SeaMonster-Studios / angular-uc

UltraCart checkout built with AngularJS
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UltraCart REST api build by SeaMonster Studios

Built with


Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS"

 * Test rest_proxy.php.
   Test #1: If you call it directly from the web browser, you should receive back this response: "UltraCart rest proxy script called incorrectly.  _url query parameter is required.
   Test #2:  adjust your url to call this:


   you should receive back this response: "Missing Merchant Id."
   Test #3:  call this:


   you should receive back the json for an empty cart.

Current Goals/Tasks
 1. ~~Build catalog page~~
 2. ~~Build item detail page~~
 3. ~~Create cart~~
 4. ~~Update cart~~
 5. Build checkout
      * ~~Render cart items~~
      * reorganize Cart_1.0.js file into smaller files
      * ~~Add billing and shipping fields~~
      * Add CC payment inputs and authentication
 6. Submit payment
 7. Email receipt
 8. Refactor loadCartFactory and calls into a directive.

Issues and Bugs
Current development issues and problems that I am trying to solve will be tracked as issues in the repo. For a list of what the current sticking points are, just check the open issues.