SchulzLab / SNEEP

SNp Exploration and Analysis using EPigenomics data
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SNEEP: SNV exploration and functional analysis using epigenetic data

SNEEP is a fast method to identify regulatory Single Nucleotid Variations (rSNVs) that modify the binding sites of Transcription Factors (TFs) for large collections of SNPs or SNVs provided by the user.


The full documentation is available on Read the Docs





For our statistical approach, please cite:

Nina Baumgarten, Laura Rumpf, Thorsten Kessler, Marcel H. Schulz (2024), A statistical approach for identifying single nucleotide variants that affect transcription factor binding, iScience, pdf, web

We used our statistical approach to determine non-coding disease genes in cardiovascular diseasee. For more details see:

Chaonan Zhu, Nina Baumgarten, Meiqian Wu, Yue Wang, Arka Provo Das, Jaskiran Kaur, Fatemeh Behjati Ardakani, Thanh Thuy Duong, Minh Duc Pham, Maria Duda, Stefanie Dimmeler, Ting Yuan, Marcel H. Schulz, Jaya Krishnan (2023), CVD-associated SNPs with with regulatory potential reveal novel non-coding disease genes, Human Genomics 2023 full text