Schwartzkers / cvs-scm

CVS Extension for Visual Studio Code
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CVS for Visual Studio Code

The extension provides CVS (Concurrent Versions System) support to VS Code. CVS is an older Source Control Management (SCM) system. The extension integrates CVS into VS Code's SCM interface for a familiar user experience such as git.



The extension will automatically activate when it detects source code managed by CVS. It provides the following features:

Source Control States

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The following describes the possible states for a source control resource:

Staged Changes

Changes to be included in a commit must be staged. However, unlike git, additional changes made to a staged item will not display under Changes. Think of Staged Changes as a collection of changed source control items that are selected for the next commit.

Repository Changes

To check for remote changes use the Refresh Repository icon. Remote changes detected by the extension are displayed here.


Changes that require user intervention to solve merge conflicts are listed in Conflicts.

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Branch and Revision

The Branch (Sticky Tag) and Revision are displayed for the file opened in the active editor.

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Quick Diff

Both the regular diff (when the user clicks on the changed resource in the source control view) and the Quick Diff (available in the left margin of the text editor) are provided by the extension.

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CVS Gutter diff

Extension Settings

CVS Settings

File History

The File History tree view is defaulted to disabled (off). The view displays the revisions, for the current branch, assocaited with the file in the active editor.

CVS Settings

The view is designed with the expectation that the CVS repository has managed all cvs revison numbers for trunk (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ...) and branches (,, ...). If the cvs revision numbers have been manualy manipulated (e.g. cvs commit -r 3.0) the view will have undefined behaviour.

The view provides the following commands:

File Branches

The File Branches tree view is defaulted to disabled (off). The view displays the branches associated with the file in the active editor.

CVS Settings

The view provides the following commands:

Workspace Branches

The Workspace Branches tree view is defaulted to disabled (off). The view displays the branches associated with the active workspace folder.

CVS Settings

The view provides the following commands:


The extension provides a log OUTPUT channel called CVS where the cvs client interactions can be viewed.

CVS Settings

Supported CVS Version

The extension was developed using version 1.12.13-MirDebian-28 (client/server) of CVS. Older versions may not be compatible with the extension.

Known Issues
