!) | [HTML]() | [PDF]() | [HTML]() [.Rmd]() |
The suggested reading list can be found here.
Bootstrapping: More details about bootstrapping. HTML
Differences-in-differences: HTML PDF
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