SeedPlanterOrg / seedplanter-mobile

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SeedPlanter - Gardening Application

Seedplanter is a gardening application that gives planters an all in one solution to journal, garden, and keep track of their plants


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Use the package manager npm to install dependencies.\ Download expo go

cd Frontend
npm install
cd ../Backend
npm install


In order to run our application, you need to have expo and node installed.\ In the backend directory run the following commands

cd Backend
npm run devStart
cd ../Frontend
npx expo start

Frontend .env Example:

Add a .env in the following format in the /Frontend. Use EXPO_PUBLIC so that expo can read env variables.

EXPO_PUBLIC_PORT="3000"\ EXPO_PUBLIC_IP="" (your IPv4)\ EXPO_PUBlIC_DEPLOYMENT="deployment.url"\ EXPO_PUBLIC_LOCALHOST="http://localhost"

example usage (no imports needed):

const PORT = process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_PORT;

Backend .env Example:

Add a .env in the following format in /Backend folder.

PLANTDB_URL="mongodb+srv://user.your/mongo/url"\ OPENAI_API_KEY=""\ OPENAI_ORG_KEY=""\ JWT_SECRET="secret"\ PORT="3000"
IP="" (your IPv4)\ DEPLOYMENT="deployment.url"\ LOCALHOST="http://localhost"

example usage:

const PORT process.env.PORT