SeanKilleen / tf-whatsup

Highlights Terraform provider release notes you should care about.
MIT License
10 stars 1 forks source link
dotnet dotnet-core spectre-console terraform


NuGet version Build Process

Highlights Terraform provider release notes you should care about.

ASCII console animation of the tool in action


    TFWhatsUp.Console.dll [tfFilesPath] [OPTIONS]

    [tfFilesPath]    Path where your Terraform is located. Defaults to current directory

    -h, --help                Prints help information
    -t, --github-api-token    A GitHub Personal Access Token. If you generate one and pass it, you won't hit the smaller rate-limits of un-authenticated accounts
    -a, --all                 Typically we show one provider information at a time. This will show all of them without pause
    -c, --caps                Instead of highlighting text, will show it in all caps with a '***' indicator at the start of a line

The Use Case

I sometimes look at Terraform projects with providers that haven't been updated in a bit, especially because it's a good practice to peg a provider at a specific version. I want to upgrade them incrementally or perhaps in a large chunk, but it's not immediately clear which of the many, lovely, detailed Terraform notes across providers will actually apply to me (this is especially true in projects I'm parachuting into). This tool takes care of a lot of that work and helps me find the signal in the noise.

Current Status

This is usable. I'll probably start putting it out there and seeing what I get. It still needs some tests of course but I'm able to use it in my daily work.

If it seems to work for folks for a while, I'll bump it to v1.0.0.

The Gist