Sebobo / Shel.Blog

A simple blog based on Fusion and Yaml configurations without PHP requirements
MIT License
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blogging hacktoberfest neos-cms

A simple configurable blog/news plugin for Neos CMS with AMP support

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I developed this blog package for several projects including my own blog.

Built with Fusion & AFX & YAML

Almost all features of this blog package are based on Fusion, AFX and YAML configurations. So it's very easy to extend and adapt to your needs.


Coming up


Add the dependency to your site package like this

composer require --no-update shel/blog

And then run composer update in your project's root folder.

You can overwrite and modify the different content elements to your needs:

Upgrade from version 2.x or 3.x

A lot of prototypes and documents were refactored and therefore this upgrade will break your site. The new structure tries to use the most recent best practices for Neos CMS and allows you to easily override many parts of the rendering.

But there is a node migration to update your nodes. Run it like this after updating:

./flow node:migrate 20190214140619

Blog feeds and categories also received a new content area for introduction texts (SEO!). Add them by running this:

./flow node:repair  

But if you did an override on any prototype in your own package you should adapt the naming and structure.

The integrated support for flattr and disqus was removed. If you still need it, please add it yourself.

There is a new constraint mixin to determine which kind of elements are allowed in a blog article. This change might change the behavior in your site, so you should add 'Shel.Blog:Constraint.Article': true as supertype to the content types you want to have available.

Setup a new feed

After installation you have a new page type called Blog feed. Add it to your site - for example in the site root - and call it Feed. Afterwards you can configure a few things in the inspector.

Setup page rendering

By default the Feed, Category and Article document types will inherit their rendering from Neos.Neos:Page. So if you extended this prototype in your own site package, the rendering should work fine as this package will override the Neos.Neos:PrimaryContent prototype which most projects use to render the main content area. This way the blog will render its own content where you usually have your main content.

If not you might get an error like No template path set. .... Then you have to tell the package which document prototype it should use as basis.

For the Neos.Demo site package it would look like this:

prototype(Shel.Blog:Document.GenericBlogPage) < prototype(Neos.NodeTypes:Page)

This way, the feed, category and article document types will know how to render. Of course you can also give each of their prototypes a different parent prototype instead of the GenericBlogPage.

That would look like this:

prototype(Shel.Blog:Document.Feed) < prototype(My.Package:MyFeedPage) 
prototype(Shel.Blog:Document.Article) < prototype(My.Package:MyArticlePage) 

Changing the parent prototype of Feed will also change the one for Category as it inherits from Feed.

Remember that you need to render the Neos.Neos:PrimaryContent object somewhere to get output.

Configure allowed content types

By default the blog article allows most elements defined in Neos.NodeTypes. To add your own types, add 'Shel.Blog:Constraint.Article': true as supertype to them.

The reason for this is that there might come new elements via plugins that don't work well with the blog in standard or AMP mode.

Therefore you should make sure that those elements work well there.

HTML content

The HTML version will use your default page template and replace the mainContent area with your blog articles. All fields are inline editable except the publication date which makes it easy to modify your articles pretty fast!

Each blog article includes a paging widget which allows you to navigate to the next/previous blog articles.

Atom/XML feed

The Atom/XML version will use its own rendering and most of the time you don't need to change anything there. It will contain the full version of your articles including HTML. So images and everything. All active pages of type Shel.Blog:Document.Feed will automatically be linked in the HTML header as meta tags.

Category pages can work the same but their feed link is hidden by default. You can enable this by unchecking Hide feed link in the categories inspector options.

AMP rendering

As AMP itself is still work in progress, this feature is also work in progress. This package tries to provide good defaults you can start with and customize to your needs. As everything is written in Fusion, you can override and change anything you want.

After you publish some blog articles with the help of this package, Google should be able to find the AMP versions of each article after a few hours or days and provide the AMP version in its search results.

Each blog article automatically includes a link in the head to its AMP version. The package includes a default CSS for the AMP version and renders the primary content area.

If you have additional custom content elements in a blog article like videos and other stuff you might need to provide processors to make them compatible with AMP. See the replaceImgTags image processor as example.

Please test the AMP version every time you add new features to your blog pages! Also be sure to check Google Search Console on your live site as it will inform you of errors.

Pull request with improvements to this feature are very welcome!


The site is rendered as an array in the Shel.Blog:Layout.AmpPage object. It contains a content object in its body section which is an array you can override and extend with additional content. By default it provides basic layout components such as header, breadcrumb, blog content and pagination.

In the stylesheets section a basic CSS file provided by this package is added inline; see the Shel.Blog:Component.AmpStyles object. Replace it or add another stylesheet to modify the output. Remember that the styles need to be inline for AMP.

Don't add additional JavaScript as this is currently not supported with AMP.

Check out to learn more on how to get started with AMP.


Verify the output of your blog with the developer mode for AMP by loading the AMP version and adding #development=1 to the url. Open the developer tools of your browser and AMP will show you its verification result.

Other plugins and packages you might have installed might break AMP compatibility! Please validate the rendered code by using the browser validator or any other method described here.

Before you create an issue for the AMP mode please run the validation and add the result to the issue.

Turning off AMP rendering mode

You can turn this off with this fusion script:

root.shelBlogArticleAmp >
prototype(Neos.Neos:Page).head.ampLink >


The routes for the sitemap and pagination are auto-included in the Settings.yaml.

You found a problem or have ideas for improvements?

Fork this project at GitHub and create a pull request :) If you are not a developer, create an issue and tell me about your thoughts!