SciViews / tcltk2

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cycle stable

Several additions to R through Tcl functions and Tk widgets.


The latest stable version of {tcltk2} can simply be installed from CRAN:


You can also install the latest developement version. Make sure you have the {remotes} R package installed:


Use install_github() to install the {tcltk2} package from Github (source from master/main branch will be recompiled on your machine):


R should install all required dependencies automatically, and then it should compile and install {tcltk2}.

Latest devel version of {tcltk2} (source + Windows binaires for the latest stable version of R at the time of compilation) is also available from appveyor.

Further explore tcltk2

You can get further help about this package this way. Make the {tcltk2} package available in your R session:


Get help about this package:

library(help = "tcltk2")
vignette("tcltk2") # None is installed with install_github()

For further instructions, please, refer to these help pages at

Code of Conduct

Please note that the {tcltk2} package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

Note to developers

This package used to be developed on R-Forge in the past. However, the latest R-Forge version was moved to this Github repository on 2016-03-18 (SVN version 569). Please, do not use R-Forge anymore for SciViews development, use this Github repository instead.