SchoolOfCode / week-2-debugging-customer-challenge-team4-bc18-wk2

bootcamp-18-week-2-debugging-customer-challenge-workshop_debugging-kata created by GitHub Classroom
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Customer Crisis

A customer has come to us with a problem. They went to "The Coding Cowboyz" and paid them to complete a product for them. However, what they got back was not a working product. See if you can help them out by finding and fixing the bugs in the program.

Product Specification

This is the spec the customer used to get the software created.

- We want a game where a player takes a guess at a number between 1 and 10
- You should keep score, and if a player guesses correctly, you should add to the score
- You should ask the player if they want to continue the game, and keep playing until they refuse

Team Requests

You should follow our bug hunting procedure exactly. Namely: