Scrounger / ioBroker.vis-materialdesign

ioBroker Material Design Widgets are based on Google's material design guidelines. The adapter uses different libraries.
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Material Design Widgets for IoBroker VIS


ioBroker Material Design Widgets are based on Google's material design guidelines

Table of Content


Online Example Project

provided by, thanks to bluefox and iobroker.

Practical examples

Questions and answers about the widgets

If you have questions about the individual widgets, then first look at the topics of the individual widgets

Supported Browser

I officially support the last two versions of every major browser. Specifically, i test on the following browsers:

Supported Browser for vibrate on mobil devices function

ioBroker VIS App

latest version needs to be implemented by the app, see I do not use the app and do not test on it either

Adapter settings

Starting with version 0.4.0 there is a settings page for the adapter. You can find it under Instances in the user interface of the admin adapter



setting description
Documentation Links to documentation to help you configure the widgets
Generate global script Create a global script for the Javascript Script Engine with all theme data points. This allows to use colors, fonts and font sizes comfortably in scripts.
Sentry use Sentry libraries to automatically report exceptions and code errors anonymously to the developers. For more details and for information how to disable the error reporting see Sentry-Plugin Documentation!

Theme Editor

With the help of the Theme Editor you can centrally set colors, fonts and font sizes for all widgets via the adapter settings. For each widget datapoints (see screenshot below) are created with the set values. This makes it also possible to use these settings in other widgets (not Material Design Widgets) via bindings.

Datapoint structure


Theme Settings


Every settings page for colors, colors dark, font and font sizes look likes show in the screenshot above.

Standard colors / fonts /font sizes can be defined in the upper area. These standard colors / fonts /font sizes can then be assigned to the individual widgets using the buttons in the table. If you change the default colors / fonts /font sizes, it will also change for all widgets that use this colors / fonts /font sizes. Additionally, it is possible to assign your own colors / fonts /font sizes to the widgets, independent of the standard colors.

For colors there are two themes - light theme and dark theme. With the datapoint vis-materialdesign.0.colors.darkTheme you can switch between the two themes. For example this datapoint can be used in a script to switch between lights and dark colors on sunrise and sunset.

VIS Editor (Restore / update old Widgets)


In the VIS Editor you will find a button use theme for each widget. With this button you can reset the widgets to the use of the themes. That means if you have changed colors, fonts or font sizes, you can reset them with this button.

With the help of this button it is also possible to update your widgets from versions before 0.4.0 to use the themes.

Change Datapoint Binding for Material Design Widgets


If you would like to change the using of others colors that are defined for other widgets, you can copy the datapoint binding by pressing the button with the material design icon. Just paste this in any color, fonts or font sizes field of a material design widget. For example a color "state binding" looks like #mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.card.background

Use Binding for non Material Design Widgets


In the adapter settings you can copy the binding command to the clipboard by clicking on the button with iobroker icon. This binding can then be used by copy and paste even for non Material Design Widgets. For example a color binding looks like {mode:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.darkTheme;light:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.light.card.background;dark:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.dark.card.background; mode === "true" ? dark : light}


Material Design Icons and Images


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Description
Some of the widgets support Material Design Icons library. You can pic up an icon from the list above or open the image picker by clicking the button on the right of the input field.

Image colors only applies to the material design icons, not to an image!

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values

mdw-mdwIcon icon string
mdw-mdwIconSize icon size number
mdw-mdwIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

HTML Properties - Example





Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
View to navigate name of view to navigate

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string navigation_default

mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-nav_view View to navigate views
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-labelWidth text width number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonColorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string left | right
mdw-iconHeight image height number
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
Link url to open
open in new window open link in new window / tab

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string link_default

mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-href Link url
mdw-openNewWindow open in new window boolean false | true
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-labelWidth text width number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonColorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string left | right
mdw-iconHeight image height number
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
value value to set

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string state_default

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-value value string
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-labelWidth text width number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonColorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string left | right
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
mdw-autoLockAfter auto Locking after [s] number
mdw-lockIcon icon string
mdw-lockIconSize icon size number
mdw-lockIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockFilterGrayscale gray filter if locked number
HTML Properties - Example

Multi State

Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
Object ID[x] id of the object from which the value is to be set
value[x] value to be set
delay [ms][x] delay until value is set

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string multiState_default

mdw-countOids count of Object Id's number
mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

Object Id [x]
mdw-oid[x] Object ID string
mdw-value[x] value string
mdw-delayInMs[x] delay [ms] number

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-labelWidth text width number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonColorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string left | right
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
mdw-autoLockAfter auto Locking after [s] number
mdw-lockIcon icon string
mdw-lockIconSize icon size number
mdw-lockIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockFilterGrayscale gray filter if locked number
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
value value to be added or subtracted
minmax minimum / maximum value up to which adding or subtracting can take place

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string addition_default

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-value value string
mdw-minmax minmax string
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-labelWidth text width number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonColorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string left | right
mdw-iconHeight image height number
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.


HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string toggle_default

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-readOnly read only boolean false | true
mdw-toggleType type of toggle string boolean | value
mdw-pushButton push button boolean false | true
mdw-valueOff value for off string
mdw-valueOn value for on string
mdw-stateIfNotTrueValue state if value unequal to 'on' condition string on | off
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-labelTrue Label true string
mdw-labelColorFalse label color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-labelColorTrue active label color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-labelWidth text width number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonColorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorBgFalse background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorBgTrue active background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-imageTrue active image string
mdw-imageTrueColor active image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string left | right
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
mdw-autoLockAfter auto Locking after [s] number
mdw-lockIcon icon string
mdw-lockIconSize icon size number
mdw-lockIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockFilterGrayscale gray filter if locked number
HTML Properties - Example

Buttons Vertical



Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
View to navigate name of view to navigate

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string navigation_vertical

mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-nav_view View to navigate views
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-alignment alignment string flex-start | center | flex-end
mdw-distanceBetweenTextAndImage distance between text and image number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonColorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string top | bottom
mdw-iconHeight image height number
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
Link url to open
open in new window open link in new window / tab

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string link_vertical

mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-href Link url
mdw-openNewWindow open in new window boolean false | true
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-alignment alignment string flex-start | center | flex-end
mdw-distanceBetweenTextAndImage distance between text and image number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonColorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string top | bottom
mdw-iconHeight image height number
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
value value to set

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string state_vertical

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-value value string
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-alignment alignment string flex-start | center | flex-end
mdw-distanceBetweenTextAndImage distance between text and image number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonColorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string top | bottom
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
mdw-autoLockAfter auto Locking after [s] number
mdw-lockIcon icon string
mdw-lockIconTop symbol distance from top [%] number
mdw-lockIconLeft symbol distance from left [%] number
mdw-lockIconSize icon size number
mdw-lockIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockFilterGrayscale gray filter if locked number
HTML Properties - Example

Multi State

Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
Object ID[x] id of the object from which the value is to be set
value[x] value to be set
delay [ms][x] delay until value is set

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string multiState_vertical

mdw-countOids count of Object Id's number
mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

Object Id [x]
mdw-oid[x] Object ID string
mdw-value[x] value string
mdw-delayInMs[x] delay [ms] number

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-alignment alignment string flex-start | center | flex-end
mdw-distanceBetweenTextAndImage distance between text and image number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonColorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string top | bottom
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
mdw-autoLockAfter auto Locking after [s] number
mdw-lockIcon icon string
mdw-lockIconTop symbol distance from top [%] number
mdw-lockIconLeft symbol distance from left [%] number
mdw-lockIconSize icon size number
mdw-lockIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockFilterGrayscale gray filter if locked number
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
value value to be added or subtracted
minmax minimum / maximum value up to which adding or subtracting can take place

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string addition_vertical

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-value value string
mdw-minmax minmax string
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-alignment alignment string flex-start | center | flex-end
mdw-distanceBetweenTextAndImage distance between text and image number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonColorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string top | bottom
mdw-iconHeight image height number
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.


HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string toggle_vertical

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-buttonStyle button style string text | raised | unelevated | outlined
mdw-readOnly read only boolean false | true
mdw-toggleType type of toggle string boolean | value
mdw-pushButton push button boolean false | true
mdw-valueOff value for off string
mdw-valueOn value for on string
mdw-stateIfNotTrueValue state if value unequal to 'on' condition string on | off
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-buttontext Button text string
mdw-labelTrue Label true string
mdw-labelColorFalse label color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-labelColorTrue active label color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-alignment alignment string flex-start | center | flex-end
mdw-distanceBetweenTextAndImage distance between text and image number

mdw-mdwButtonPrimaryColor primary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-mdwButtonSecondaryColor secondary color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorBgFalse background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorBgTrue active background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-imageTrue active image string
mdw-imageTrueColor active image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string top | bottom
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
mdw-autoLockAfter auto Locking after [s] number
mdw-lockIcon icon string
mdw-lockIconTop symbol distance from top [%] number
mdw-lockIconLeft symbol distance from left [%] number
mdw-lockIconSize icon size number
mdw-lockIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockFilterGrayscale gray filter if locked number
HTML Properties - Example

Icon Buttons



Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
View to navigate name of view to navigate

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string navigation_icon

mdw-nav_view View to navigate views
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-colorBgFalse background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
Link url to open
open in new window open link in new window / tab

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string link_icon

mdw-href Link url
mdw-openNewWindow open in new window boolean false | true
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-colorBgFalse background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
value value to set

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string state_icon

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-value value string
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-colorBgFalse background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
mdw-autoLockAfter auto Locking after [s] number
mdw-lockIcon icon string
mdw-lockIconTop symbol distance from top [%] number
mdw-lockIconLeft symbol distance from left [%] number
mdw-lockIconSize icon size number
mdw-lockIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockIconBackground lockIconBackground string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockBackgroundSizeFactor lockBackgroundSizeFactor number
mdw-lockFilterGrayscale gray filter if locked number
HTML Properties - Example

Multi State

Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
Object ID[x] id of the object from which the value is to be set
value[x] value to be set
delay [ms][x] delay until value is set

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string multiState_icon

mdw-countOids count of Object Id's number
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

Object Id [x]
mdw-oid[x] Object ID string
mdw-value[x] value string
mdw-delayInMs[x] delay [ms] number

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-colorBgFalse background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
mdw-autoLockAfter auto Locking after [s] number
mdw-lockIcon icon string
mdw-lockIconTop symbol distance from top [%] number
mdw-lockIconLeft symbol distance from left [%] number
mdw-lockIconSize icon size number
mdw-lockIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockIconBackground lockIconBackground string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockBackgroundSizeFactor lockBackgroundSizeFactor number
mdw-lockFilterGrayscale gray filter if locked number
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
value value to be added or subtracted
minmax minimum / maximum value up to which adding or subtracting can take place

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string addition_icon

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-value value string
mdw-minmax minmax string
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-colorBgFalse background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
HTML Properties - Example


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.


HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string toggle_icon

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-readOnly read only boolean false | true
mdw-toggleType type of toggle string boolean | value
mdw-pushButton push button boolean false | true
mdw-valueOff value for off string
mdw-valueOn value for on string
mdw-stateIfNotTrueValue state if value unequal to 'on' condition string on | off
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-imageTrue active image string
mdw-imageTrueColor active image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconHeight image height number

mdw-colorBgFalse background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorBgTrue active background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorPress color pressed string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
mdw-autoLockAfter auto Locking after [s] number
mdw-lockIcon icon string
mdw-lockIconTop symbol distance from top [%] number
mdw-lockIconLeft symbol distance from left [%] number
mdw-lockIconSize icon size number
mdw-lockIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockIconBackground lockIconBackground string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockBackgroundSizeFactor lockBackgroundSizeFactor number
mdw-lockFilterGrayscale gray filter if locked number
HTML Properties - Example



Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
type of toggle Define which type of datapoint (boolean or value) should be switched
value for off Set at which value the checkbox is false
value for on Set at which value the checkbox is true
state if value unequal to 'on' condition Set the state of the checkbox when the value does not match the 'on' condition

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-readOnly read only boolean false | true
mdw-toggleType type of toggle string boolean | value
mdw-valueOff value for off string
mdw-valueOn value for on string
mdw-stateIfNotTrueValue state if value unequal to 'on' condition string on | off
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-labelFalse Label false string
mdw-labelTrue Label true string
mdw-labelPosition labelPosition string left | right | off
mdw-labelClickActive activate label click boolean false | true
mdw-valueFontFamily valueFontFamily string
mdw-valueFontSize value font size number

mdw-colorCheckBox checkbox color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorCheckBoxBorder border color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorCheckBoxHover hover color of checkbox string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-labelColorFalse label color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-labelColorTrue active label color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
mdw-autoLockAfter auto Locking after [s] number
mdw-lockIcon icon string
mdw-lockIconTop symbol distance from top [%] number
mdw-lockIconLeft symbol distance from left [%] number
mdw-lockIconSize icon size number
mdw-lockIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockFilterGrayscale gray filter if locked number

HTML Properties - Example




Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
type of toggle Define which type of datapoint (boolean or value) should be switched
value for off Set at which value the switch is false
value for on Set at which value the switch is true
state if value unequal to 'on' condition Set the state of the switch when the value does not match the 'on' condition

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-readOnly read only boolean false | true
mdw-toggleType type of toggle string boolean | value
mdw-valueOff value for off string
mdw-valueOn value for on string
mdw-stateIfNotTrueValue state if value unequal to 'on' condition string on | off
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-labelFalse Label false string
mdw-labelTrue Label true string
mdw-labelPosition labelPosition string left | right | off
mdw-labelClickActive activate label click boolean false | true
mdw-valueFontFamily valueFontFamily string
mdw-valueFontSize value font size number

mdw-colorSwitchThumb thumb color of switch string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorSwitchTrack track color of switch string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorSwitchTrue active switch color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorSwitchHover hover color of switch string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorSwitchHoverTrue active switch color selected / hover string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-labelColorFalse label color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-labelColorTrue active label color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
mdw-autoLockAfter auto Locking after [s] number
mdw-lockIcon icon string
mdw-lockIconTop symbol distance from top [%] number
mdw-lockIconLeft symbol distance from left [%] number
mdw-lockIconSize icon size number
mdw-lockIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-lockFilterGrayscale gray filter if locked number

HTML Properties - Example




As HTML Widget it can be used as an alternativ for Bindings by giving a better performance.

Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
target type If you would like to convert to an other type, choose the target type to convert to.
override text override the value text. you can use #value to show the value in the text
font color Define the color of the text. Additional it's posible to use #value for conditions to show diffrent colors depending on the value of the datapoint. Allowed expression see mathjs evaluation expressions
color of the text prepanded Define the color of the text. Additional it's posible to use #value for conditions to show diffrent colors depending on the value of the datapoint. Allowed expression see mathjs evaluation expressions
color of appended text Define the color of the text. Additional it's posible to use #value for conditions to show diffrent colors depending on the value of the datapoint. Allowed expression see mathjs evaluation expressions
calculate Use #value for the value of the datapoint and convert it by calculation using mathjs evaluation expressions
convert seconds to duration convert a duration in seconds to a readable string. Approved formats must be entered according to the moment-duration-format library. You can also use humanize.

It's also possible to combine this with the calculation, e.g. if the source value is in minutes, you can convert it to seconds by using calculation
convert timestamp to datetime convert a timestamp to a readable datetime. Approved formats must be entered according to the momentjs library.

It's also possible to combine this with the calculation
condition Use #value for the value of the datapoint and conditions to format other types to boolean by using the mathjs evaluation expressions
Image Select a materialdesignicon or an image. Additional it's posible to use #value for conditions to show diffrent images / icons depending on the value of the datapoint. Allowed expression see mathjs evaluation expressions
image color Define the color of the materialdesignicon. Additional it's posible to use #value for conditions to show diffrent colors depending on the value of the datapoint. Allowed expression see mathjs evaluation expressions

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-targetType target type string auto | number | string | boolean
mdw-overrideText override text string
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-textAlign textAlign string start | center | end
mdw-valuesFontColor font color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-valuesFontFamily font string
mdw-valuesFontSize font size number
mdw-prepandText text prepanded string
mdw-prepandTextColor color of text prepanded string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-prepandTextFontFamily font of text prepanded string
mdw-prepandTextFontSize size text prepanded number
mdw-appendText appended text string
mdw-appendTextColor color of appended text string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-appendTextFontFamily font of appended text string
mdw-appendTextFontSize font size of appended text number

number formatting
mdw-valueLabelUnit unit string
mdw-minDecimals minimal decimals number
mdw-maxDecimals maximal decimals number
mdw-calculate calculate string
mdw-convertToDuration convert to duration text

boolean formatting
mdw-textOnTrue text if true string
mdw-textOnFalse text if false string
mdw-condition condition string

mdw-image Image string
mdw-imageColor image color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-iconPosition image position string left | right
mdw-iconHeight image height number

value change effect
mdw-changeEffectEnabled enabled boolean false | true
mdw-effectFontColor font color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-effectFontSize font size number
mdw-effectDuration effect duration number

HTML Properties - Example






Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
type of list control type of list like checkbox, button state, button toggle, etc.
divider style style of the divider
layout standard or card layout
show scollbar show scrollbar if necessary
input method for the list data use the editor or a json string to define the items
Editor: count of list items count of list items using the editor
JSON-String: object id object id of datapoint containing json string. Allowed properties are described below

Data JSON Properties

Property Description Type Values
objectId id of datapoint string
buttonStateValue value for button if list is from type button state string
buttonNavView view for button if list is from type button navigation string
buttonLink link adresse for button if list is from type button link string
header header text of item string
text primary text string
subText secondary text string
rightText primary right text string
rightSubText secondary right text string
image material design icon or image path string
imageColor color of material design icon string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
imageActive material design icon or image path if datapoint is active string
imageActiveColor color of material design icon if datapoint is active string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
showDivider show divider boolean false | true
listOverflow automatically adjust column width to value boolean false | true

JSON Properties - Example

        "text": "item0",
        "subText": "{0_userdata.0.MDW.list.bind0}",
        "rightText": "right",
        "rightSubText": "",
        "image": "clock-check-outline",
        "imageColor": "#44739e",
        "imageActive": "",
        "imageActiveColor": "",
        "header": "JSON",
        "showDivider": "false",
        "objectId": "0_userdata.0.MDW.list.bool.val0",
        "buttonStateValue": "",
        "buttonNavView": "",
        "buttonLink": "",
        "listOverflow": false
    }, {
        "text": "item1",
        "subText": "{0_userdata.0.MDW.list.bind1}",
        "rightText": "right",
        "rightSubText": "",
        "image": "clock-check-outline",
        "imageColor": "#44739e",
        "imageActive": "",
        "imageActiveColor": "",
        "header": "",
        "showDivider": "false",
        "objectId": "0_userdata.0.MDW.list.bool.val1",
        "buttonStateValue": "",
        "buttonNavView": "",
        "buttonLink": "",
        "listOverflow": false
    }, {
        "text": "item2",
        "subText": "",
        "rightText": "right",
        "rightSubText": "",
        "image": "clock-check-outline",
        "imageColor": "#44739e",
        "imageActive": "",
        "imageActiveColor": "",
        "header": "",
        "showDivider": "false",
        "objectId": "0_userdata.0.MDW.list.bool.val2",
        "buttonStateValue": "",
        "buttonNavView": "",
        "buttonLink": "",
        "listOverflow": false
    }, {
        "text": "item3",
        "subText": "fuuuu",
        "rightText": "right",
        "rightSubText": "",
        "image": "clock-check-outline",
        "imageColor": "#44739e",
        "imageActive": "",
        "imageActiveColor": "",
        "header": "",
        "showDivider": "false",
        "objectId": "0_userdata.0.MDW.list.bool.val3",
        "buttonStateValue": "",
        "buttonNavView": "",
        "buttonLink": "",
        "listOverflow": false



Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
input method for the list data The data for the IconList can be entered via the editor or a JSON string can be used
Editor: count of list items number of list items using vis editor for the data of list
JSON-String: object id object id of datapoint containing json string. Allowed properties are described below

Data JSON Properties

JSON string must be an array of objects with the following properties:

Property Description Type Values
listType type of list
  • buttonToggleValueTrue: is only on if the value equals the condition 'on'
  • buttonToggleValueFalse: is only off if the value equals the condition 'off'
string text | buttonState | buttonToggle | buttonToggleValueTrue | buttonToggleValueFalse | buttonNav | buttonLink
objectId object id for button string
minWidth min width for item string 30px | 60%
usePercentOfRow item use x percent of row. number 0 = auto
buttonStateValue value for button state string
buttonNavView view to navigate string
buttonLink url to navigate string
buttonToggleValueTrue true value for button toggle string
buttonToggleValueFalse false value for button toggle string
readOnly button is read only boolean false | true
showValueLabel show value as text boolean false | true
valueAppendix append text to value string
background background color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
text text string
subText second text string
image image path or name of Material Design Icons string
imageColor color of Material Design Icons string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
imageActive image path or name of Material Design Icons string
imageActiveColor image path or name of Material Design Icons for active button string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
buttonBackgroundColor background color of button string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
buttonBackgroundActiveColor background color of button for active button string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
statusBarColor color of status bar string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
statusBarColorActive color of status bar if active string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
statusBarText text of status bar string
statusBarTextActive text of status bar if active string
lockEnabled enable Locking boolean false | true
visibilityOid Object Id for visibility string
visibilityCondition visibility condition string == | != | <= | >= | < | > | consist | not consist | exist | not exist
visibilityConditionValue value for visibility condition string

JSON Properties - Example

        "background": "red",
        "text": "text1",
        "subText": "number",
        "image": "harddisk",
        "imageColor": "#ec0909",
        "imageActive": "folder",
        "imageActiveColor": "#5ad902",
        "buttonBackgroundColor": "",
        "buttonBackgroundActiveColor": "",
        "listType": "buttonState",
        "objectId": "0_userdata.0.iconList.buttonState.number",
        "buttonStateValue": "60",
        "buttonNavView": "",
        "buttonLink": "",
        "buttonToggleValueTrue": "",
        "buttonToggleValueFalse": "",
        "valueAppendix": "",
        "showValueLabel": "true",
        "statusBarColor": "green",
        "lockEnabled": "false"        
        "background": "green",
        "text": "text0",
        "subText": "bool",
        "image": "home",
        "imageColor": "#44739e",
        "imageActive": "home",
        "imageActiveColor": "#44739e",
        "buttonBackgroundColor": "",
        "buttonBackgroundActiveColor": "#a0f628",
        "listType": "buttonToggle",
        "objectId": "0_userdata.0.iconList.buttonToggle.bool0",
        "buttonStateValue": "60",
        "buttonNavView": "",
        "buttonLink": "",
        "buttonToggleValueTrue": "",
        "buttonToggleValueFalse": "",
        "valueAppendix": "",
        "showValueLabel": "false",
        "statusBarColor": "",
        "lockEnabled": "false"



Editor Settings

Screenshot Setting Description
condition for color 1 progress [>] Condition from when color 1 should be used. The value of the condition must be in percent
condition for color 2 progress [>] Condition from when color 2 should be used. The value of the condition must be in percent
custom label For custom label you can use the property [#value] to show the real value of the datapoint. To show the current percent you can use [#percent]

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string linear

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-min min string
mdw-max max string
mdw-progressIndeterminate indeterminate - continuously animates boolean false | true
mdw-reverse Revers value boolean false | true
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-progressRounded rounded corners boolean false | true
mdw-progressStriped striped boolean false | true
mdw-progressStripedColor progressStripedColor string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-stripDistance stripDistance number

mdw-colorProgressBackground background color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorProgress color progress string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorOneCondition condition for color 1 progress [>] number
mdw-colorOne color 1 progress string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorTwoCondition condition for color 2 progress [>] number
mdw-colorTwo color 2 progress string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-showValueLabel show value boolean false | true
mdw-valueLabelStyle value caption style string progressPercent | progressValue | progressCustom
mdw-valueLabelUnit unit string
mdw-valueMaxDecimals decimal points number
mdw-valueLabelCustom custom label string
mdw-textColor Minutes text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textAlign textAlign string start | center | end

HTML Properties - Example


Progress Circular


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
condition for color 1 progress [>] Condition from when color 1 should be used. The value of the condition must be in percent
condition for color 2 progress [>] Condition from when color 2 should be used. The value of the condition must be in percent
custom label For custom label you can use the property [#value] to show the real value of the datapoint. To show the current percent you can use [#percent]

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values
mdw-type Widget type string linear

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-min min string
mdw-max max string
mdw-reverse Revers value boolean false | true
mdw-invertValue invert value boolean false | true
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-progressRounded rounded corners boolean false | true
mdw-progressIndeterminate indeterminate - continuously animates boolean false | true
mdw-progressRotate rotate 90 degress string noRotate | yesRotate

mdw-progressStriped striped boolean false | true
mdw-progressStripedColor progressStripedColor string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-stripAngle stripAngle number

mdw-colorProgressBackground background color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorProgress color progress string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorOneCondition condition for color 1 progress [>] number
mdw-colorOne color 1 progress string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorTwoCondition condition for color 2 progress [>] number
mdw-colorTwo color 2 progress string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-showValueLabel show value boolean false | true
mdw-valueLabelStyle value caption style string progressPercent | progressValue | progressCustom
mdw-valueLabelUnit unit string
mdw-valueMaxDecimals decimal points number
mdw-valueLabelCustom custom label string
mdw-textColor Minutes text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-textFontSize text size number
mdw-textFontFamily font string
mdw-textAlign textAlign string start | center | end

HTML Properties - Example




HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-oid-working Working Object ID string
mdw-orientation Orientation string horizontal | vertical
mdw-reverseSlider invert slider boolean false | true
mdw-knobSize knob size string knobSmall | knobMedium | knobBig
mdw-readOnly read only boolean false | true
mdw-min min string
mdw-max max string
mdw-step steps string
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

steps Layout
mdw-showTicks show steps string no | yes | always
mdw-tickSize display size of steps number
mdw-tickLabels text of steps (comma separated) string
mdw-tickTextColor text color of steps string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-tickFontFamily font of steps string
mdw-tickFontSize font size number
mdw-tickColorBefore color before the regulator string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-tickColorAfter color after the regulator string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-colorBeforeThumb color before regulator string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorThumb color of regulator string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorAfterThumb color after regulator string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-prepandText text prepanded string
mdw-prepandTextWidth prepandTextWidth number
mdw-prepandTextColor color of text prepanded string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-prepandTextFontSize size text prepanded number
mdw-prepandTextFontFamily font of text prepanded string
mdw-showValueLabel show value boolean false | true
mdw-valueLabelStyle value caption style string sliderPercent | sliderValue
mdw-valueLabelUnit unit string
mdw-valueFontFamily valueFontFamily string
mdw-valueFontSize value font size number
mdw-valueLabelColor text color of value string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-valueLabelMin text for value less than min string
mdw-valueLabelMax text for value greater than min string
mdw-valueLessThan 'smaller than' condition for the text of the value number
mdw-textForValueLessThan text for 'smaller than' string
mdw-valueGreaterThan 'greater than' condition for the text of the value number
mdw-textForValueGreaterThan text for 'greater than' string
mdw-valueLabelWidth distance label number

layout of the controller label
mdw-showThumbLabel show label string no | yes | always
mdw-thumbSize label size number
mdw-thumbBackgroundColor background color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-thumbFontColor font color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-thumbFontSize font size number
mdw-thumbFontFamily font string
mdw-useLabelRules use rules of the text boolean false | true

HTML Properties - Example


Slider Round


HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-oid-working Working Object ID string
mdw-min min string
mdw-max max string
mdw-step steps string
mdw-readOnly read only boolean false | true
mdw-startAngle start angle number
mdw-arcLength arc length number
mdw-sliderWidth slider thikness number
mdw-handleSize knob size number
mdw-handleZoom knob zoom at control number
mdw-rtl slider movement from right to left boolean false | true
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

mdw-colorSliderBg background string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorBeforeThumb color before regulator string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorThumb color of regulator string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-colorAfterThumb color after regulator string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-valueLabelColor text color of value string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

mdw-showValueLabel show value boolean false | true
mdw-valueLabelVerticalPosition vertical text position of value number
mdw-valueLabelStyle value caption style string sliderPercent | sliderValue
mdw-valueLabelUnit unit string
mdw-valueFontFamily valueFontFamily string
mdw-valueFontSize value font size number
mdw-valueLabelMin text for value less than min string
mdw-valueLabelMax text for value greater than min string
mdw-valueLessThan 'smaller than' condition for the text of the value number
mdw-textForValueLessThan text for 'smaller than' string
mdw-valueGreaterThan 'greater than' condition for the text of the value number
mdw-textForValueGreaterThan text for 'greater than' string

HTML Properties - Example



Text input


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
Object ID id of datapoint
input type input type of textfield
input mask if using input type mask, you can define a mask. Allowed properties are describe in the vue the mask documentation
max length max input length of textfield

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-inputType input type string text | number | date | time | mask
mdw-inputMask input mask string
mdw-inputMaxLength max length number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

layout input
mdw-inputLayout layout string regular | solo | solo-rounded | solo-shaped | filled | filled-rounded | filled-shaped | outlined | outlined-rounded | outlined-shaped
mdw-inputAlignment text alignment string left | center | right
mdw-inputLayoutBackgroundColor background color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBackgroundColorHover background color hover string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBackgroundColorSelected background color selected string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBorderColor border color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBorderColorHover border color hover string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBorderColorSelected border color selected string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputTextFontFamily font string
mdw-inputTextFontSize font size number
mdw-inputTextColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

label of input
mdw-inputLabelText text string
mdw-inputLabelColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLabelColorSelected text color selected string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLabelFontFamily font string
mdw-inputLabelFontSize font size number
mdw-inputTranslateX offset x number
mdw-inputTranslateY offset y number

appendixs of the input
mdw-inputPrefix prepended text string
mdw-inputSuffix appended text string
mdw-inputAppendixColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputAppendixFontSize font size number
mdw-inputAppendixFontFamily font string

sub text of input
mdw-showInputMessageAlways always show boolean false | true
mdw-inputMessage text string
mdw-inputMessageFontFamily font string
mdw-inputMessageFontSize font size number
mdw-inputMessageColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

counter layout
mdw-showInputCounter show counter boolean false | true
mdw-inputCounterColor font color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputCounterFontSize font size number
mdw-inputCounterFontFamily font string

mdw-clearIconShow show text delete icon boolean false | true
mdw-clearIcon text delete icon string
mdw-clearIconSize size of text delete icon number
mdw-clearIconColor color of text delete icon string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-prepandIcon prefixed icon string
mdw-prepandIconSize size of prefixed icon number
mdw-prepandIconColor color of prefixed icon string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-prepandInnerIcon inner prefixed symbol string
mdw-prepandInnerIconSize size of inner prefixed symbol number
mdw-prepandInnerIconColor color of inner prefixed symbol string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-appendIcon appended symbol string
mdw-appendIconSize size of appended symbol number
mdw-appendIconColor color of appended symbol string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-appendOuterIcon outer appended symbol string
mdw-appendOuterIconSize size of outer appended symbol number
mdw-appendOuterIconColor color of outer appended symbol string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)



Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
method of data of menu There are three methods to define the data of the menu. First is to define it via editor. Second is to define it via a json string. Third method is to define it by three list for values, labels and icons
Editor: count of menu items Method of data of menu: via editor
Define the number of menu entries. The the individual menu entries can be defined under menu item[x]
JSON string Here you can add a JSON string to define the menu entries or use bindings to a datapoint that contains a JSON string.

JSON string must have the above descibed format
value list Define the number of menu entries by adding values that will be set to the datapoint. Entries must be separeted by semicolon
value list: labels Define the related labels of the values. Entries must be separeted by semicolon
value list: images Define the related icons of the values. Entries must be separeted by semicolon. You can use image path or Material Design Icons name

Menu JSON Properties

Property Description Type Values
text text of menu item string
subText subtext of menu item string
value value of menu item, this will assign as value to the datapoint if this is selected string
icon material design icon or image path for menu item string
iconColor color of material design icon string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
iconColorSelectedTextField icon color of input field when selected string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
Menu JSON Properties - Example
``` [ { "text": "1 Tag", "subText": "sub", "value": "1 day", "icon": "home" }, { "text": "3 Tage", "subText": "sub", "value": "3 days", "icon": "home" }, { "text": "1 Woche", "subText": "sub", "value": "7 days", "icon": "home" }, { "text": "2 Wochen", "subText": "sub", "value": "14 days", "icon": "home" }, { "text": "1 Monat", "subText": "sub", "value": "1 month", "icon": "/vis.0/myImages/hard-drive.png" }, { "text": "2 Monate", "subText": "sub", "value": "2 months", "icon": "home", "iconColor": "blue", "iconColorSelectedTextField": "purple" }, { "text": "3 Monate", "value": "3 months" }, { "text": "6 Monate", "value": "6 months" }, { "text": "1 Jahr", "value": "1 year" } ] ```

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-inputType input type string text | date | time
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

layout input
mdw-inputLayout layout string regular | solo | solo-rounded | solo-shaped | filled | filled-rounded | filled-shaped | outlined | outlined-rounded | outlined-shaped
mdw-inputAlignment text alignment string left | center | right
mdw-inputLayoutBackgroundColor background color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBackgroundColorHover background color hover string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBackgroundColorSelected background color selected string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBorderColor border color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBorderColorHover border color hover string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBorderColorSelected border color selected string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputTextFontFamily font string
mdw-inputTextFontSize font size number
mdw-inputTextColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

label of input
mdw-inputLabelText text string
mdw-inputLabelColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLabelColorSelected text color selected string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLabelFontFamily font string
mdw-inputLabelFontSize font size number
mdw-inputTranslateX offset x number
mdw-inputTranslateY offset y number

appendixs of the input
mdw-inputPrefix prepended text string
mdw-inputSuffix appended text string
mdw-inputAppendixColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputAppendixFontSize font size number
mdw-inputAppendixFontFamily font string

sub text of input
mdw-showInputMessageAlways always show boolean false | true
mdw-inputMessage text string
mdw-inputMessageFontFamily font string
mdw-inputMessageFontSize font size number
mdw-inputMessageColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

counter layout
mdw-showInputCounter show counter boolean false | true
mdw-inputCounterColor font color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputCounterFontSize font size number
mdw-inputCounterFontFamily font string

mdw-clearIconShow show text delete icon boolean false | true
mdw-clearIcon text delete icon string
mdw-clearIconSize size of text delete icon number
mdw-clearIconColor color of text delete icon string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-collapseIcon menu open symbol string
mdw-collapseIconSize size of menu open symbol number
mdw-collapseIconColor color of menu open symbol string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-prepandIcon prefixed icon string
mdw-prepandIconSize size of prefixed icon number
mdw-prepandIconColor color of prefixed icon string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-prepandInnerIcon inner prefixed symbol string
mdw-prepandInnerIconSize size of inner prefixed symbol number
mdw-prepandInnerIconColor color of inner prefixed symbol string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-appendOuterIcon outer appended symbol string
mdw-appendOuterIconSize size of outer appended symbol number
mdw-appendOuterIconColor color of outer appended symbol string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

data of menu
mdw-listDataMethod input method for the menu data string inputPerEditor | jsonStringObject | multistatesObject | valueList
mdw-countSelectItems Editor: count of menu items number
mdw-jsonStringObject JSON string. Must be html escaped! Hint: use he library in your scripts to encode to htmle string
mdw-valueList value list string
mdw-valueListLabels value list: labels string
mdw-valueListIcons value list: images string

menu layout
mdw-listPosition position string auto | top | bottom
mdw-listPositionOffset use position offset boolean false | true
mdw-openOnClear open Menu at using clear button boolean false | true
mdw-listItemHeight height of menu item number
mdw-listItemBackgroundColor background color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemBackgroundHoverColor hover color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemBackgroundSelectedColor color of selected item string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemRippleEffectColor effect color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-showSelectedIcon show icon of selected item string no | prepend | prepend-inner | append-outer
mdw-listIconSize icon size number
mdw-listIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listIconHoverColor icon hover color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listIconSelectedColor icon color of selected item string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemFontSize font size number
mdw-listItemFont font string
mdw-listItemFontColor font color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemFontHoverColor font hover color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemFontSelectedColor font color of selected item string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemSubFontSize second text font size number
mdw-listItemSubFont second text font string
mdw-listItemSubFontColor second text font color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemSubFontHoverColor hover color of second text string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemSubFontSelectedColor color of second selected text string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-showValue show value boolean false | true
mdw-listItemValueFontSize font size of value number
mdw-listItemValueFont font of value string
mdw-listItemValueFontColor font color of value string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemValueFontHoverColor hover font color of value string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemValueFontSelectedColor font color of selected value string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

menu item [x]
mdw-value[x] value string
mdw-label[x] label string
mdw-subLabel[x] second text string
mdw-listIcon[x] icon string
mdw-listIconColor[x] icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-imageColorSelectedTextField[x] selected icon color for textfield string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
HTML Properties - Example



Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
method of data of menu There are three methods to define the data of the menu. First is to define it via editor. Second is to define it via a json string. Third method is to define it by three list for values, labels and icons
Editor: count of menu items Method of data of menu: via editor
Define the number of menu entries. The the individual menu entries can be defined under menu item[x]
JSON string Here you can add a JSON string to define the menu entries or use bindings to a datapoint that contains a JSON string.

JSON string must have the above descibed format
value list Define the number of menu entries by adding values that will be set to the datapoint. Entries must be separeted by semicolon
value list: labels Define the related labels of the values. Entries must be separeted by semicolon
value list: images Define the related icons of the values. Entries must be separeted by semicolon. You can use image path or Material Design Icons name

Menu JSON Properties

Property Description Type Values
text text of menu item string
subText subtext of menu item string
value value of menu item, this will assign as value to the datapoint if this is selected string
icon material design icon or image path for menu item string
iconColor color of material design icon string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
iconColorSelectedTextField icon color of input field when selected string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
Menu JSON Properties - Example
``` [ { "text": "1 Tag", "subText": "sub", "value": "1 day", "icon": "home" }, { "text": "3 Tage", "subText": "sub", "value": "3 days", "icon": "home" }, { "text": "1 Woche", "subText": "sub", "value": "7 days", "icon": "home" }, { "text": "2 Wochen", "subText": "sub", "value": "14 days", "icon": "home" }, { "text": "1 Monat", "subText": "sub", "value": "1 month", "icon": "/vis.0/myImages/hard-drive.png" }, { "text": "2 Monate", "subText": "sub", "value": "2 months", "icon": "home", "iconColor": "blue", "iconColorSelectedTextField": "purple" }, { "text": "3 Monate", "value": "3 months" }, { "text": "6 Monate", "value": "6 months" }, { "text": "1 Jahr", "value": "1 year" } ] ```

HTML Properties

The following properties can be used as HTML Widgets.

Property Description Type Values

mdw-oid Object ID string
mdw-inputMode inputMode string write | select
mdw-inputType input type string text | date | time
mdw-vibrateOnMobilDevices vibrate on mobil devices [s] number
mdw-debug debug boolean false | true

layout input
mdw-inputLayout layout string regular | solo | solo-rounded | solo-shaped | filled | filled-rounded | filled-shaped | outlined | outlined-rounded | outlined-shaped
mdw-inputAlignment text alignment string left | center | right
mdw-inputLayoutBackgroundColor background color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBackgroundColorHover background color hover string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBackgroundColorSelected background color selected string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBorderColor border color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBorderColorHover border color hover string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLayoutBorderColorSelected border color selected string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputTextFontFamily font string
mdw-inputTextFontSize font size number
mdw-inputTextColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

label of input
mdw-inputLabelText text string
mdw-inputLabelColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLabelColorSelected text color selected string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputLabelFontFamily font string
mdw-inputLabelFontSize font size number
mdw-inputTranslateX offset x number
mdw-inputTranslateY offset y number

appendixs of the input
mdw-inputPrefix prepended text string
mdw-inputSuffix appended text string
mdw-inputAppendixColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputAppendixFontSize font size number
mdw-inputAppendixFontFamily font string

sub text of input
mdw-showInputMessageAlways always show boolean false | true
mdw-inputMessage text string
mdw-inputMessageFontFamily font string
mdw-inputMessageFontSize font size number
mdw-inputMessageColor text color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

counter layout
mdw-showInputCounter show counter boolean false | true
mdw-inputCounterColor font color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-inputCounterFontSize font size number
mdw-inputCounterFontFamily font string

mdw-clearIconShow show text delete icon boolean false | true
mdw-clearIcon text delete icon string
mdw-clearIconSize size of text delete icon number
mdw-clearIconColor color of text delete icon string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-collapseIcon menu open symbol string
mdw-collapseIconSize size of menu open symbol number
mdw-collapseIconColor color of menu open symbol string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-prepandIcon prefixed icon string
mdw-prepandIconSize size of prefixed icon number
mdw-prepandIconColor color of prefixed icon string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-prepandInnerIcon inner prefixed symbol string
mdw-prepandInnerIconSize size of inner prefixed symbol number
mdw-prepandInnerIconColor color of inner prefixed symbol string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-appendOuterIcon outer appended symbol string
mdw-appendOuterIconSize size of outer appended symbol number
mdw-appendOuterIconColor color of outer appended symbol string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

data of menu
mdw-listDataMethod input method for the menu data string inputPerEditor | jsonStringObject | multistatesObject | valueList
mdw-countSelectItems Editor: count of menu items number
mdw-jsonStringObject JSON string. Must be html escaped! Hint: use he library in your scripts to encode to htmle string
mdw-valueList value list string
mdw-valueListLabels value list: labels string
mdw-valueListIcons value list: images string

menu layout
mdw-listPosition position string auto | top | bottom
mdw-listPositionOffset use position offset boolean false | true
mdw-openOnClear open Menu at using clear button boolean false | true
mdw-listItemHeight height of menu item number
mdw-listItemBackgroundColor background color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemBackgroundHoverColor hover color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemBackgroundSelectedColor color of selected item string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemRippleEffectColor effect color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-showSelectedIcon show icon of selected item string no | prepend | prepend-inner | append-outer
mdw-listIconSize icon size number
mdw-listIconColor icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listIconHoverColor icon hover color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listIconSelectedColor icon color of selected item string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemFontSize font size number
mdw-listItemFont font string
mdw-listItemFontColor font color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemFontHoverColor font hover color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemFontSelectedColor font color of selected item string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemSubFontSize second text font size number
mdw-listItemSubFont second text font string
mdw-listItemSubFontColor second text font color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemSubFontHoverColor hover color of second text string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemSubFontSelectedColor color of second selected text string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-showValue show value boolean false | true
mdw-listItemValueFontSize font size of value number
mdw-listItemValueFont font of value string
mdw-listItemValueFontColor font color of value string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemValueFontHoverColor hover font color of value string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-listItemValueFontSelectedColor font color of selected value string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

menu item [x]
mdw-value[x] value string
mdw-label[x] label string
mdw-subLabel[x] second text string
mdw-listIcon[x] icon string
mdw-listIconColor[x] icon color string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
mdw-imageColorSelectedTextField[x] selected icon color for textfield string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
HTML Properties - Example

Top App Bar

Top App Bar with Navigation Drawer can be combined with the view in widget 8.

Take a look at the Material Design Widgets example project to understand how it works.

Layout modal:


Layout permanent:


Layout auto:


Layout 'auto' switch automatically between layout 'modal' and 'permanent' depending on screen resolution. Via VIS-Editor you can set the resolution from which the 'permanent' layout should be used (bigger than condition).

Hint: Using with the 'View in Widget 8' widget

To work correct with the 'view in widget 8' widget you have to define a css media rule.

Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
Object ID must be set to a datapoint from typ number. For example this datapoint can be used by view in widget 8
show index of navigation items shows the index of navigation before the item label. This number can be used in view in widget 8 to define the view that should be shown if the item is selected
count of navigation items Define the count of the navigations items
fallback value if not in user group if you use the group permissions, you can define here the value to switch to if the user is not in the group
disable fallback value disable fallback value
Object Id for selected menu item id or name You can optionally specify a datapoint in which the name or the menu id of the selected navigation element is written.
If no menu id is specified, the text of the navigation element is used. If the selected navigation element is a submenu, the name or menu id of the corresponding navigation element and submenu element is written separated with a '.', e.g. EG.Wohnzimmer

For example, this can be used to dynamically create widgets depending on the selected navigation element.
input method for the navigation items Choose if the navigation elements are created by VIS editor or by json string.
JSON String for navigation items details see Menu JSON Properties and Submenu JSON Properties

Menu JSON Properties

menu items can be defined by a JSON string:

Property Description Type Values
menuId define a custom id for menu item, will be written to the "Object Id for selected menu item id or name" if selected string
text text of menu item string
header header of menu item string
icon icon or image path of entry string
iconColor icon color (works not if image is used) color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
divider show a divider boolean false, true
userGroups user groups that are allowed to view and control this entry. array[string] id of user groups
behaviorNotInUserGroup hide or disable entry if user is not part of user group string hide, disabled
setValueOnMenuToggleClick set value on click at item that toggle submenu boolean false, true
subMenuIconColor icon color of sub menu items (works not if image is used) color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
subMenus Object with sub menu items, Details see Submenu JSON Properties array[subMenu]

Menu JSON Properties - Example

        "text": "Start",
        "divider": "true",
        "icon": "home"
    }, {
        "menuId": "EG",
        "text": "Erdgeschoss",
        "icon": "home-floor-0",
        "setValueOnMenuToggleClick": "true",
        "subMenus": [
                "menuId": "Esszimmer",
                "text": "Esszimmer",
                "icon": "table-furniture"
            }, {
                "menuId": "Wohnzimmer",
                "text": "Wohnzimmer",
                "icon": "sofa"
            }, {
                "menuId": "Kueche",
                "text": "Küche",
                "icon": "sofa"
            }, {
                "menuId": "Eingang",
                "text": "Eingang",
                "icon": "sofa"
            }, {
                "menuId": "Flur",
                "text": "Flur",
                "icon": "sofa"
            }, {
                "menuId": "Bad",
                "text": "Bad",
                "icon": "sofa"
            }, {
                "menuId": "Zimmer",
                "text": "Zimmer",
                "icon": "sofa"
    }, {
        "menuId": "DG",
        "text": "Dachgeschoss",
        "icon": "home-roof",
        "setValueOnMenuToggleClick": "true",
        "subMenus": [
                "text": "Flur",
                "icon": "table-furniture"
            }, {
                "text": "Galerie",
                "icon": "sofa"
            }, {
                "text": "Schlafzimmer",
                "icon": "sofa"
            }, {
                "text": "Ankleide",
                "icon": "sofa"
            }, {
                "text": "Bad",
                "icon": "sofa"
            }, {
                "text": "Kinderzimmer",
                "icon": "sofa"



submenus must be defined by a JSON string:

Submenu JSON Properties

Property Description Type Values
menuId define a custom id for menu item, will be written to the "Object Id for selected menu item id or name" if selected string
text text of submenu string
icon icon or image path of entry string
iconColor icon color (works not if image is used) color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
divider show a divider boolean false, true
userGroups user groups that are allowed to view and control this entry. array[string] id of user groups
behaviorNotInUserGroup hide or disable entry if user is not part of user group string hide, disabled
Submenu JSON Properties - Example

        "text": "subitem0",
        "icon": "account",
        "iconColor": "red"
        "text": "subitem1",
        "icon": "home",
        "iconColor": "green",
        "divider": "true"
        "text": "subitem1",
        "divider": "true",
        "icon": "/vis.0/myImages/devices/lxc_iobroker.png",
        "userGroups": ["administrator", "user"],
        "behaviorNotInUserGroup": "disabled"


Bar Chart


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
set datasets with The data for the BarChart can be entered via the editor or a JSON string can be used
number of items number of bars using vis editor for the data of list
Object Id object id of datapoint containing json string. Allowed properties are described below
Object ID[x] object id for the single bars using vis editor

Dataset JSON Properties

JSON string must be an array of objects with the following properties:

Property Description Type Values
label axis label of bar string
value bar value number
dataColor bar color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
valueText override text of bar string
valueColor color of value text hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
valueAppendix appendix of value text string
tooltipTitle tooltip title string
tooltipText tooltip text string

Dataset JSON Properties - Example

        "label": "val0",
        "value": "30",
        "valueColor": "#ffffff"
    }, {
        "label": "val1",
        "value": "12.54645646",
        "tooltipTitle": "myTitle"
    }, {
        "label": "val2",
        "value": "48",
        "dataColor": "#c2c2c2",
        "valueAppendix": "\n extra"
    }, {
        "label": "val3",
        "value": "97",
        "valueColor": "#ffffff"
    }, {
        "label": "val4",
        "value": "32",
        "valueText": "text"

Pie Chart


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
set datasets with The data for the PieChart can be entered via the editor or a JSON string can be used
number of items number of pies pieces using vis editor for the data of list
Object Id object id of datapoint containing json string. Allowed properties are described below
Object ID[x] object id for the single pies pieces using vis editor

Dataset JSON Properties

JSON string must be an array of objects with the following properties:

Property Description Type Values
label axis label of pie string
value pie value number
dataColor pie color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
valueText override text of pie string
valueColor color of value text hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
valueAppendix appendix of value text string
tooltipTitle tooltip title string
tooltipText tooltip text string

Dataset JSON Properties - Example

        "label": "val0",
        "value": "30",
        "valueColor": "#ffffff"
    }, {
        "label": "val1",
        "value": "12.54645646"
    }, {
        "label": "val2",
        "value": "48",
        "dataColor": "#c2c2c2",
        "valueAppendix": "\nextra"
    }, {
        "label": "val3",
        "value": "97",
        "valueColor": "#ffffff"
    }, {
        "label": "val4",
        "value": "32",
        "valueText": "text"

Line History Chart:

Required Adapter: SQL, History or InfluxDb!


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
adapter instance Instance for the sql or history adapter
controlling time interval using object Id of a datapoint to change the time interval of the chart.

If the datapoint is from type 'string' it must contain one of the linked values
If the datapoint is from type 'number', it must contain the starting timestamp of the graph.

For example, you can use a button here to change the display of the chart during runtime
boolean object for update Id of adatapoint to trigger a manual refresh of the chart.
For example, you can use a button here to refresh the chart during runtime
chart timeout timeout for loading the chart data. If you get a timeout error message, increase this value
debug mode if you have problems or errors, activate the debug mode and attach the console log (F12) data to the issue
Object Id[x] id of datapoint with activated history instance
display method[x] aggregation method
max. number of data points to be displayed[x] Number of maximum data points to display
time interval between the data points in [s][x] Optional setting, overrides the 'count' setting.
Distance between the individual data points in seconds.
For example, if you want to display data points every minute, you have to enter 60 here
data multiply with[x] Optional setting, multiply every datapoint with the given value
time formats of x-axis Change the time format of the X-axis. Time formats must be entered for all time units, the following time units are permitted.
Approved time formats must be entered according to the moment.js library, see link
tooltip time formats Change the time format of the tooltip. Time formats must be entered for all time units, the following time units are permitted.
Approved time formats must be entered according to the moment.js library, see link

JSON Chart

With the JSON chart you have the maximum freedom to create a mixed chart (line, bars and stacked bars) by script.

Logo Logo

JSON Properties

Property Description Type Values
axisLabels axis label of graph Array numbers or string
graphs data of graphs array<graph> see graph
Property Description Type Values
data data of graph or data with timestamp Array[numbers] | Array[values with timestamp] number
type type of graph string 'line', 'bar'
legendText text of legend string
displayOrder overlay order of graph number 1, 2, ...
color color of graph color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
use_gradient_color use gradient color boolean false, true
gradient_color gradient color array array[gradientColor] [ { value: -20, color: '#7d3c98' }, { value: 0, color: '#2874a6' } ]
tooltip_title title of tooltip string | array[string]
tooltip_text ovveride text of tooltip string | array[string]
tooltip_MinDigits max decimals of tooltip value number 0, 1, 2, ...
tooltip_MaxDigits max decimals of tooltip value number 0, 1, 2, ...
tooltip_AppendText append text to tooltip value string
datalabel_show show data labels for graph string | boolean false, true, auto
datalabel_anchor anchor of data labels string center, start, end
datalabel_align position of the data label relative to the anchor point string left, start, center, end, right, top, bottom
datalabel_offset distance (in pixels) to pull the data label away from the anchor point number 0, 1, 2, ...
datalabel_text_align text aligment of the data label string left, start, center, end, right
datalabel_rotation clockwise rotation angle (in degrees) of the data label number 0, 1, 2, ...
datalabel_steps show data label every x step number 0, 1, 2, ...
datalabel_minDigits minimum decimals of data labels number 0, 1, 2, ...
datalabel_maxDigits maximum decimals of data labels number 0, 1, 2, ...
datalabel_override override text of data label array[string]
datalabel_append append text to data label string
datalabel_color data label color color | array[colors] hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
datalabel_fontFamily data label font family string
datalabel_fontSize data label font size number 1, 2, 5, ...
datalabel_backgroundColor data label background color color | array[colors] hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
datalabel_borderColor data label border color color | array[colors] hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
datalabel_borderWidth data label border width number 1, 2, 5, ...
datalabel_borderRadius data label border radius number 1, 2, 5, ...
graph line chart spfeicifc
Property Description Type Values
line_pointStyle point style of line string circle, cross, crossRot, dash, line, rect, rectRounded, rectRot, star, triangle
line_pointSize point size of line number 1, 2, 3, ...
line_pointSizeHover point size of line number 1, 2, 3, ...
line_PointColor color of line point color | array[colors] hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
line_PointColorBorder border color of line point color | array[colors] hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
line_PointColorHover hover color of line point color | array[colors] hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
line_PointColorBorderHover border hover color of line point color | array[colors] hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
line_spanGaps draw lines if data has gaps boolean false, true
line_steppedLine enable stepped line boolean false, true
line_Tension smothness of line number 0 - 1
line_Thickness thikness of line number 1, 2, 5, ...
line_UseFillColor use fill color under line boolean false, true
line_FillColor fill color under line color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
use_line_gradient_fill_color use gradient fill color boolean false, true
line_gradient_fill_color gradient color array array[gradientColor] [ { value: -20, color: '#7d3c98' }, { value: 0, color: '#2874a6' } ]
line_FillBetweenLines fill color to next / previous line string '+1', '-1', '+2', ...
graph bar chart spfeicifc
Property Description Type Values
barIsStacked stacked bar. If you have a comined chart (Line + stacked Bar), then you must also set this value for the line dataset! boolean false, true
barStackId id of stack. Bar that should combine to a stack must have the same id number 1, 2, 5, ...
barColorHover hover color of bar color | array[colors] hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
barBorderColor border color of bar color | array[colors] hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
barBorderWidth thikness of bar border number 1, 2, 5, ...
barBorderColorHover border hover color of bar color | array[colors] hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
barBorderWidthHover hover thikness of bar border number 1, 2, 5, ...
graph y-Axis
Property Description Type Values
yAxis_id id of y-axis. If you would like to use a common y-axis for multipl graph data, use the same id. number 1, 2, 5, ...
yAxis_position position of y-axis string left, right
yAxis_show show y-axis boolean false, true
yAxis_title_text y-axis title string
yAxis_title_color override y-axis title color color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
yAxis_title_fontFamily override y-axis title font family string
yAxis_title_fontSize override y-axis title font size number 1, 2, 5, ...
yAxis_min minimum value of y-axis number 1, 2, 5, ...
yAxis_max maximum value of y-axis number 1, 2, 5, ...
yAxis_step steps of y-axis number 1, 2, 5, ...
yAxis_minimumDigits y-axis minimum number of decimal places number 1, 2, 5, ...
yAxis_maximumDigits y-axis maximum number of decimal places number 1, 2, 5, ...
yAxis_maxSteps maximum steps of y-axis number 1, 2, 5, ...
yAxis_distance override y-axis value distance to axis number 1, 2, 5, ...
yAxis_appendix append text to y-axis value string
yAxis_color override y-axis value color color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
yAxis_fontFamily override y-axis value font family string
yAxis_fontSize override y-axis value font size number 1, 2, 5, ...
yAxis_zeroLineWidth width of y-axis zero line number 0.3, 1.5, 4, ...
yAxis_zeroLineColor y-axis zero line color color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
yAxis_gridLines_show show y-axis grid lines boolean false, true
yAxis_gridLines_color color of y-axis grid lines color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
yAxis_gridLines_lineWidth width of grid lines number 0 - 1
yAxis_gridLines_border_show show border of y-axis grid lines boolean false, true
yAxis_gridLines_ticks_show show y-axis grid interval ticks boolean false, true
yAxis_gridLines_ticks_length length of y-axis grid ticks number 1, 2, 5, ...
Property Description Type Values
value value where color should be applied number 1, 2, 5, ...
color color for value color hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
Chart with time axis

JSON Chart supports data that have a timestamp. To use this the data array must have values for timestamp (x-axis value) and value (y-axis value).

values with timestamp
Property Description Type Values
t timestamp - xAxis value number 1, 2, 5, ...
y value for timestamp - yAxis value number 1, 2, 5, ...
x-axis settings for data with timestamp
Property Description Type Values
xAxis_bounds scale boundary strategy

'data': makes sure data are fully visible, labels outside are removed
'ticks': makes sure ticks are fully visible, data outside are truncated
String data, ticks
xAxis_timeFormats time formats for the x-axis Object Time formats must be entered for all time units, the following time units are permitted.
Approved time formats must be entered according to the moment.js library, see link
xAxis_tooltip_timeFormats time formats for the x-axis String Approved time formats must be entered according to the moment.js library, see link
xAxis_time_unit force the time format for the x-axis String following units are allowed, see link


    "axisLabels": ["1h", "2h", "3h", "4h", "5h", "6h", "7h", "8h", "9h", "10h", "11h", "12h", "13h", "14h", "17h", "18h", "19h", "20h", "21h", "22h", "23h", "24h"],
    "graphs": [
            "data": [19, 19, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 22, 24, 24, 24, 23, 22, 23, 23, 24, 23, 23, 22, 22, 21, 20, 20],
            "type": "line",
            "color": "gray",
            "legendText": "Temperatur",
            "line_pointSizeHover": 5,
            "line_pointSize": 0,
            "line_Tension": 0.3,
            "yAxis_show": false,
            "yAxis_gridLines_show": false,
            "yAxis_gridLines_ticks_length": 5,
            "yAxis_min": 0,
            "yAxis_max": 30,
            "yAxis_step": 5,
            "yAxis_position": "left",
            "yAxis_appendix": " °C",
            "yAxis_zeroLineWidth": 0.1,
            "yAxis_zeroLineColor": "black",
            "displayOrder": 0,
            "tooltip_AppendText": " °C",
            "datalabel_backgroundColor": ["#2b9a44", "#2b9a44", "#3aa35b", "#2b9a44", "#2b9a44", "#1d922e", "#1d922e", "#0e8917", "#008000", "#668f00", "#668f00", "#668f00", "#338700", "#008000", "#338700", "#338700", "#668f00", "#338700", "#338700", "#008000", "#008000", "#0e8917", "#1d922e", "#1d922e"],
            "datalabel_color": "white",
            "datalabel_offset": -10,
            "datalabel_fontFamily": "RobotoCondensed-Light",
            "datalabel_fontSize": 12,
            "datalabel_borderRadius": 6,
            "datalabel_show": "auto",
            "line_PointColor": ["#2b9a44", "#2b9a44", "#3aa35b", "#2b9a44", "#2b9a44", "#1d922e", "#1d922e", "#0e8917", "#008000", "#668f00", "#668f00", "#668f00", "#338700", "#008000", "#338700", "#338700", "#668f00", "#338700", "#338700", "#008000", "#008000", "#0e8917", "#1d922e", "#1d922e"],
            "line_PointColorBorder": ["#2b9a44", "#2b9a44", "#3aa35b", "#2b9a44", "#2b9a44", "#1d922e", "#1d922e", "#0e8917", "#008000", "#668f00", "#668f00", "#668f00", "#338700", "#008000", "#338700", "#338700", "#668f00", "#338700", "#338700", "#008000", "#008000", "#0e8917", "#1d922e", "#1d922e"],
            "line_PointColorHover": ["#2b9a44", "#2b9a44", "#3aa35b", "#2b9a44", "#2b9a44", "#1d922e", "#1d922e", "#0e8917", "#008000", "#668f00", "#668f00", "#668f00", "#338700", "#008000", "#338700", "#338700", "#668f00", "#338700", "#338700", "#008000", "#008000", "#0e8917", "#1d922e", "#1d922e"],
            "line_PointColorBorderHover": ["#2b9a44", "#2b9a44", "#3aa35b", "#2b9a44", "#2b9a44", "#1d922e", "#1d922e", "#0e8917", "#008000", "#668f00", "#668f00", "#668f00", "#338700", "#008000", "#338700", "#338700", "#668f00", "#338700", "#338700", "#008000", "#008000", "#0e8917", "#1d922e", "#1d922e"],
            "use_gradient_color": true,
            "gradient_color": [{
                    "value": -20,
                    "color": "#5b2c6f66"
                }, {
                    "value": 0,
                    "color": "#2874a666"
                }, {
                    "value": 14,
                    "color": "#73c6b666"
                }, {
                    "value": 22,
                    "color": "#00800066"
                }, {
                    "value": 27,
                    "color": "#ffa50066"
                }, {
                    "value": 35,
                    "color": "#ff000066"
            "use_line_gradient_fill_color": true,
            "line_gradient_fill_color": [{
                    "value": -20,
                    "color": "#5b2c6f66"
                }, {
                    "value": 0,
                    "color": "#2874a666"
                }, {
                    "value": 14,
                    "color": "#73c6b666"
                }, {
                    "value": 22,
                    "color": "#00800066"
                }, {
                    "value": 27,
                    "color": "#ffa50066"
                }, {
                    "value": 35,
                    "color": "#ff000066"
        }, {
            "data": [50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 19, 33, 36, 23, 14, 16, 34, 46, 40, 24, 22],
            "type": "line",
            "color": "#0d47a1",
            "legendText": "Regenwahrscheinlichkeit",
            "line_UseFillColor": true,
            "line_pointSize": 0,
            "line_pointSizeHover": 5,
            "yAxis_min": 0,
            "yAxis_max": 100,
            "yAxis_maxSteps": 10,
            "yAxis_position": "left",
            "yAxis_gridLines_show": false,
            "yAxis_gridLines_border_show": false,
            "yAxis_zeroLineWidth": 0.1,
            "yAxis_zeroLineColor": "black",
            "yAxis_appendix": " %",
            "displayOrder": 1,
            "tooltip_AppendText": " %",
            "datalabel_show": false
        }, {
            "data": ["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1.3", "2.5", 0, 1.9, 1.17, 0, 0, 0, 0.18, 0.7, 0.2, 0, 0],
            "type": "bar",
            "color": "#6dd600",
            "legendText": "Niederschlag",
            "yAxis_min": 0,
            "yAxis_max": 5,
            "yAxis_maxSteps": 10,
            "yAxis_position": "right",
            "yAxis_gridLines_show": false,
            "yAxis_appendix": " mm",
            "yAxis_gridLines_border_show": false,
            "yAxis_zeroLineWidth": 0.1,
            "yAxis_zeroLineColor": "black",
            "displayOrder": 1,
            "tooltip_AppendText": " mm",
            "datalabel_show": false

    "axisLabels": ["Jan", "Feb", "Mrz", "Apr"],
    "graphs": [{
            "type": "line",
            "data": [40, 22, 160, 92],
            "yAxis_id": 0,
            "barIsStacked": true,
            "datalabel_show": false,
            "line_UseFillColor": true

        }, {
            "type": "bar",
            "barIsStacked": true,
            "data": [30, 69, 91, 35],
            "yAxis_id": 0,
            "barStackId": 0,
            "color": "#6dd600",
            "datalabel_color": "#FFFFFF",
            "datalabel_align": "start",
            "use_gradient_color": true,
            "gradient_color": [{
                    "value": 60,
                    "color": "#6dd600"
                }, {
                    "value": 0,
                    "color": "lightgray"
        }, {
            "type": "bar",
            "barIsStacked": true,
            "data": [17, 68, 83, 49],
            "yAxis_id": 0,
            "barStackId": 1,
            "color": "#ff9800",
            "datalabel_color": "#FFFFFF",
            "datalabel_align": "start"
        }, {
            "type": "bar",
            "barIsStacked": true,
            "data": [95, 42, 34, 31],
            "yAxis_id": 0,
            "barStackId": 1,
            "color": "#8e24aa",
            "datalabel_color": "#FFFFFF",
            "datalabel_align": "start"
        }, {
            "type": "bar",
            "barIsStacked": true,
            "data": [33, 44, 22, 34],
            "yAxis_id": 0,
            "barStackId": 2,
            "color": "#a65628",
            "datalabel_color": "#FFFFFF",
            "datalabel_align": "start"
        }, {
            "type": "bar",
            "barIsStacked": true,
            "data": [28, 34, 45, 23],
            "yAxis_id": 0,
            "yAxis_max": "180",
            "barStackId": 2,
            "color": "#d32f2f",
            "datalabel_color": "#FFFFFF",
            "datalabel_align": "start"



Editor Settings

Screenshot Setting Description
switch Datapoint from type string with input data as shown above
data as JSON Optional, input data as shown above if no oid datapoint is set
colType[x] If image is selected, object property must have the path to the image (see above)
prefix[x] Prefix for object property, internal object binding (see below) and html can be used
suffix[x] Suffix for object property, internal object binding (see below) and html can be used
object name for sorting[x] Here you can define an other object property that should be used for sorting.

Data - JSON Stucture

Input data must be a json array of objects. You can use any property, there is no fixes structure. Column 0 gets the value of the first property, column 1 gets the value of the second property and so on. Important is, that every Object has the same structure.

        "img": "/vis.0/myImages/erlebnis_50.png",
        "name": "Empire",
        "betriebszeit": "4h 06m",
        "funk": "5G",
        "ip": ""
        "img": "/vis.0/myImages/erlebnis_100.png",
        "name": "Handy",
        "betriebszeit": "13m",
        "funk": "5G",
        "ip": ""
        "img": "/vis.0/myImages/erlebnis_100.png",
        "name": "Harmony Hub - Wohnzimmer",
        "betriebszeit": "18T 07h 21m",
        "funk": "2G",
        "ip": ""

internal object binding

prefix & suffix supports table internal object binding -> you can access other properties of object by using


Example see see above.

Working Widget Example can be found

Control Elements using HTML Widgets


You can use the HTML Widgets directly in the json string. If you would like to customize the cell that conatins the widget, use the following container:

Property Description Type Properties
rowspan cell that spans x rows number 1, 2, 3, ...
colspan cell that spans x columns number 1, 2, 3, ...
cellStyleAttrs css style attributes for cell string
html any html element, eg. html widget string

HTML Control Widgets - Example

``` [ { "col_1": "button toggle", "col_2": { "rowspan": "2", "html": "
" }, "col_3": "
", "col_4": "
" }, { "col_1": "Checkbox / Switch", "col_2": "
", "col_3": { "cellStyleAttrs": "padding: 8px;", "html": "
" } }, { "col_1": "Button State", "col_2": "
", "col_3": "
", "col_4": "
" }, { "col_1": "Progress", "col_2": "
", "col_3": { "colspan": "2", "html": "
" } }, { "col_1": "Slider", "col_2": { "colspan": "2", "cellStyleAttrs": "overflow: visible;", "html": "
" }, "col_3": "
" }, { "col_1": "Select", "col_2": "
", "col_3": "
", "col_4": { "cellStyleAttrs": "padding: 6px;", "html": "
" } }, { "col_1": "col_1", "col_2": "col_2", "col_3": "col_3", "col_4": "col_4" } ] ```

Control Elements - deprecated since v0.5.0

deprecated Use HTML Widgets instead!

To generate a control element (button, checkbox, etc.) in cell of the table you must create an object instead of a string.


Responsive Layout

There are two widgets - Masonry Views and Grid Views - with which it is possible to create a repsonsive layout (a layout for desktop, tablet and mobile). Both Widgets has multiple view in widget integrated.

Masonry Views


Masonry Views has multiple view in widget integrated, that will be ordered automatically depending of the width of the widget. With this widget it is possible to create a responsive layout (one layout for desktop, tablet and mobil). Masonry views are especially useful if the views included have different heights.

Take a look at the Material Design Widgets example project to understand how it works.

Editor Settings

Screenshot Setting Description
Depending on the width of the widget, the number of columns and the distance between the views can be set. The settings can be set independently for portrait and landscape format. To find out the width of the resolution for the different devices, activate the Resolution Assistant under the common settings.
width of view[x] Define the width of the view. Allowed values are number, px, % or calc. Examples: 100, 100px, 55%, calc(60% - 12px)
height of view[x] Here you can specify the height of the view used.

If you want the height to adjust variably to the view, then this input must be empty and for the widget with the highest height in the view the position must be set to relative, see screenshot:

Grid Views


Grid Views has multiple view in widget integrated, that will be ordered automatically depending of the width of the widget. With this widget it is possible to create a responsive layout (one layout for desktop, tablet and mobil). Grid views are especially useful if the views included have the same heights.

The Grid View widget has 12 columns in total. If you want a view to have a width of 4 columns, you have to set column span to 4 in the corresponding view[x]

Take a look at the Material Design Widgets example project to understand how it works.

Editor Settings

Screenshot Setting Description
Depending on the width of the widget, defined from which width of the widget the rules for column span of the individual views[x] can be applied and the distance between the views. The settings can be set independently for portrait and landscape format. To find out the width of the resolution for the different devices, activate the Resolution Assistant under the common settings.
Define the column span of the view depending of the current width resolution rule.
You can also specify here whether a view should only be displayed at a resolution higher or lower than a defined value or whether it should be visible via a object id.
height of view[x] Here you can specify the height of the view used.

If you want the height to adjust variably to the view, then this input must be empty and for the widget with the highest height in the view the position must be set to relative, see screenshot:


Alerts widget can be used e.g. to display messages in the VIS, like it works with the pushover adapter, but directly in the VIS.


Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
number of columns define number of columns
Object ID Object must be a json string. Allowed properties are described below
max. Alerts max number of Alerts that should be shown.

Datapoint JSON Properties

Property Description Type Values
text text of menu item string
backgroundColor background color of alert item string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
borderColor border color of alert item string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
icon material design icon or image path for menu item string
iconColor color of material design icon string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
fontColor font color of alert item string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)

Datapoint JSON Properties - Example

``` [ { "text": "we have a new message", "backgroundColor": "", "borderColor": "darkred", "icon": "message-alert-outline", "iconColor": "darkred", "fontColor": "blue" }, { "text": "we have a new message", "backgroundColor": "#e6b0aa", "borderColor": "green", "icon": "/vis/img/bulb_on.png", "iconColor": "green", "fontColor": "gold" }, { "text": "we have a new message", "backgroundColor": "", "borderColor": "gold", "icon": "alert-outline", "iconColor": "gold", "fontColor": "" } ] ```

Script: send alert to widget

With the following script you can send easy messages to datapoint that is used by the Alerts Widget. The script must put into global scripts. Then it is possible to send message with the following command

materialDesignWidgets.sendTo('datapoint_id', 'message', 'color');

var materialDesignWidgets = {};
materialDesignWidgets.sendTo = function (id, text, backgroundColor = '', borderColor = '', icon = '', iconColor = '', fontColor = '') {
    let json = getState(id).val;

    if (json) {
        try {

            json = JSON.parse(json);

        } catch (e) {
            json = [];
            console.warn('Wert ist kein JSON string! Wert wird ersetzt!');
    } else {
        json = [];

            text: text,
            backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
            borderColor: borderColor,
            icon: icon,
            iconColor: iconColor,
            fontColor: fontColor
    setState(id, JSON.stringify(json), true);



Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
Object Id id of datapoint. Datapoint must contains a json string. Allowed json properties are desribed below
days of the week to be shown Specifies which days of the week to display. To display Monday through Friday only, a value of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 can be used. To display a week starting on Monday a value of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0 can be used.
Object ID Object must be a json string, which must be structured as described above
start hour The hour from which appointments should be displayed in the week and day view.
end hour The hour until which appointments should be displayed in the week and day view
Override the default date formats. Allowed formats are described in the documentation of momentjs

Datapoint JSON Properties

Property Description Type Values
name name of Event string
color background color of event string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
colorText text color of event string hex(#44739e), rgb(20, 50, 200), rgba(20, 50, 200, 0.5)
start start date and time of event. For all day events use only a date without time. string YYYY-MM-DD | YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
end end date and time of event. For all day events use only a date without time string YYYY-MM-DD | YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm

Datapoint JSON Properties - Example

``` [ { "name": "Event", "color": "#e74c3c", "colorText": "#FFFFFF", "start": "2020-01-24", "end": "2020-01-26" }, { "name": "Meeting", "color": "#717d7e", "colorText": "#FFFFFF", "start": "2020-03-23 16:00", "end": "2020-03-24 17:15" } ] ```

Script: ical conversion

If you want to use the widget with the ical adapter, you can use the following script to convert the ical object to work with the widget.

``` // momentjs is required as dependecies in javascript adapter const moment = require("moment"); var instances = $(`[id=ical.*.data.table]`); instances.on(ical2CalendarWidget); // remove this, if you know to use your own datapoint let datapointId = 'materialdesignwidgets.calendar.ical2calendar' createState(datapointId, "[]", { read: true, write: false, desc: "JSON String for Calendar Widget", type: "string", def: "[]" }); function ical2CalendarWidget() { try { let calList = []; for (var inst = 0; inst <= instances.length - 1; inst++) { let icalObj = getState(instances[inst]).val; if (icalObj) { for (var i = 0; i <= icalObj.length - 1; i++) { let item = icalObj[i]; // extract calendar color let calendarName = item._class.split(' ')[0].replace('ical_', ''); let startTime = moment(item._date); let endTime = moment(item._end); let start = startTime.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"); let end = endTime.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"); if (startTime.format('HH:mm') === '00:00' && endTime.format('HH:mm') === '00:00') { // is full-day event if (endTime.diff(startTime, 'hours') === 24) { // full-day event, one day start = startTime.format("YYYY-MM-DD"); end = startTime.format("YYYY-MM-DD"); } else { // full-day event, multiple days start = startTime.format("YYYY-MM-DD"); end = endTime.format("YYYY-MM-DD"); } } // create object for calendar widget calList.push({ name: item.event, color: getMyCalendarColor(calendarName), colorText: getMyCalendarTextColor(calendarName), start: start, end: end }) } function getMyCalendarColor(calendarName) { // assign colors via the calendar names, use calendar name as set in ical if (calendarName === 'calendar1') { return '#FF0000'; } else if (calendarName === 'calendar2') { return '#44739e' } else if (calendarName === 'calendar3') { return '#32a852' } } function getMyCalendarTextColor(calendarName) { // assign colors via the calendar names, use calendar name as set in ical if (calendarName === 'calendar1') { return '#FFFFFF'; } else if (calendarName === 'calendar2') { return '#FFFFFF' } else if (calendarName === 'calendar3') { return '#FFFFFF' } } } // Enter the destination data point that is to be used as object ID in the widget setState(datapointId, JSON.stringify(calList), true); } } catch (e) { console.error(`ical2MaterialDesignCalendarWidget: message: ${e.message}, stack: ${e.stack}`); } } ical2CalendarWidget(); ```



Editor Settings

Settings that are not listed in the table below are self-explanatory.

Screenshot Setting Description
method to show dialog show dialog using a button or using a datapoint (type boolean)
Conatins view the view that should be shown by the dialog
show fullscreen dialog if resoltuion is lower than Show fullscreen dialog if resolution is lower than the given value.

HTML Widgets

Create a html widget from the supported Material Design widgets to use it in any other widget that supports html. Just style your Material Design widget, press the generate Html Element, copy the data and paste it to any widget that supports html tags. Or use it in scripts to generate dynamically Widgets.


  • attributes of html tags must surrounded by ' (single quote)
  • double quotes " used in attributes must be escaped like \"

compare this with the shown examples of the diffrent widgets


More information about the supported properties can be found in the chapter HTML Properties of the individual widgets


Slider Round combined with Icon Button using HTML Widget

Round slider and icon button comined in a html widget


Widget to import via VIS Editor:

``` [{"tpl":"tplHtml","data":{"g_fixed":false,"g_visibility":false,"g_css_font_text":false,"g_css_background":false,"g_css_shadow_padding":false,"g_css_border":false,"g_gestures":false,"g_signals":false,"g_last_change":false,"visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":1,"visibility-groups-action":"hide","refreshInterval":"0","signals-cond-0":"==","signals-val-0":true,"signals-icon-0":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-0":0,"signals-blink-0":false,"signals-horz-0":0,"signals-vert-0":0,"signals-hide-edit-0":false,"signals-cond-1":"==","signals-val-1":true,"signals-icon-1":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-1":0,"signals-blink-1":false,"signals-horz-1":0,"signals-vert-1":0,"signals-hide-edit-1":false,"signals-cond-2":"==","signals-val-2":true,"signals-icon-2":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-2":0,"signals-blink-2":false,"signals-horz-2":0,"signals-vert-2":0,"signals-hide-edit-2":false,"lc-type":"last-change","lc-is-interval":true,"lc-is-moment":false,"lc-format":"","lc-position-vert":"top","lc-position-horz":"right","lc-offset-vert":0,"lc-offset-horz":0,"lc-font-size":"12px","lc-font-family":"","lc-font-style":"","lc-bkg-color":"","lc-color":"","lc-border-width":"0","lc-border-style":"","lc-border-color":"","lc-border-radius":10,"lc-zindex":0,"html":"
"},"style":{"left":"527px","top":"76px","width":"100px","height":"100px"},"widgetSet":"basic"}] ```

List with HTML Widgets

A list with custom control elements using HTML Widgets


Widget to import via VIS Editor:

``` [{"tpl":"tplVis-materialdesign-List","data":{"g_fixed":false,"g_visibility":false,"g_css_font_text":false,"g_css_background":false,"g_css_shadow_padding":false,"g_css_border":false,"g_gestures":false,"g_signals":false,"g_last_change":false,"visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":1,"visibility-groups-action":"hide","vibrateOnMobilDevices":"50","listType":"text","listItemDividerStyle":"padded","listLayout":"card","showScrollbar":false,"listItemDataMethod":"inputPerEditor","countListItems":"5","listItemAlignment":"left","listItemBackground":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.background_off","listItemBackgroundActive":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.background_on","colorSwitchThumb":"","colorSwitchTrack":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.switch.track","colorSwitchTrue":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.switch.on","colorSwitchHover":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.switch.off_hover","colorCheckBox":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.checkbox.on","colorListItemHover":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.hover","colorListItemSelected":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.selected","colorListItemText":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.text","colorListItemTextSecondary":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.subText","colorListItemTextRight":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.text_right","colorListItemTextSecondaryRight":"{mode:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.darkTheme;light:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.light.list.subText_right;dark:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.dark.list.subText_right; mode === \"true\" ? dark : light}","colorListItemHeaders":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.header","colorListItemDivider":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.divider","headerFontFamily":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.fonts.list.header","listItemFont":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.fonts.list.text","listItemSubFont":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.fonts.list.subText","listItemRightFont":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.fonts.list.text_right","listItemSubRightFont":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.fonts.list.subText_right","listItemTextSize":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.fontSizes.list.text","listItemSubTextSize":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.fontSizes.list.subText","listItemTextRightSize":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.fontSizes.list.text_right","listItemSubTextRightSize":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.fontSizes.list.subText_right","listItemHeaderTextSize":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.fontSizes.list.header","listImageColor0":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.icon_off","listImageActiveColor0":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.icon_on","listImageColor1":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.icon_off","listImageActiveColor1":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.icon_on","signals-cond-0":"==","signals-val-0":true,"signals-icon-0":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-0":0,"signals-blink-0":false,"signals-horz-0":0,"signals-vert-0":0,"signals-hide-edit-0":false,"signals-cond-1":"==","signals-val-1":true,"signals-icon-1":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-1":0,"signals-blink-1":false,"signals-horz-1":0,"signals-vert-1":0,"signals-hide-edit-1":false,"signals-cond-2":"==","signals-val-2":true,"signals-icon-2":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-2":0,"signals-blink-2":false,"signals-horz-2":0,"signals-vert-2":0,"signals-hide-edit-2":false,"lc-type":"last-change","lc-is-interval":true,"lc-is-moment":false,"lc-format":"","lc-position-vert":"top","lc-position-horz":"right","lc-offset-vert":0,"lc-offset-horz":0,"lc-font-size":"12px","lc-font-family":"","lc-font-style":"","lc-bkg-color":"","lc-color":"","lc-border-width":"0","lc-border-style":"","lc-border-color":"","lc-border-radius":10,"lc-zindex":0,"groupHeader0":"List with HTML Widgets","label0":"Button Toggle","rightLabel0":"
","listOverflow5":false,"dividers5":true,"listImage5":"parachute","rightLabel6":"","subLabel4":"","listOverflow4":true,"listBackground":"#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.list.background"},"style":{"left":"12px","top":"12px","width":"433px","height":"315px","overflow-x":""},"widgetSet":"materialdesign"}] ```

HTML Widgets using in non Material Design Widgets

Button toggle used in a non Material Design Widget, here using vis-material-advanced ListThermostat Widget


Widget to import via VIS Editor:

``` [{"tpl":"tplMaListThermostat","data":{"g_fixed":false,"g_visibility":false,"g_css_font_text":false,"g_css_background":false,"g_css_shadow_padding":false,"g_css_border":false,"g_gestures":false,"g_signals":false,"g_last_change":false,"visibility-cond":"==","visibility-val":1,"visibility-groups-action":"hide","showTitle":"checked","onlyTitle":"","titleSize":"medium","widgetBackground":"#121212","TextColor":"white","subtitleSize":"x-small","valueAlign":"right","valueVertical":"center","valueSize":"medium","opacityColor":"white","min":"14","max":"30","cardIcon":"/icons-mfd-svg/sani_heating_temp.svg","showIcon":"checked","centerIcon":true,"borderRadius":"10","borderColor":"white","useOverallRoundedValues":"checked","roundLeftUp":"10","roundLeftBottom":"0","roundRightUp":"0","roundRightBottom":"10","boxShadow":"unchecked","shadowWidth":"2","signals-cond-0":"==","signals-val-0":true,"signals-icon-0":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-0":0,"signals-blink-0":false,"signals-horz-0":0,"signals-vert-0":0,"signals-hide-edit-0":false,"signals-cond-1":"==","signals-val-1":true,"signals-icon-1":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-1":0,"signals-blink-1":false,"signals-horz-1":0,"signals-vert-1":0,"signals-hide-edit-1":false,"signals-cond-2":"==","signals-val-2":true,"signals-icon-2":"/vis/signals/lowbattery.png","signals-icon-size-2":0,"signals-blink-2":false,"signals-horz-2":0,"signals-vert-2":0,"signals-hide-edit-2":false,"lc-type":"last-change","lc-is-interval":true,"lc-is-moment":false,"lc-format":"","lc-position-vert":"top","lc-position-horz":"right","lc-offset-vert":0,"lc-offset-horz":0,"lc-font-size":"12px","lc-font-family":"","lc-font-style":"","lc-bkg-color":"","lc-color":"","lc-border-width":"0","lc-border-style":"","lc-border-color":"","lc-border-radius":10,"lc-zindex":0,"subtitle":"
","title":"Material Design Button in Material Advanced Widget"},"style":{"left":"75px","top":"559px","width":"847px","height":"107px"},"widgetSet":"vis-material-advanced"}] ```

Value HTML Widgets using in a complex view

Value widget in a more complex view with conversions, showing how to use the value widget instead of bindings.


View to import via VIS Editor:

``` { "settings": { "style": { "background_class": "" }, "theme": "redmond", "sizex": "", "sizey": "", "gridSize": "", "snapType": null }, "widgets": { "e00001": { "tpl": "tplVis-materialdesign-Card", "data": { "g_fixed": true, "g_visibility": false, "g_css_font_text": false, "g_css_background": false, "g_css_shadow_padding": false, "g_css_border": false, "g_gestures": false, "g_signals": false, "g_last_change": false, "visibility-cond": "==", "visibility-val": 1, "visibility-groups-action": "hide", "cardLayout": "Basic", "cardStyle": "default", "showTitle": false, "titleLayout": "20", "titleFontFamily": "", "showSubTitle": false, "subtitleLayout": "", "subTitleFontFamily": "", "showText": "true", "textFontSize": "", "textFontFamily": "", "refresh_oid_delay": "100", "refresh_animation_duration": "150", "colorBackground": "#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.card.background", "colorTitleSectionBackground": "#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.card.background_title", "colorTextSectionBackground": "#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.card.background_body", "colorTitle": "#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.card.title", "colorSubtitle": "#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.card.subTitle", "colorBody": "#mdwTheme:vis-materialdesign.0.colors.card.text", "clickType": "none", "controlType": "link", "signals-cond-0": "==", "signals-val-0": true, "signals-icon-0": "/vis/signals/lowbattery.png", "signals-icon-size-0": 0, "signals-blink-0": false, "signals-horz-0": 0, "signals-vert-0": 0, "signals-hide-edit-0": false, "signals-cond-1": "==", "signals-val-1": true, "signals-icon-1": "/vis/signals/lowbattery.png", "signals-icon-size-1": 0, "signals-blink-1": false, "signals-horz-1": 0, "signals-vert-1": 0, "signals-hide-edit-1": false, "signals-cond-2": "==", "signals-val-2": true, "signals-icon-2": "/vis/signals/lowbattery.png", "signals-icon-size-2": 0, "signals-blink-2": false, "signals-horz-2": 0, "signals-vert-2": 0, "signals-hide-edit-2": false, "lc-type": "last-change", "lc-is-interval": true, "lc-is-moment": false, "lc-format": "", "lc-position-vert": "top", "lc-position-horz": "right", "lc-offset-vert": 0, "lc-offset-horz": 0, "lc-font-size": "12px", "lc-font-family": "", "lc-font-style": "", "lc-bkg-color": "", "lc-color": "", "lc-border-width": "0", "lc-border-style": "", "lc-border-color": "", "lc-border-radius": 10, "lc-zindex": 0, "title": "", "html": "
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
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used libraries

The adapter uses the following libraries:



0.5.9 (2021-06-13)

0.5.8 (2021-06-09)

0.5.7 (2021-05-26)

0.5.6 (2021-05-07)

0.5.5 (2021-04-21)


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 Scrounger

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.