ScrapCodes / DMP

Distributed Matrix Processor.
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DMP Distributed Matrix Processor.

It uses akka cluster for message passing and cluster managment/routing etc.

To try out follow these steps.

...... prints logo and some commands ......

 `scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer`

 `scala> val A = DistributedMatrix("A", 8, 9, noOfBlocks, blockSize, ArrayBuffer(1 to 72: _*))`

 `scala> val B = DistributedMatrix("B", 8, 9, noOfBlocks, blockSize, ArrayBuffer(1 to 72: _*))`

 `scala> A.persist //Will persist the sample matrix A`

 `scala> B.persist //Similiarly will persist the sample matrix B`

 `scala> val C = A x B // this will multiply them, and it happens on the cluster not local.`

 `scala> val C = C x B // this will again multiply them.`

 `scala> C.getMatrix // To see the content of the matrix and get a local matrix from DM.`


Please open issues to share opinions. At the moment have no mailing lists setup etc.