SecondReality / VirtualControllerDriver

A simulated controller for OpenVR
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For detailed instructions on how to use this to create mixed reality videos with two controllers read

Virtual Controller Driver

Virtual Controller Driver simulates a single OpenVR controller.


This allows you to create mixed reality videos with only two controllers. The code also serves as a very simple example of how to create an OpenVR controller driver.


The output file should be named driver_virtualcontroller.dll and should be in the SteamVR/drivers/virtualcontroller\bin\Win32 folder.

Example full path to dll:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\virtualcontroller\bin\Win32\driver_virtualcontroller.dll


After a few seconds you should see a third controller appear like so:


The third controller will look like a Generic HMD inside SteamVR. Because its position is hardcoded to (0, 0, 0) and cannot be changed it will appear exactly where a lighthouse is (if used with a Vive).

How to create mixed reality videos?

There are two approaches:

For detailed instructions on how to use this to create mixed reality videos with two controllers read