SeanPM5 / homeassistant-config

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My Home Assistant Configuration

I'll be sharing my Home Assistant configuration files here once I finish organizing it and become more comfortable using GitHub (don't want to make any mistakes accidentally uploading sensitive information). At the moment I'm mostly using this as a to-do list to brainstorm future ideas and enhancements on my issues page. Other things I'm doing can be found on the wiki.

My Home Assistant is running on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with an Aotec Z-Stick.



Using a bayesian binary sensor with the following services:



These are some of the high level goals that I try to keep in mind with my setup.


Coming soon.


If you have a question about my setup or a suggestion on how to make things better, feel free to post an issue on this repo, hit me up on Twitter, the community forums, or the Discord server (my username there is Sean#2149).