ScreteMonge / creators-kit

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Creator's Kit

Creator's Kit provides tools for creators of all sorts to make in-game scenes by spawning and merging models from the cache to animate and program.


A video guide on how to use the plugin can be found through this link.

Creator's Panel

The kit functions around the Creator's panel, where you have several options to open new menus, as well as the ability to add and modify objects.



The Add Object button adds a new object to your panel. From here, you can:

The buttons on the left side:

The buttons on top, from left to right:

Model IDs and Animation IDs can be found through various sources across the internet. Two of them I frequently use are RuneMonk and the Wiki Cache Dump.

Config - Scene


In the config, you'll find a few different options for manipulating the object in the scene:

Config - Overlays


To help with getting models, animations, and generally organizing your scene, there's also a Toggle Overlays button that effectively gives a Debug mode to help study the environment.

You can select which overlays to have active at any given time. Two important ones for this plugin are My Object and Object Path.


Object Manager

You can grab the models of objects, NPCs, and players from the environment by right-clicking them and selecting "Store"

Store Jail

These will be added as options for a Custom model as described above


You can manage the options in this menu by clicking the Organizer button at the top of the panel. From here, you can rename or remove unneeded custom models as necessary.



The Anvil is a tool for modifying and merging models from the game cache to use as Custom models for your objects. It can be found by clicking the Anvil button at the top of the panel.


The Anvil works by allowing you to add models from the cache to the palette, from where you can change many of its parameters - like rotating, scaling, or translating it. You can add multiple models to merge them together into a single object, which will allow you to animate and program them together.


Palette Organization

Model Modification


Each model on the palette can be individually modified:


Runescape models often take previously used assets and recolour them. The colour options presented here let you do the same. The Colour Swapper opens a menu for such modifications, but a few features like copying, pasting, and clearing the modified colours exist in the palette for convenience.


Old Colours are the default colours of the model, while New Colours are those you wish to replace the Old Colours. In this case, the grey of the helmet is replaced with a lime green.

Colours3 Colours4


This plugin also features a programming function to set your objects on a path to walk.

Setting a Path


You can set a path using the hotkeys described in the config menu.


Modifying the Program

You can further modify each object's program in the Programmer at the top of the panel.


Camera Options

There's also a few camera features like Oculus Orb mode which can be found in the config.



Special thanks to Craig Wood for the JTree Drag and Drop functionality as well as Albert Hendriks for the improved version. Special thanks to Yona-Appletree for the HSLColor functions