Seagate / TCGstorageAPI

API for TCG Storage operations on SAS and SATA Self-Encrypting Drives
Apache License 2.0
22 stars 16 forks source link



API for TCG Storage operations on SAS and SATA Self-Encrypting Drives

Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Seagate Technology LLC and/or its Affiliates, All Rights Reserved

BINARIES and SOURCE CODE files of the TCGstorageAPI open source project are made available under the Apache License 2.0.

It uses the openSeaChest project, its repository is maintained at

TCGstorageAPI implements the TCG Storage Enterprise SSC and Opal SSC protocols for configuring SEDs. It supports a number of operations, such as taking ownership of the drive, setting authentication credentials, configuring bands (TCG Ranges), locking and unlocking of bands, etc.

The sed_cli script (located in sed_cli/ implements the TCGstorageAPI to provide a python based, easy to use command line interface (CLI) for end users. A full README on this script can be found at sed_cli/

Required libraries

This API depends on the below libraries for transport of TCG payloads to and from the device.

opensea-common - Operating System common operations, not specific to storage standards. Contains functions and defines that are useful to all other libraries.

opensea-transport - Contains standard ATA/SCSI/NVMe functions based on open standards for these command sets. This layer also supports different transporting these commands through operating systems to the storage devices. Code depends on opensea-common.

opensea-operations - Contains common use cases for operations to be performed on a storage device. This layer encapsulates the nuances of each command set (ATA/SCSI) and operating systems (Linux/Windows etc.) Depends on opensea-common and opensea-transport.

Source code access

Depending on your git version & client you can use either of the following commands to clone the repository.

git clone --recurse-submodules


git clone --recursive

Note that cloning recursively is important as it clones all the necessary submodules.

Download packages


CentOS 7

Start by updating the package index:

sudo yum update

Install python3:

sudo yum install python3

Install gcc and g++:

sudo yum -y install gcc

sudo yum -y install gcc-c++

Install boost:

sudo yum install epel-release

sudo yum install boost-python36-devel.x86_64

Install gnutls:

sudo yum -y install gnutls-devel

Install python3-extensions:

sudo yum -y install python3-devel

Install rpm build package

sudo yum install rpm-build

Change directory to tcgstorageapi and download the package dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Ubuntu 18.04

Start by updating package index

sudo apt-get update

Install python3 and pip:

sudo apt install python3

sudo apt install python3-pip

Install python extensions:

sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python3-all python3-all-dev

Install gnutls:

sudo apt-get install libgnutls28-dev

Install Boost-Python:

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

Install Python3 setup tools:

sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools

Change directory to tcgstorageapi and download the package dependencies:

pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

Windows 10

Your system will require the latest Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable to build pysed.

Required Tools:

Download Create an empty folder "Boost" in the "C:\" drive and extract the zip file into the "C:\Boost" folder.

Download and install Python3.8 at "C:\Python38". Add "C:\Python38" to the Windows path.

Install pip3.

Change directory to tcgstorageapi and install python3 dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

FreeBSD 12

Start by updating the package index:

sudo pkg update -f

Install gcc and gmake:

sudo pkg install gmake

sudo pkg install gcc

Install python:

sudo pkg install python

Install python packages:

sudo pkg install <package>




CentOS 7

From the terminal, change directory to tcgstorageapi.

Run the command "python3 opensea" to build the openseachest libraries. After the command completes, run "python3 bdist_rpm" to build an rpm distro.

Ubuntu 18.04

From the terminal, link gmake to make by running "sudo ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake". Change directory to tcgstorageapi.

Run the command "python3 opensea" to build the openseachest libraries. After the command completes, run "python3 build" to build the library.

Windows 10

Build boost

Open the Developer Command Prompt for VS2017 and change folder to "C:\Boost\boost_1_71_0" and build boost for Python3.

Build pysed (Visual Studio or msbuild)

Visual Studio

Open the solution file in "tcgstorageapi\pysed\Make\VS.2017\pysed.sln". Set the desired build configuration. Press "F7" to build pysed, or select "Build->Build All" from the menu. "pysed" will be output into "tcgstorageapi\pysed\Make\VS.2017(platform)(build type)".

Example: tcgstorageapi\pysed\Make\VS.2017\x64\Static-Release


From the developer command prompt for VS2017, change directory to "tcgstorageapi\pysed\Make\VS.2017".

Build with the command "msbuild /p:Configuration=(build type) /p:Platform=(platform)".

Example: msbuild /p:Configuration=Static-Release /p:Platform=x64

Available Platforms: Win32 x64 ARM ARM64

Available Build Types: Static-Release Static-Debug

FreeBSD 12

From the terminal, change directory to tcgstorageapi.

Run the command "python3.7 opensea" to build the openseachest libraries. After the command completes, run "python3.7 build" to build the pysed library.


Centos 7

From the tcgstorageapi directory, run "yum install -y dist/TCGstorageAPI-*.x86_64.rpm" to install the built python3 package.

Ubuntu 18.04

Change directory to build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.6. Copy TCGstorageAPI directory to /usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages/.

On linux systems, to allow the security commands to reach the SATA drives, set the below flag value to 1:


Windows 10

Change directory to tcgstorageapi and copy the folder TCGstorageAPI to C:\Python38\Lib\site-packages. Copy pysed\Make\VS.2017(platform)(build type)\pysed.pyd to C:\Python38\Lib\site-packages\TCGstorageAPI.

Alternatively, the package can be built and installed using the Dockerfile.

FreeBSD 12

Change directory to build/lib.freebsd-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-3.7. Copy TCGstorageAPI directory to /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/.

Docker for CentOS

To build the docker image from a Dockerfile, from the tcgstorageapi directory run the command as root "sudo docker build -f docker/(OS flavor)/(OS version)/docker-file-name -t docker-image-name ."

Example: sudo docker build -f docker/CENTOS/7/Dockerfile -t tcgstorageapi-centos .

The docker container needs to be run in the privileged mode since you are accessing the device. To run the docker container, run the following command "sudo docker run -it --privileged docker-image-name /bin/bash". A new bash shell should appear indicating the running container, you can run the script from the bash.

Example: sudo docker run -it --privileged tcgstorageapi-centos /bin/bash

How to contribute

Have a look at CONTRIBUTING for guidelines on how to contribute code to this repository.