SeanKilleen / tf-whatsup

Highlights Terraform provider release notes you should care about.
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Output for GitHub Action or Azure Pipelines #72

Open flcdrg opened 2 months ago

flcdrg commented 2 months ago

This looks like a really useful tool. I'd like to use it in CI pipelines, and so it would be nice if the output could be adjusted.

I did a test running the tool from a GitHub Action and it is ok -, but I'm thinking the warnings could be made proper warnings that would be displayed in the build summary.

Or maybe provide an option so that only the warnings/highlighted text is outputted

SeanKilleen commented 2 months ago

Love this idea! A great excuse for me to dust off the cobwebs on it. Thanks for the interest, I wasn't sure how much use this was getting.

Going to take a bit to get it rolling as I'm with family for a few days but it should be doable.

To clarify: you'd be looking for the tool to output a warning code and summary whenever the tool finds a matching resource that has an update in release notes?

flcdrg commented 2 months ago

I think so. I have some projects on GitHub that use GitHub Actions, but I also have a fair few in Azure DevOps using Pipelines.

The latter in particular I use Renovate to create pull requests for dependency changes (including Terraform providers). I can see value in a tool like this being able to summarise what provider changes are significant and whether I just merge the PR, or if I need to do further analysis of breaking changes or behaviour.

SeanKilleen commented 2 months ago

@flcdrg wow -- I have the exact same use case and didn't even realize it 😅 thanks for connecting the dots for me! I wrote this in a previous gig for a more one-off purpose but that's a great fit for it.

I should be able to prioritize it a little sooner now that it also has a good application in my job.