SebasCapo / Lights

An extremely configurable SCP:SL-EXILED Plugin that allows you to control many aspects of it's facility's power systems.
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Lights 4.0

An extremely configurable SCP:SL-EXILED Plugin that allows you to control many aspects of it's facility's power systems.

What does it do?

This plugin lets you change a variety of different settings per room and/or zone, these settings vary from changing a lights color, to turning them off! You can even lock all the doors in a room indefinitely or temporarily.

You can use this to have automatic events using the preset system, or affecting a room/zone of your liking using the lights RA/Console command.

This plugin also has a Smart Tesla Gates mode, which makes tesla gates not trigger when the light settings in their room reach a certain minimum, such as a specific light intensity, color or simply them being turned off.


As with any EXILED plugin, you must place the Lights.dll file inside of your "/Exiled/Plugins" folder.

(EXILED is required for this plugin to work).


Arguments inside <> are required. [] means it's optional.

Command Description
lights This will print you a help message with examples on how to use this command.
lights <presetId> This will run one of the presets from the server's config.
lights <roomType/zoneType> <duration> <modifierType> [parameters] This will run a temporary/permanent custom effect on a specific room/entire zone, click here for a more up-to-date list of all modifier types
Modifiers Description Arguments Example
Color Will modify the color of all the lights in a room. <r> <g> <b> 255 100 255
Intensity Will modify the light's intensity in a room. <intensity> 0.5
Blackout Will turn all lights in a room off. N/A N/A
Lockdown Will lock all doors in a room. (Works weird) N/A N/A


Exiled 2.0 or above has auto-generated config files, alongside documentation! So check out your config file for more information on it!


These are the permissions that should be added to your permissions.yml inside your "/Exiled/Configs" folder. Permission Description
lights.custom | Gives access to the lights <roomType/zoneType> <duration> etcetc... command.
lights.presets | Gives access to the lights <PresetID> command.
lights.presets.<id> Gives access to a specific preset. This won't work if SpecificPermissionsRequired is set to false!
lights.presets.* Gives access to all presets.
lights.* Gives all the permissions above.

That'd be all

Thank you for passing by, have a nice day! :)