Scratch-Client-4 / contributing

:book: The SC4 Contributing Guide - everything to get started
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:book: Scratch Client 4 Contributing Guide

:wave: Hey! Thanks for willing to contribute to Scratch Client 4, also known as SC4! This guide is here to explain:

Please carefully read it.

:x: What Scratch Client 4 is and isn't

Often, the nature of Scratch Client 4 projects are misunderstood.

:x: Scratch Client 4 is not an alternative community, website, and/or project sharing platform for Scratch.
:x: Scratch Client 4 is not about improving or reinventing the Scratch editor (what you make projects with).
:white_check_mark: Scratch Client 4 is about making apps that allow accessing the existing Scratch Community, managed by the MIT.

:art: Best practices and general rules

:speech_balloon: Keeping the discussion organized

You have an idea, question, bug report, request, or just wanna chat. Where should you write it?

If you need attention on your issue or PR, please cc the appropriate teams/persons in your message or use the "Request review" feature.

Please stay on-topic in discussion threads.

:notebook: Learning ressources

Some things might be a bit new, or completely unknown to you. Here are great ressources to learn or perfect useful skills for contributing :

We hope you'll help keep the project fun and useful, and make it even better!

The Scratch Client 4 team.