Scrimmage / karma-slim-preprocessor

Compiles slim to html for karma tests
MIT License
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Preprocessor for converting slim files to html templates.

It requires the slimrb binary to be on your path, which will be present if slim is installed by bundler.


npm install karma-slim-preprocessor --save-dev


// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
    preprocessors: {
      '**/*.slim': ['slim']

    slimPreprocessor: {
      // If slimrb is not in your PATH, you can specify where it is:
      slimrb: "/usr/local/slimrb",

      // You can pass additional command line options to slimrb:
      slimrbOption: '-l { "foosball": true }' // or as array ['-l { "foosball": true }', '-r slim/smart']

    files: [