TEPIC offers workflows for the prediction and analysis of Transcription Factor (TF) binding sites including:
A graphical overview on the workflows of TEPIC is shown below. Blue font indicates input, black italic font indicates output.
06.02.2020: Our recently introduced TEPIC-extension supporting regulatory sites from chromatin capture experiments to estimate the influence of enhancers on genome-wide gene expression is now published in BMC Epigenetics and Chromatin.
08.07.2019: We present a novel feature to include TFBS in regulatory sites determined by chromatin conformation capture data. Using an extended feature space representation, the INVOKE model can investigate the regulatory influence of TFs bound to promoters and enhancers separately.
10.10.2018: TEPIC 2.0 is now published in Bioinformatics.
13.08.2018: In addition to the gene-centric annotation, the functionality for transcript based annotation has been added.
21.05.2018: A new collection of TF motifs is included. They are available in the folder PWMs/2.1.
03.05.2018: INVOKE now supports computing a F-test to judge the importance of individual features.
17.08.2017: TEPIC TF-gene scores can now be binarisied using background regions provided by the user.
21.06.2017: TEPIC TF-gene scores can be binarisied using a TF and tissue specific affinity cut off. This can be combined with the dynamic networks learner DREM to build gene regulatory networks that make appropriate use of time-specific epigenetics data. Further details on this new feature are available in the description.
13.06.2017: DYNAMITE our workflow for learning differential TF regulation is now included in the repository.
09.06.2017: Version 2.0 of TEPIC is available. With version 2 of TEPIC, we introduced new features:
Further, the repository now includes the code required to learn linear models from TF gene scores to predict gene expression. For further details, please see the INVOKE section.
TEPIC offers a variety of workflows to compute and analyse TF binding site (TFBS) predictions. The core functionality is the fast and efficient annotation of user provided candidate regions with TF affinities using TRAP (1). These predictions are aggregated to TF-gene scores using a window-based assignment strategy.
Within this aggregation TEPIC offers exponential decay (2) and scaling of TF region scores using an epigenetic signal, e.g. the signal of an open chromatin assay. While computing TF-gene scores, TEPIC can perform normalisation for region length (optionally correcting for the length of the binding motifs as well) and produces separate features for peak length, peak count and/or peak signal. These features can be used in downstream applications, e.g. to determine the influence of chromatin accessiblity on gene expression, without considering detailed information on TF binding. In addition to the continuous TF-affinities, TEPIC offers a discrete assignment of TFs to genes using a TF-specific affinity threshold derived from random genomic sequences that show similar characteristics (GC content, length) as compared to the provided regions. Further details on the score computation are provided in the description.
TEPIC TF-gene scores can be used in several downstream applications to assess the regulatory role of TFs. Three applications are directly supported:
Details on the models are provided in the respective subfolders as well as in the description. Here, we provide a brief description on the core funtionality of TEPIC, the computation of TF-gene scores.
To run TEPIC the following packages/software must be installed:
To compile the C++ version of TRAP and to install possibly missing R-packages for downstream processing execute the script Code/compile_TRAP_install_R_packages.sh.
To use the script findBackground, which is necessary to compute TF specific affinity thresholds, the following python libraries are required:
To start TEPIC, run the script TEPIC.sh, located in the folder Code.
The following parameters are required to compute TF affinities in user defined regions:
To additionally compute TF-gene scores, the argument:
needs to be specified.
Additional command arguments are:
Depending on the used arguments, TEPIC produces files containing:
The Prefix_Affinity.txt files are tab separated files listing the genomic coordinates of candiate regions in the first column and TF affinities in the following columns:
Genomic Position TF1 TF2 ... TFn
chr1:2321-2340 0.4 0.2 ... 4.2
The Prefix_Affinity_Gene_View.txt files are tab separated files listing the Ensemble GeneID in the first column, TF gene-scores in the following columns and features on peak-length, peak-count, and peak-signal if computed.
GENEID TF1 TF2 ... TFn peak length peak count peak signal
ENSG00000044612 0.4 0.2 ... 4.2 23 3 19.2
The Prefix_Peak_Coverage.txt files are tab separated files listing the genomic coordinates in the first column and the scaling value in the next column.
Genomic Position Factor
chr1:2321-2340 0.4
The Prefix_Thresholded_Affinities.txt files are tab separated files listing the genomic coordinates in the first column and TF affinities in the following columns. Scores below the computed TF-specific threshold are set to zero.
Genomic Position TF1 TF2 ... TFn
chr1:2321-2340 0 0 ... 4.2
The Prefix_Thresholded_Affinity_Gene_View.txt files are tab separated files listing the Ensemble GeneID in the first column, TF gene-scores in the following columns and features on peak-length, peak-count, and peak-signal if computed. Here, thresholded TF affinities are used for the computation.
GENEID TF1 TF2 ... TFn peak length peak count peak signal
ENSG00000044612 0 0 ... 4.2 23 3 19.2
The Prefix_Conformation_Data_Affinity_Three_Peak_Based_Features_Gene_View.txt files are based on the previous structure but extend it by including the same features, that is TF gene-scores and peak features determined for DHS residing in chromatin loops:
GENEID TF1 TF2 ... TFn peak length peak count peak signal LR_TF1 ... LR_TFn LR_peak length LR_peak count LR_peak signal
ENSG00000044612 0 0 ... 4.2 23 3 19.2 3.4 ... 0.9 14 4 63.3
The Prefix_Thresholded_Sparse_Affinity_Gene_View.txt files are tab separated files listing the Ensemble GeneID in the first column, and the name of the TF associated to this gene in the second column. Here, thresholded TF affinities are used for the computation. The third column of this file is required by DREM and does not carry any specific meaning.
GENEID TF Name Score
ENSG00000044612 CTCF 1
Further details on the output are provided in the description.
Each run of TEPIC generates an analysis meta datafile (amd) containing all parameters, files, and outputs associated with the last run of TEPIC. Together with the provided process xml file, the executed command lines can be reconstructed (3). We provide amd files in the folder MetaData. These correspond to the gene scores of the 50kb and 50kb-S annotation introduced in the TEPIC manuscript.
Note that the input files have to have unix file endings. Using bed graph files to compute the signal in peaks is currently only supported for homo sapiens, mus musculus, and rattus norvegicus.
To run a trial case of TEPIC to compute TF-gene scores, you can use the data provided in the Test folder and use the command
./TEPIC.sh -g ../Test/example_sequence.fa -b ../Test/example_regions.bed -o TEPIC-Example -p ../PWMs/1.0/pwm_vertebrates_jaspar_uniprobe_original.PSEM -a ../Test/example_annotation.gtf -w 3000 -e FALSE
This will generate TF-gene scores for the genes contained in example_annotation.gtf, using a window of size 3000bp, all pwms contained in pwm_vertebrates_jaspar_uniprobe_converted.PSEM, and without exponential decay.
Additionally, we provide a script to test several annotation versions of TEPIC. Execute the script
bash runTestCases.sh
to compute multiple trial cases. The script can be found in the folder Test.
There are three folders containing Position specific energy matrices (PSEMs): Our current collection of PSEMs, containing matrices from JASPAR (4), HOCOMOCO (5), and the Kellis ENCODE Motif database (6), is stored in the folder PWMs/2.1. The previously used motifs are provided in the folders PWMs/2.0 and PWMs/1.0. The position weight matrices used in the TEPIC manuscript are stored in the file PWMs/1.0/pwm_vertebrates_jaspar_uniprobe_original.PSEM.
In detail, the current collection contains from the JASPAR 2018 Core database:
Additionally, we provide species specific collections of JASPAR matrices:
All JASPAR matrices can be found in PWMs/2.1/JASPAR_PSEMs
From HOCOMOCO we provide 402 motifs for homo sapiens and 358 for mus musculus, available in PWMs/2.1/HOCOMOCO_PSEMs
The Kellis set contains 58 motifs, stored in PWMs/2.1/Kellis_PSEMs.
Additionally we provide non-redundant collections for homo sapiens and mus musculus considering motifs from all three sources:
The matrices are stored in the folder PWMs/2.1/Merged_PSEMs.
Furthermore, we used a motif clustering approach (7), to merge similar motifs of the files containing matrices from all three sources. This led to
The matrices are stored in the folder PWMs/2.1/Clustered_PSEMs.
Files holding the length of the PSEMs are provided too.
Additional position weight matrices can be transformed to a usable format using Code/PSCM_to_PSEM.cpp. This program converts matrices in TRANSFAC format to the energy format used by TRAP. Details on the parameters used for conversion can be found in the header of the provided files. Note that the character after the P in TRANSFAC format needs to be a zero.
In TRANSFAC format, a matrix has to have the following structure:
ID \<RunningNumber\> \<TF-Name\>
P0 A C G T
1 0 93 6 1
2 7 81 1 12
14 1 3 95 0
In the PSEM format, a matrix has to be in the following structure:
\> \<RunningNumber\> \<TF-Name\> lnR0: \<value\>
1.56945 -0.108976 1.46047 0
5.06003 4.54008 0 4.06982
4.59839 4.0784 4.07844 0
5.11834 4.59839 0 5.11834
We thank Helge Roider for providing the C++ implementation of TRAP, which we slightly modified for running in parallel. TEPIC 2.0 has been funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) with project number 01DP17005 under the acronym EPIREG.
If you are using TEPIC and/or INVOKE please cite:
Combining transcription factor binding affinities with open-chromatin data for accurate gene expression prediction Schmidt et al., Nucleic Acids Research 2016; doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw1061 full text
If you are using DYNAMITE please also cite:
Epigenomic Profiling of Human CD4+ T Cells Supports a Linear Differentiation Model and Highlights Molecular Regulators of Memory Development Durek et al. Cell Immunity, Volume 45, Issue 5, 15 November 2016, full text
You may also consider to cite our latest publication describing the TEPIC 2.0 release ... :
TEPIC 2 - An extended framework for transcription factor binding prediction and integrative epigenomic analysis Schmidt et al., Bioinformatics 2018; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty856 full text
... and its extensions:
Integrative prediction of gene expression with chromatin accessibility and conformation data Schmidt et al., Epigenetics & Chromatin 2020; doi: 10.1186/s13072-020-0327-0 full text
Other works that have influenced ours:
(1) Predicting transcription factor affinities to DNA from a biophysical model, Roider HG, et al., Bioinformatics, 2007.
(2) ChIP-Seq of transcription factors predicts absolute and differential gene expression in embryonic stem cells, Ouyang Z, et al., PNAS, 2009.
(3) A general concept for consistent documentation of computational analyses, Ebert P, et al., Database, 2015.
(4) JASPAR: an open-access database for eukaryotic transcription factor binding profiles, Sandelin A., et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 2004.
(5) HOCOMOCO: a comprehensive collection of human transcription factor binding sites models , Kulakovskiy Ivan V., et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 2013.
(6) Systematic discovery and characterization of regulatory motifs in ENCODE TF binding experiments, Kheradpour P, and Kellis M, Nucleic Acids Research, 2013.
(7) Natural similarity measures between position frequency matrices with an application to clustering, Pape U.J., et al., Bioinformatics, 2008.