SchoolOfCode / final-project-innovation-collective

final-project-innovation-collective created by GitHub Classroom
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“Connect Locally, Unite Globally”

A social app to make friends locally and meet up with like-minded people.

Project Outline

Problem Statement

Loneliness is more prolific in today’s society than ever before. Gen Z, Millenials, and elderly individuals report experiencing high levels of social isolation. Gen Z is said to be the loneliest generation of all time. 22% of Millennials say they have zero friends. And old age loneliness is the highest it's ever been. Existing social media platforms lack focus on building lasting and meaningful connections based on mutual interest and locality.


A socially responsible social app that fosters community by helping like-minded individuals find and connect with others within their locality based on shared interests, hobbies and activities. Our app would be aimed at building communities and life-long friendships, both remotely and in-person.



MVP0 (Pre-Launch Landing Page)

A landing page based on LearnWorlds press release guidelines (so Amazon press release). Possibly with an "are you interested" e-mail subscription form to gauge initial interest.


Just two pages to start with. A profile page and a group chat page. And somewhere (a database) to store the profile and chat data.





Future Features (USPs - Unique Selling Propositions)

These are all still in ideation or under discussion.

Supporting Documentation

Live Website Link

Final Presentation

GitHub Repo


Team Manifesto Documents