SchildiChat / schildichat-android-next

Matrix client / Element X fork
Apache License 2.0
53 stars 2 forks source link

Translation status SchildiChat-Android Matrix room


Matrix client based on Element Android X in the tradition of the original SchildiChat for Android which was based on the now deprecated Element Android codebase.

Similarly to Element X, this SchildiChat Android rewrite should still be considered beta, as it lacks some functionality which one might expect from a fully-featured chat app, compared to the old SchildiChat implementation.

An overview over changes compared to Element X can be found here.


If you want to translate SchildiChat, visit our weblate.
Translations that concern upstream Element code are best contributed directly to Element, who currently manage translations on localazy.



In general, building works the same as for Element X or any common Android project. Just import into Android Studio and make sure you have all the required SDKs ready.

Currently, SchildiChat uses a forked matrix-rust-sdk and wysiwyg published on GitHub packages, which unfortunately still does not provide unauthenticated access. Accordingly, before building, create a GitHub token with the read:packages permission, and configure it in your


Alternatively, you may export the GPR_USER and GPR_TOKEN environment variables before building.

If you do not have a GitHub account, you can also download the appropriate .aar file from the SDK's releases and put it into ./libraries/rustsdk/matrix-rust-sdk.aar.

WYSIWYG development

To develop changes in our matrix-rich-text-editor fork:

Build WYSIWYG locally

Include local-built WYSIWYG in SchildiChat


Generally, contributions are welcome!
Note that in order to ease upstream merges, we want to leave the smallest footprint possible on Element's sources when implementing original features or patching Element's behaviour.

In particular (may change a bit while the project is still in alpha):